const expect = require('expect'); const puppeteer = require('puppeteer'); const httpServer = require('http-server'); const percySnapshot = require('@percy/puppeteer'); const platform = require('os').platform(); // We need to change the args passed to puppeteer based on the platform they're using const puppeteerArgs = /^win/.test(platform) ? [] : ['--single-process']; const PORT = process.env.PORT_NUMBER || 8000; describe('Visual tests', function () { this.timeout(30000); let page; let server; let browser; before(async () => { server = httpServer.createServer({ root: `${__dirname}/../public` }); server.listen(PORT); browser = await puppeteer.launch({ headless: true, timeout: 10000, args: puppeteerArgs }); }); after(() => { server.close(); }); const defaultProcessing = async (name, location) => { await page.goto(location) await page.waitFor(`#${name.replace(".", "-")}`) await percySnapshot(page, name) console.log(`Snapshot complete for ${name}`) } const specialProcessing = { 'Modal': async (name, location) => { await page.goto(location) await page.waitFor(`#${name}`) await'#launch-modal') await page.waitFor('[role="dialog"]') await percySnapshot(page, 'Full Info Modal') await'[aria-label="Close modal"]') await'select', 'warning') await'#launch-modal') await page.waitFor('[role="dialog"]') await percySnapshot(page, 'Full Warning Modal') await'[aria-label="Close modal"]') } } it('All', async function () { page = await browser.newPage(); await page.goto(`http://localhost:${PORT}`); await page.$('#maincontent'); await percySnapshot(page, this.test.fullTitle()); page.close(); }); it('Doodads', async function () { page = await browser.newPage(); await page.goto(`http://localhost:${PORT}`); await page.$('#maincontent'); let links = await page.evaluate(() => { let nodes = Array.from(document.querySelectorAll("[data-nri-description='doodad-link']")); return => [node.text, node.href]) }) await links.reduce((acc, [name, location]) => { return acc.then(() => { let handler = specialProcessing[name] || defaultProcessing return handler(name, location) } ) }, Promise.resolve()) }) });