module Spec.Nri.Ui.Select exposing (spec) import Expect exposing (Expectation) import Html import Html.Attributes as Attr import Html.Styled import Nri.Ui.Select.V5 import Nri.Ui.Select.V6 import Nri.Ui.Select.V7 import Test exposing (..) import Test.Html.Query as Query import Test.Html.Selector exposing (..) spec : Test spec = describe "view" [ describe "V5" (viewSuiteV5 (\config -> { choices = config.choices , current = config.current , id = Nothing , valueToString = identity } |> Nri.Ui.Select.V5.view |> Html.Styled.toUnstyled ) ) , describe "V6" (viewSuiteV6 (\config -> { choices = config.choices , current = config.current , id = Nothing , valueToString = identity , defaultDisplayText = config.defaultDisplayText } |> Nri.Ui.Select.V6.view |> Html.Styled.toUnstyled ) ) , describe "V7" (viewSuiteV7 (\config -> { choices = config.choices , current = config.current , id = "fake-id" , valueToString = identity , defaultDisplayText = config.defaultDisplayText , isInError = False } |> Nri.Ui.Select.V7.view |> Html.Styled.toUnstyled ) ) ] viewSuiteV5 : ({ choices : List { label : String, value : String }, current : String } -> Html.Html msg) -> List Test viewSuiteV5 view = [ test "shows all options" <| \() -> viewTestV5 view "Tacos" [ "Tacos", "Burritos", "Enchiladas" ] |> Query.find [ tag "select" ] |> Query.findAll [ tag "option" ] |> Query.count (Expect.equal 3) , test "selects the current option" <| \() -> viewTestV5 view "Burritos" [ "Tacos", "Burritos", "Enchiladas" ] |> Query.find [ tag "option" , attribute <| Attr.selected True ] |> Query.has [ text "Burritos" ] ] viewTestV5 : ({ choices : List { label : a, value : a }, current : b } -> Html.Html msg) -> b -> List a -> Query.Single msg viewTestV5 view selected items = Query.fromHtml (Html.div [] [ view { choices = (\x -> { label = x, value = x }) items , current = selected } ] ) viewSuiteV6 : ({ choices : List { label : String, value : String }, current : Maybe String, defaultDisplayText : Maybe String } -> Html.Html msg) -> List Test viewSuiteV6 view = [ describe "without a default option" [ test "shows all options" <| \() -> viewTestV6 view Nothing Nothing [ "Tacos", "Burritos", "Enchiladas" ] |> Query.find [ tag "select" ] |> Query.findAll [ tag "option" ] |> Query.count (Expect.equal 3) , test "selects the first option if nothing is selected and there's no default" <| \() -> viewTestV6 view Nothing Nothing [ "Tacos", "Burritos", "Enchiladas" ] |> Query.find [ tag "option" , attribute <| Attr.selected True ] |> Query.has [ text "Tacos" ] , test "selects the current option" <| \() -> viewTestV6 view Nothing (Just "Burritos") [ "Tacos", "Burritos", "Enchiladas" ] |> Query.find [ tag "option" , attribute <| Attr.selected True ] |> Query.has [ text "Burritos" ] ] , describe "with a default option" [ test "shows all options" <| \() -> viewTestV6 view (Just "Tasty tortilla'd foods") Nothing [ "Tacos", "Burritos", "Enchiladas" ] |> Query.find [ tag "select" ] |> Query.findAll [ tag "option" ] |> Query.count (Expect.equal 4) , test "selects the disabled default option if nothing is currently selected" <| \() -> viewTestV6 view (Just "Tasty tortilla'd foods") Nothing [ "Tacos", "Burritos", "Enchiladas" ] |> Query.find [ tag "option" , attribute <| Attr.selected True , attribute <| Attr.disabled True ] |> Query.has [ text "Tasty tortilla'd foods" ] , test "selects the current option" <| \() -> viewTestV6 view (Just "Tasty tortilla'd foods") (Just "Burritos") [ "Tacos", "Burritos", "Enchiladas" ] |> Query.find [ tag "option" , attribute <| Attr.selected True ] |> Query.has [ text "Burritos" ] ] ] viewTestV6 : ({ choices : List { label : a, value : a }, current : Maybe b, defaultDisplayText : Maybe String } -> Html.Html msg) -> Maybe String -> Maybe b -> List a -> Query.Single msg viewTestV6 view defaultDisplayText selected items = Query.fromHtml (Html.div [] [ view { choices = (\x -> { label = x, value = x }) items , current = selected , defaultDisplayText = defaultDisplayText } ] ) viewSuiteV7 : ({ choices : List { label : String, value : String }, current : Maybe String, defaultDisplayText : Maybe String } -> Html.Html msg) -> List Test viewSuiteV7 view = [ describe "without a default option" [ test "shows all options" <| \() -> viewTestV7 view Nothing Nothing [ "Tacos", "Burritos", "Enchiladas" ] |> Query.find [ tag "select" ] |> Query.findAll [ tag "option" ] |> Query.count (Expect.equal 3) , test "selects the first option if nothing is selected and there's no default" <| \() -> viewTestV7 view Nothing Nothing [ "Tacos", "Burritos", "Enchiladas" ] |> Query.find [ tag "option" , attribute <| Attr.selected True ] |> Query.has [ text "Tacos" ] , test "selects the current option" <| \() -> viewTestV7 view Nothing (Just "Burritos") [ "Tacos", "Burritos", "Enchiladas" ] |> Query.find [ tag "option" , attribute <| Attr.selected True ] |> Query.has [ text "Burritos" ] ] , describe "with a default option" [ test "shows all options" <| \() -> viewTestV7 view (Just "Tasty tortilla'd foods") Nothing [ "Tacos", "Burritos", "Enchiladas" ] |> Query.find [ tag "select" ] |> Query.findAll [ tag "option" ] |> Query.count (Expect.equal 4) , test "selects the disabled default option if nothing is currently selected" <| \() -> viewTestV7 view (Just "Tasty tortilla'd foods") Nothing [ "Tacos", "Burritos", "Enchiladas" ] |> Query.find [ tag "option" , attribute <| Attr.selected True , attribute <| Attr.disabled True ] |> Query.has [ text "Tasty tortilla'd foods" ] , test "selects the current option" <| \() -> viewTestV7 view (Just "Tasty tortilla'd foods") (Just "Burritos") [ "Tacos", "Burritos", "Enchiladas" ] |> Query.find [ tag "option" , attribute <| Attr.selected True ] |> Query.has [ text "Burritos" ] ] ] viewTestV7 : ({ choices : List { label : a, value : a }, current : Maybe b, defaultDisplayText : Maybe String } -> Html.Html msg) -> Maybe String -> Maybe b -> List a -> Query.Single msg viewTestV7 view defaultDisplayText selected items = Query.fromHtml (Html.div [] [ view { choices = (\x -> { label = x, value = x }) items , current = selected , defaultDisplayText = defaultDisplayText } ] )