module Spec.Nri.Ui.Page.V3 exposing (all) import Expect exposing (Expectation) import Html.Styled as Html import Nri.Ui.Page.V3 as Page import Test exposing (..) import Test.Html.Query as Query import Test.Html.Selector exposing (..) type Msg = NoOp all : Test all = describe "Nri.Ui.Page.V3" [ describe "button text" [ test "handles recovery text for ReturnTo" <| \() -> Page.notFound { link = NoOp , recoveryText = Page.ReturnTo "the main page" } |> Html.toUnstyled |> Query.fromHtml |> Expect.all [ Query.has [ text "Return to the main page" ] ] , test "handles recovery text for Reload" <| \() -> Page.notFound { link = NoOp , recoveryText = Page.Reload } |> Html.toUnstyled |> Query.fromHtml |> Expect.all [ Query.has [ text "Try again" ] ] , test "handles recovery text for Custom" <| \() -> Page.notFound { link = NoOp , recoveryText = Page.Custom "cats" } |> Html.toUnstyled |> Query.fromHtml |> Expect.all [ Query.has [ text "cats" ] ] ] ]