module NriModules exposing (ModuleStates, Msg, init, nriThemedModules, subscriptions, update) import Assets exposing (assets) import Examples.Alert import Examples.BannerAlert import Examples.Button import Examples.Callout import Examples.Checkbox import Examples.ClickableText import Examples.Colors import Examples.DisclosureIndicator import Examples.Dropdown import Examples.Fonts import Examples.Icon import Examples.Modal import Examples.Page import Examples.SegmentedControl import Examples.Select import Examples.Slide import Examples.SlideModal import Examples.SortableTable import Examples.Table import Examples.Tabs import Examples.Text import Examples.Text.Writing import Examples.TextArea as TextAreaExample import Examples.TextInput as TextInputExample import Html exposing (Html, img) import Html.Attributes exposing (..) import ModuleExample exposing (Category(..), ModuleExample) import Url exposing (Url) type alias ModuleStates = { buttonExampleState : Examples.Button.State Msg , bannerAlertExampleState : Examples.BannerAlert.State , clickableTextExampleState : Examples.ClickableText.State , checkboxExampleState : Examples.Checkbox.State , dropdownState : Examples.Dropdown.State Examples.Dropdown.Value , segmentedControlState : Examples.SegmentedControl.State , selectState : Examples.Select.State Examples.Select.Value , tableExampleState : Examples.Table.State , textAreaExampleState : TextAreaExample.State , textInputExampleState : TextInputExample.State , disclosureIndicatorExampleState : Examples.DisclosureIndicator.State , modalExampleState : Examples.Modal.State , slideModalExampleState : Examples.SlideModal.State , slideExampleState : Examples.Slide.State , sortableTableState : Examples.SortableTable.State , tabsExampleState : Examples.Tabs.Tab } init : ModuleStates init = { buttonExampleState = Examples.Button.init assets , bannerAlertExampleState = Examples.BannerAlert.init , clickableTextExampleState = Examples.ClickableText.init assets , checkboxExampleState = Examples.Checkbox.init , dropdownState = Examples.Dropdown.init , segmentedControlState = Examples.SegmentedControl.init assets , selectState = Examples.Select.init , tableExampleState = Examples.Table.init , textAreaExampleState = TextAreaExample.init , textInputExampleState = TextInputExample.init , disclosureIndicatorExampleState = Examples.DisclosureIndicator.init , modalExampleState = Examples.Modal.init , slideModalExampleState = Examples.SlideModal.init , slideExampleState = Examples.Slide.init , sortableTableState = Examples.SortableTable.init , tabsExampleState = Examples.Tabs.First } type Msg = ButtonExampleMsg (Examples.Button.Msg Msg) | BannerAlertExampleMsg Examples.BannerAlert.Msg | ClickableTextExampleMsg Examples.ClickableText.Msg | CheckboxExampleMsg Examples.Checkbox.Msg | DropdownMsg Examples.Dropdown.Msg | SegmentedControlMsg Examples.SegmentedControl.Msg | SelectMsg Examples.Select.Msg | ShowItWorked String String | TableExampleMsg Examples.Table.Msg | TextAreaExampleMsg TextAreaExample.Msg | TextInputExampleMsg TextInputExample.Msg | DisclosureIndicatorExampleMsg Examples.DisclosureIndicator.Msg | ModalExampleMsg Examples.Modal.Msg | SlideModalExampleMsg Examples.SlideModal.Msg | SlideExampleMsg Examples.Slide.Msg | SortableTableMsg Examples.SortableTable.Msg | TabsExampleMsg Examples.Tabs.Tab | NoOp update : Msg -> ModuleStates -> ( ModuleStates, Cmd Msg ) update outsideMsg moduleStates = case outsideMsg of ButtonExampleMsg msg -> let ( buttonExampleState, cmd ) = Examples.Button.update msg moduleStates.buttonExampleState in ( { moduleStates | buttonExampleState = buttonExampleState } , ButtonExampleMsg cmd ) BannerAlertExampleMsg msg -> ( { moduleStates | bannerAlertExampleState = Examples.BannerAlert.update msg moduleStates.bannerAlertExampleState } , Cmd.none ) ClickableTextExampleMsg msg -> let ( clickableTextExampleState, cmd ) = Examples.ClickableText.update msg moduleStates.clickableTextExampleState in ( { moduleStates | clickableTextExampleState = clickableTextExampleState } , ClickableTextExampleMsg cmd ) CheckboxExampleMsg msg -> let ( checkboxExampleState, cmd ) = Examples.Checkbox.update msg moduleStates.checkboxExampleState in ( { moduleStates | checkboxExampleState = checkboxExampleState }, CheckboxExampleMsg cmd ) DropdownMsg msg -> let ( dropdownState, cmd ) = Examples.Dropdown.update msg moduleStates.dropdownState in ( { moduleStates | dropdownState = dropdownState } , DropdownMsg cmd ) SegmentedControlMsg msg -> let ( segmentedControlState, cmd ) = Examples.SegmentedControl.update msg moduleStates.segmentedControlState in ( { moduleStates | segmentedControlState = segmentedControlState } , SegmentedControlMsg cmd ) SelectMsg msg -> let ( selectState, cmd ) = Examples.Select.update msg moduleStates.selectState in ( { moduleStates | selectState = selectState } , SelectMsg cmd ) ShowItWorked group message -> let _ = Debug.log group message in ( moduleStates, Cmd.none ) TableExampleMsg msg -> let ( tableExampleState, cmd ) = Examples.Table.update msg moduleStates.tableExampleState in ( { moduleStates | tableExampleState = tableExampleState } , TableExampleMsg cmd ) TextAreaExampleMsg msg -> let ( textAreaExampleState, cmd ) = TextAreaExample.update msg moduleStates.textAreaExampleState in ( { moduleStates | textAreaExampleState = textAreaExampleState } , TextAreaExampleMsg cmd ) TextInputExampleMsg msg -> let ( textInputExampleState, cmd ) = TextInputExample.update msg moduleStates.textInputExampleState in ( { moduleStates | textInputExampleState = textInputExampleState } , TextInputExampleMsg cmd ) DisclosureIndicatorExampleMsg msg -> let ( disclosureIndicatorExampleState, cmd ) = Examples.DisclosureIndicator.update msg moduleStates.disclosureIndicatorExampleState in ( { moduleStates | disclosureIndicatorExampleState = disclosureIndicatorExampleState } , DisclosureIndicatorExampleMsg cmd ) ModalExampleMsg msg -> let ( modalExampleState, cmd ) = Examples.Modal.update msg moduleStates.modalExampleState in ( { moduleStates | modalExampleState = modalExampleState } , ModalExampleMsg cmd ) SlideModalExampleMsg msg -> let ( slideModalExampleState, cmd ) = Examples.SlideModal.update msg moduleStates.slideModalExampleState in ( { moduleStates | slideModalExampleState = slideModalExampleState } , SlideModalExampleMsg cmd ) SlideExampleMsg msg -> let ( slideExampleState, cmd ) = Examples.Slide.update msg moduleStates.slideExampleState in ( { moduleStates | slideExampleState = slideExampleState } , SlideExampleMsg cmd ) SortableTableMsg msg -> let ( sortableTableState, cmd ) = Examples.SortableTable.update msg moduleStates.sortableTableState in ( { moduleStates | sortableTableState = sortableTableState } , SortableTableMsg cmd ) TabsExampleMsg tab -> ( { moduleStates | tabsExampleState = tab } , Cmd.none ) NoOp -> ( moduleStates, Cmd.none ) subscriptions : ModuleStates -> Sub Msg subscriptions moduleStates = Sub.batch [ ModalExampleMsg (Examples.Modal.subscriptions moduleStates.modalExampleState) ] {-| A container with a visually-apparent size for demonstrating how style guide components fill their parents. -} container : Int -> List (Html msg) -> Html msg container width children = Html.div [ Html.Attributes.class "demo-container" , style "width" (Debug.toString width ++ "px") ] children nriThemedModules : ModuleStates -> List (ModuleExample Msg) nriThemedModules model = [ Examples.Alert.example , Examples.BannerAlert.example BannerAlertExampleMsg model.bannerAlertExampleState , Examples.Button.example (exampleMessages ButtonExampleMsg) model.buttonExampleState , Examples.Callout.example , Examples.ClickableText.example (exampleMessages ClickableTextExampleMsg) model.clickableTextExampleState , Examples.Checkbox.example CheckboxExampleMsg model.checkboxExampleState , Examples.Dropdown.example DropdownMsg model.dropdownState , Examples.Icon.example , Examples.Page.example NoOp , Examples.SegmentedControl.example SegmentedControlMsg model.segmentedControlState , Examples.Select.example SelectMsg model.selectState , Examples.Text.example , Examples.Text.Writing.example , Examples.Fonts.example , Examples.Table.example TableExampleMsg model.tableExampleState , TextAreaExample.example TextAreaExampleMsg model.textAreaExampleState , TextInputExample.example TextInputExampleMsg model.textInputExampleState , Examples.DisclosureIndicator.example DisclosureIndicatorExampleMsg model.disclosureIndicatorExampleState , Examples.Colors.example , Examples.Modal.example ModalExampleMsg model.modalExampleState , Examples.SlideModal.example SlideModalExampleMsg model.slideModalExampleState , Examples.Slide.example SlideExampleMsg model.slideExampleState , Examples.SortableTable.example SortableTableMsg model.sortableTableState , Examples.Tabs.example TabsExampleMsg model.tabsExampleState ] exampleMessages : (msg -> Msg) -> String -> ModuleExample.ModuleMessages msg Msg exampleMessages exampleMessageWrapper exampleName = { noOp = NoOp , showItWorked = ShowItWorked exampleName , wrapper = exampleMessageWrapper } route : Url -> Maybe String route location = location.fragment |> (String.dropLeft 1)