module Examples.Tooltip exposing (example, State, Msg) {-| @docs example, State, Msg -} import Accessibility.Styled as Html exposing (Html) import AtomicDesignType exposing (AtomicDesignType(..)) import Category exposing (Category(..)) import Css import Debug.Control as Control exposing (Control) import Example exposing (Example) import Html.Styled.Attributes exposing (css, href) import KeyboardSupport exposing (Direction(..), Key(..)) import Nri.Ui.Heading.V2 as Heading import Nri.Ui.Text.V4 as Text import Nri.Ui.Tooltip.V2 as Tooltip example : Example State Msg example = { name = "Nri.Ui.Tooltip.V2" , categories = [ Widgets ] , atomicDesignType = Molecule , keyboardSupport = [] , state = init , update = update , subscriptions = \_ -> Sub.none , view = view } type alias State = { openTooltip : Maybe TooltipType , staticExampleSettings : Control StaticExampleSettings } init : State init = { openTooltip = Nothing , staticExampleSettings = initStaticExampleSettings } type TooltipType = PrimaryLabelOnClick | PrimaryLabelOnHover | AuxillaryDescription | ToggleTipTop | ToggleTipRight | ToggleTipBottom | ToggleTipLeft type Msg = ToggleTooltip TooltipType Bool | SetStaticExampleSettings (Control StaticExampleSettings) update : Msg -> State -> ( State, Cmd Msg ) update msg model = case msg of ToggleTooltip type_ isOpen -> if isOpen then ( { model | openTooltip = Just type_ }, Cmd.none ) else ( { model | openTooltip = Nothing }, Cmd.none ) SetStaticExampleSettings settings -> ( { model | staticExampleSettings = settings }, Cmd.none ) view : State -> List (Html Msg) view model = [ Heading.h2 [] [ Html.text "Static Examples" ] , viewStaticExamples model.staticExampleSettings , Heading.h2 [] [ Html.text "Interactive Examples" ] , Text.mediumBody [ Html.text "These tooltips look similar, but serve different purposes when reading them via a screen-reader." ] , Heading.h3 [] [ Html.text "primaryLabel" ] , Text.smallBody [ Html.text "A primary label is used when the tooltip content serves as the main label for its trigger content" , [] , Html.text "e.g. when the trigger content is an icon with no text." ] , Tooltip.view { triggerHtml = Html.text "Primary Label - OnClick Trigger" , id = "primary label tooltip" } [ Tooltip.plaintext "Tooltip" , Tooltip.primaryLabel , Tooltip.onClick (ToggleTooltip PrimaryLabelOnClick) , (model.openTooltip == Just PrimaryLabelOnClick) ] , [ css [ Css.marginBottom (Css.px 20) ] ] , Tooltip.view { triggerHtml = Html.text "Primary Label - OnHover Trigger" , id = "primary label tooltip" } [ Tooltip.plaintext "Tooltip" , Tooltip.primaryLabel , Tooltip.onHover (ToggleTooltip PrimaryLabelOnHover) , (model.openTooltip == Just PrimaryLabelOnHover) ] , [ css [ Css.marginBottom (Css.px 20) ] ] , Heading.h3 [] [ Html.text "auxillaryDescription" ] , Text.smallBody [ Html.text "An auxillary description is used when the tooltip content provides supplementary information about its trigger content" , [] , Html.text "e.g. when the trigger content is a word in the middle of a body of text that requires additional explanation." ] , Tooltip.view { triggerHtml = Html.text "Auxillary Description Trigger" , id = "Auxillary description" } [ Tooltip.plaintext "Tooltip" , Tooltip.onClick (ToggleTooltip AuxillaryDescription) , Tooltip.auxillaryDescription , (model.openTooltip == Just AuxillaryDescription) ] , [ css [ Css.marginBottom (Css.px 20) ] ] , Heading.h3 [] [ Html.text "toggleTip" ] , Text.smallBody [ Html.text "A Toggle Tip is triggered by the \"?\" icon and provides supplemental information for the page." ] , Html.div [ css [ Css.displayFlex, Css.alignItems ] ] [ Tooltip.toggleTip { label = "More info" } [ Tooltip.html [ Html.text "Tooltip On Top! " , Html.a [ href "/" ] [ Html.text "Links work!" ] ] , Tooltip.onHover (ToggleTooltip ToggleTipTop) , (model.openTooltip == Just ToggleTipTop) ] , Text.mediumBody [ Html.text "This toggletip will open on top" ] ] , Html.div [ css [ Css.displayFlex, Css.alignItems ] ] [ Tooltip.toggleTip { label = "More info" } [ Tooltip.html [ Html.text "Tooltip On Left! " , Html.a [ href "/" ] [ Html.text "Links work!" ] ] , Tooltip.onLeft , Tooltip.onHover (ToggleTooltip ToggleTipLeft) , (model.openTooltip == Just ToggleTipLeft) ] , Text.mediumBody [ Html.text "This toggletip will open on the left" ] ] ] type alias StaticExampleSettings = {} initStaticExampleSettings : Control StaticExampleSettings initStaticExampleSettings = Control.record StaticExampleSettings viewStaticExamples : Control StaticExampleSettings -> Html Msg viewStaticExamples controlSettings = let settings = Control.currentValue controlSettings in Html.div [] [ Control.view SetStaticExampleSettings controlSettings |> Html.fromUnstyled ]