module Examples exposing (Msg, State, all) import Example exposing (Example) import Examples.Accordion as Accordion import Examples.AssignmentIcon as AssignmentIcon import Examples.Button as Button import Examples.Callout as Callout import Examples.Checkbox as Checkbox import Examples.ClickableSvg as ClickableSvg import Examples.ClickableText as ClickableText import Examples.Colors as Colors import Examples.Confetti as Confetti import Examples.DisclosureIndicator as DisclosureIndicator import Examples.Divider as Divider import Examples.Fonts as Fonts import Examples.Heading as Heading import Examples.Icon as Icon import Examples.Loading as Loading import Examples.Logo as Logo import Examples.MasteryIcon as MasteryIcon import Examples.Menu as Menu import Examples.Message as Message import Examples.Modal as Modal import Examples.Page as Page import Examples.Pennant as Pennant import Examples.RadioButton as RadioButton import Examples.SegmentedControl as SegmentedControl import Examples.Select as Select import Examples.Slide as Slide import Examples.SlideModal as SlideModal import Examples.SortableTable as SortableTable import Examples.Svg as Svg import Examples.Switch as Switch import Examples.Table as Table import Examples.Tabs as Tabs import Examples.Text as Text import Examples.Text.Writing as Writing import Examples.TextArea as TextArea import Examples.TextInput as TextInput import Examples.Tooltip as Tooltip import Examples.UiIcon as UiIcon all : List (Example State Msg) all = [ Accordion.example |> Example.wrapMsg AccordionMsg (\msg -> case msg of AccordionMsg childMsg -> Just childMsg _ -> Nothing ) |> Example.wrapState AccordionState (\msg -> case msg of AccordionState childState -> Just childState _ -> Nothing ) , AssignmentIcon.example |> Example.wrapMsg AssignmentIconMsg (\msg -> case msg of AssignmentIconMsg childMsg -> Just childMsg _ -> Nothing ) |> Example.wrapState AssignmentIconState (\msg -> case msg of AssignmentIconState childState -> Just childState _ -> Nothing ) , Button.example |> Example.wrapMsg ButtonMsg (\msg -> case msg of ButtonMsg childMsg -> Just childMsg _ -> Nothing ) |> Example.wrapState ButtonState (\msg -> case msg of ButtonState childState -> Just childState _ -> Nothing ) , Callout.example |> Example.wrapMsg CalloutMsg (\msg -> case msg of CalloutMsg childMsg -> Just childMsg _ -> Nothing ) |> Example.wrapState CalloutState (\msg -> case msg of CalloutState childState -> Just childState _ -> Nothing ) , Checkbox.example |> Example.wrapMsg CheckboxMsg (\msg -> case msg of CheckboxMsg childMsg -> Just childMsg _ -> Nothing ) |> Example.wrapState CheckboxState (\msg -> case msg of CheckboxState childState -> Just childState _ -> Nothing ) , ClickableSvg.example |> Example.wrapMsg ClickableSvgMsg (\msg -> case msg of ClickableSvgMsg childMsg -> Just childMsg _ -> Nothing ) |> Example.wrapState ClickableSvgState (\msg -> case msg of ClickableSvgState childState -> Just childState _ -> Nothing ) , ClickableText.example |> Example.wrapMsg ClickableTextMsg (\msg -> case msg of ClickableTextMsg childMsg -> Just childMsg _ -> Nothing ) |> Example.wrapState ClickableTextState (\msg -> case msg of ClickableTextState childState -> Just childState _ -> Nothing ) , Colors.example |> Example.wrapMsg ColorsMsg (\msg -> case msg of ColorsMsg childMsg -> Just childMsg _ -> Nothing ) |> Example.wrapState ColorsState (\msg -> case msg of ColorsState childState -> Just childState _ -> Nothing ) , Confetti.example |> Example.wrapMsg ConfettiMsg (\msg -> case msg of ConfettiMsg childMsg -> Just childMsg _ -> Nothing ) |> Example.wrapState ConfettiState (\msg -> case msg of ConfettiState childState -> Just childState _ -> Nothing ) , DisclosureIndicator.example |> Example.wrapMsg DisclosureIndicatorMsg (\msg -> case msg of DisclosureIndicatorMsg childMsg -> Just childMsg _ -> Nothing ) |> Example.wrapState DisclosureIndicatorState (\msg -> case msg of DisclosureIndicatorState childState -> Just childState _ -> Nothing ) , Divider.example |> Example.wrapMsg DividerMsg (\msg -> case msg of DividerMsg childMsg -> Just childMsg _ -> Nothing ) |> Example.wrapState DividerState (\msg -> case msg of DividerState childState -> Just childState _ -> Nothing ) , Fonts.example |> Example.wrapMsg FontsMsg (\msg -> case msg of FontsMsg childMsg -> Just childMsg _ -> Nothing ) |> Example.wrapState FontsState (\msg -> case msg of FontsState childState -> Just childState _ -> Nothing ) , Heading.example |> Example.wrapMsg HeadingMsg (\msg -> case msg of HeadingMsg childMsg -> Just childMsg _ -> Nothing ) |> Example.wrapState HeadingState (\msg -> case msg of HeadingState childState -> Just childState _ -> Nothing ) , Icon.example |> Example.wrapMsg IconMsg (\msg -> case msg of IconMsg childMsg -> Just childMsg _ -> Nothing ) |> Example.wrapState IconState (\msg -> case msg of IconState childState -> Just childState _ -> Nothing ) , Loading.example |> Example.wrapMsg LoadingMsg (\msg -> case msg of LoadingMsg childMsg -> Just childMsg _ -> Nothing ) |> Example.wrapState LoadingState (\msg -> case msg of LoadingState childState -> Just childState _ -> Nothing ) , Logo.example |> Example.wrapMsg LogoMsg (\msg -> case msg of LogoMsg childMsg -> Just childMsg _ -> Nothing ) |> Example.wrapState LogoState (\msg -> case msg of LogoState childState -> Just childState _ -> Nothing ) , MasteryIcon.example |> Example.wrapMsg MasteryIconMsg (\msg -> case msg of MasteryIconMsg childMsg -> Just childMsg _ -> Nothing ) |> Example.wrapState MasteryIconState (\msg -> case msg of MasteryIconState childState -> Just childState _ -> Nothing ) , Menu.example |> Example.wrapMsg MenuMsg (\msg -> case msg of MenuMsg childMsg -> Just childMsg _ -> Nothing ) |> Example.wrapState MenuState (\msg -> case msg of MenuState childState -> Just childState _ -> Nothing ) , Message.example |> Example.wrapMsg MessageMsg (\msg -> case msg of MessageMsg childMsg -> Just childMsg _ -> Nothing ) |> Example.wrapState MessageState (\msg -> case msg of MessageState childState -> Just childState _ -> Nothing ) , Modal.example |> Example.wrapMsg ModalMsg (\msg -> case msg of ModalMsg childMsg -> Just childMsg _ -> Nothing ) |> Example.wrapState ModalState (\msg -> case msg of ModalState childState -> Just childState _ -> Nothing ) , Page.example |> Example.wrapMsg PageMsg (\msg -> case msg of PageMsg childMsg -> Just childMsg _ -> Nothing ) |> Example.wrapState PageState (\msg -> case msg of PageState childState -> Just childState _ -> Nothing ) , Pennant.example |> Example.wrapMsg PennantMsg (\msg -> case msg of PennantMsg childMsg -> Just childMsg _ -> Nothing ) |> Example.wrapState PennantState (\msg -> case msg of PennantState childState -> Just childState _ -> Nothing ) , RadioButton.example |> Example.wrapMsg RadioButtonMsg (\msg -> case msg of RadioButtonMsg childMsg -> Just childMsg _ -> Nothing ) |> Example.wrapState RadioButtonState (\msg -> case msg of RadioButtonState childState -> Just childState _ -> Nothing ) , SegmentedControl.example |> Example.wrapMsg SegmentedControlMsg (\msg -> case msg of SegmentedControlMsg childMsg -> Just childMsg _ -> Nothing ) |> Example.wrapState SegmentedControlState (\msg -> case msg of SegmentedControlState childState -> Just childState _ -> Nothing ) , Select.example |> Example.wrapMsg SelectMsg (\msg -> case msg of SelectMsg childMsg -> Just childMsg _ -> Nothing ) |> Example.wrapState SelectState (\msg -> case msg of SelectState childState -> Just childState _ -> Nothing ) , Slide.example |> Example.wrapMsg SlideMsg (\msg -> case msg of SlideMsg childMsg -> Just childMsg _ -> Nothing ) |> Example.wrapState SlideState (\msg -> case msg of SlideState childState -> Just childState _ -> Nothing ) , SlideModal.example |> Example.wrapMsg SlideModalMsg (\msg -> case msg of SlideModalMsg childMsg -> Just childMsg _ -> Nothing ) |> Example.wrapState SlideModalState (\msg -> case msg of SlideModalState childState -> Just childState _ -> Nothing ) , SortableTable.example |> Example.wrapMsg SortableTableMsg (\msg -> case msg of SortableTableMsg childMsg -> Just childMsg _ -> Nothing ) |> Example.wrapState SortableTableState (\msg -> case msg of SortableTableState childState -> Just childState _ -> Nothing ) , Svg.example |> Example.wrapMsg SvgMsg (\msg -> case msg of SvgMsg childMsg -> Just childMsg _ -> Nothing ) |> Example.wrapState SvgState (\msg -> case msg of SvgState childState -> Just childState _ -> Nothing ) , Switch.example |> Example.wrapMsg SwitchMsg (\msg -> case msg of SwitchMsg childMsg -> Just childMsg _ -> Nothing ) |> Example.wrapState SwitchState (\msg -> case msg of SwitchState childState -> Just childState _ -> Nothing ) , Table.example |> Example.wrapMsg TableMsg (\msg -> case msg of TableMsg childMsg -> Just childMsg _ -> Nothing ) |> Example.wrapState TableState (\msg -> case msg of TableState childState -> Just childState _ -> Nothing ) , Tabs.example |> Example.wrapMsg TabsMsg (\msg -> case msg of TabsMsg childMsg -> Just childMsg _ -> Nothing ) |> Example.wrapState TabsState (\msg -> case msg of TabsState childState -> Just childState _ -> Nothing ) , Text.example |> Example.wrapMsg TextMsg (\msg -> case msg of TextMsg childMsg -> Just childMsg _ -> Nothing ) |> Example.wrapState TextState (\msg -> case msg of TextState childState -> Just childState _ -> Nothing ) , Writing.example |> Example.wrapMsg WritingMsg (\msg -> case msg of WritingMsg childMsg -> Just childMsg _ -> Nothing ) |> Example.wrapState WritingState (\msg -> case msg of WritingState childState -> Just childState _ -> Nothing ) , TextArea.example |> Example.wrapMsg TextAreaMsg (\msg -> case msg of TextAreaMsg childMsg -> Just childMsg _ -> Nothing ) |> Example.wrapState TextAreaState (\msg -> case msg of TextAreaState childState -> Just childState _ -> Nothing ) , TextInput.example |> Example.wrapMsg TextInputMsg (\msg -> case msg of TextInputMsg childMsg -> Just childMsg _ -> Nothing ) |> Example.wrapState TextInputState (\msg -> case msg of TextInputState childState -> Just childState _ -> Nothing ) , Tooltip.example |> Example.wrapMsg TooltipMsg (\msg -> case msg of TooltipMsg childMsg -> Just childMsg _ -> Nothing ) |> Example.wrapState TooltipState (\msg -> case msg of TooltipState childState -> Just childState _ -> Nothing ) , UiIcon.example |> Example.wrapMsg UiIconMsg (\msg -> case msg of UiIconMsg childMsg -> Just childMsg _ -> Nothing ) |> Example.wrapState UiIconState (\msg -> case msg of UiIconState childState -> Just childState _ -> Nothing ) ] type State = AccordionState Accordion.State | AssignmentIconState AssignmentIcon.State | ButtonState Button.State | CalloutState Callout.State | CheckboxState Checkbox.State | ClickableSvgState ClickableSvg.State | ClickableTextState ClickableText.State | ColorsState Colors.State | ConfettiState Confetti.State | DisclosureIndicatorState DisclosureIndicator.State | DividerState Divider.State | FontsState Fonts.State | HeadingState Heading.State | IconState Icon.State | LoadingState Loading.State | LogoState Logo.State | MasteryIconState MasteryIcon.State | MenuState Menu.State | MessageState Message.State | ModalState Modal.State | PageState Page.State | PennantState Pennant.State | RadioButtonState RadioButton.State | SegmentedControlState SegmentedControl.State | SelectState Select.State | SlideState Slide.State | SlideModalState SlideModal.State | SortableTableState SortableTable.State | SvgState Svg.State | SwitchState Switch.State | TableState Table.State | TabsState Tabs.State | TextState Text.State | TextAreaState TextArea.State | TextInputState TextInput.State | TooltipState Tooltip.State | UiIconState UiIcon.State | WritingState Writing.State type Msg = AccordionMsg Accordion.Msg | AssignmentIconMsg AssignmentIcon.Msg | ButtonMsg Button.Msg | CalloutMsg Callout.Msg | CheckboxMsg Checkbox.Msg | ClickableSvgMsg ClickableSvg.Msg | ClickableTextMsg ClickableText.Msg | ColorsMsg Colors.Msg | ConfettiMsg Confetti.Msg | DisclosureIndicatorMsg DisclosureIndicator.Msg | DividerMsg Divider.Msg | FontsMsg Fonts.Msg | HeadingMsg Heading.Msg | IconMsg Icon.Msg | LoadingMsg Loading.Msg | LogoMsg Logo.Msg | MasteryIconMsg MasteryIcon.Msg | MenuMsg Menu.Msg | MessageMsg Message.Msg | ModalMsg Modal.Msg | PageMsg Page.Msg | PennantMsg Pennant.Msg | RadioButtonMsg RadioButton.Msg | SegmentedControlMsg SegmentedControl.Msg | SelectMsg Select.Msg | SlideMsg Slide.Msg | SlideModalMsg SlideModal.Msg | SortableTableMsg SortableTable.Msg | SvgMsg Svg.Msg | SwitchMsg Switch.Msg | TableMsg Table.Msg | TabsMsg Tabs.Msg | TextMsg Text.Msg | TextAreaMsg TextArea.Msg | TextInputMsg TextInput.Msg | TooltipMsg Tooltip.Msg | UiIconMsg UiIcon.Msg | WritingMsg Writing.Msg