module CommonControls exposing (httpError) import Debug.Control as Control exposing (Control) import Http httpError : Control Http.Error httpError = Control.choice [ ( "Bad Url", Control.value (Http.BadUrl "/request-url") ) , ( "Timeout", Control.value Http.Timeout ) , ( "Network Error", Control.value Http.NetworkError ) , ( "Bad Status: 401", Control.value (Http.BadStatus 401) ) , ( "Bad Status: 404", Control.value (Http.BadStatus 404) ) , ( "Bad Status: ???", Control.value (Http.BadStatus 500) ) , ( "Bad Body (often, a JSON decoding problem)" , Control.value (Http.BadBody """ The Json.Decode.oneOf at json.draft failed in the following 2 ways: (1) Problem with the given value: null Expecting an OBJECT with a field named `content` (2) Problem with the given value: null Expecting an OBJECT with a field named `code` """ ) ) ]