module App exposing (Effect(..), Model, Msg(..), init, perform, subscriptions, update, view) import Accessibility.Styled as Html exposing (Html) import Browser exposing (Document, UrlRequest(..)) import Browser.Dom import Browser.Navigation exposing (Key) import Category exposing (Category) import Css exposing (..) import Css.Media exposing (withMedia) import Dict exposing (Dict) import Example exposing (Example) import Examples import Html.Styled.Attributes exposing (..) import Http import Json.Decode as Decode import Nri.Ui.CssVendorPrefix.V1 as VendorPrefixed import Nri.Ui.Heading.V2 as Heading import Nri.Ui.MediaQuery.V1 exposing (mobile) import Nri.Ui.Page.V3 as Page import Nri.Ui.SideNav.V3 as SideNav import Nri.Ui.Sprite.V1 as Sprite import Routes exposing (Route) import Sort.Set as Set import Task import Url exposing (Url) type alias Model key = { -- Global UI route : Route , previousRoute : Maybe Route , moduleStates : Dict String (Example Examples.State Examples.Msg) , navigationKey : key , elliePackageDependencies : Result Http.Error (Dict String String) } init : () -> Url -> key -> ( Model key, Effect ) init () url key = ( { route = Routes.fromLocation url , previousRoute = Nothing , moduleStates = Dict.fromList ( (\example -> (, example )) Examples.all) , navigationKey = key , elliePackageDependencies = Ok Dict.empty } , Cmd.batch [ loadPackage , loadApplicationDependencies ] |> Command ) type Msg = UpdateModuleStates String Examples.Msg | OnUrlRequest Browser.UrlRequest | OnUrlChange Url | ChangeRoute Route | SkipToMainContent | LoadedPackages (Result Http.Error (Dict String String)) | Focused (Result Browser.Dom.Error ()) update : Msg -> Model key -> ( Model key, Effect ) update action model = case action of UpdateModuleStates key exampleMsg -> case Dict.get key model.moduleStates of Just example -> example.update exampleMsg example.state |> Tuple.mapFirst (\newState -> { model | moduleStates = Dict.insert key { example | state = newState } model.moduleStates } ) |> Tuple.mapSecond ( (UpdateModuleStates key) >> Command) Nothing -> ( model, None ) OnUrlRequest request -> case request of Internal loc -> ( model, GoToUrl loc ) External loc -> ( model, Load loc ) OnUrlChange route -> ( { model | route = Routes.fromLocation route , previousRoute = Just model.route } , None ) ChangeRoute route -> ( model , GoToRoute route ) SkipToMainContent -> ( model , FocusOn "maincontent" ) LoadedPackages newPackagesResult -> let -- Ellie gets really slow to compile if we include all the packages, unfortunately! -- feel free to adjust the settings here if you need more packages for a particular example. removedPackages = [ "avh4/elm-debug-controls" , "BrianHicks/elm-particle" , "elm-community/random-extra" , "elm/browser" , "elm/http" , "elm/json" , "elm/parser" , "elm/random" , "elm/regex" , "elm/svg" , "elm/url" , "elm-community/string-extra" , "Gizra/elm-keyboard-event" , "pablohirafuji/elm-markdown" , "rtfeldman/elm-sorter-experiment" , "tesk9/accessible-html-with-css" , "tesk9/palette" , "wernerdegroot/listzipper" ] in ( { model | elliePackageDependencies = List.foldl (\name -> (Dict.remove name)) (Result.map2 Dict.union model.elliePackageDependencies newPackagesResult) removedPackages } , None ) Focused _ -> ( model, None ) type Effect = GoToRoute Route | GoToUrl Url | Load String | FocusOn String | None | Command (Cmd Msg) perform : Key -> Effect -> Cmd Msg perform navigationKey effect = case effect of GoToRoute route -> Browser.Navigation.pushUrl navigationKey (Routes.toString route) GoToUrl url -> Browser.Navigation.pushUrl navigationKey (Url.toString url) Load loc -> Browser.Navigation.load loc FocusOn id -> Task.attempt Focused (Browser.Dom.focus id) None -> Cmd.none Command cmd -> cmd subscriptions : Model key -> Sub Msg subscriptions model = Dict.values model.moduleStates |> (\example -> (UpdateModuleStates (example.subscriptions example.state)) |> Sub.batch view : Model key -> Document Msg view model = let findExampleByName name = Dict.values model.moduleStates |> List.filter (\m -> == name) |> List.head toBody view_ = Html.toUnstyled [ view_ , never Sprite.attach ] in case model.route of Routes.Doodad doodad -> case findExampleByName doodad of Just example -> { title = ++ " in the NoRedInk Style Guide" , body = viewExample model example |> (UpdateModuleStates |> toBody } Nothing -> { title = "Not found in the NoRedInk Style Guide" , body = toBody notFound } Routes.Category category -> { title = Category.forDisplay category ++ " Category in the NoRedInk Style Guide" , body = toBody (viewCategory model category) } Routes.All -> { title = "NoRedInk Style Guide" , body = toBody (viewAll model) } viewExample : Model key -> Example a msg -> Html msg viewExample model example = Html.div [ css [ maxWidth (Css.px 1400), margin auto ] ] [ Example.view model.previousRoute { packageDependencies = model.elliePackageDependencies } example ] notFound : Html Msg notFound = Page.notFound { link = ChangeRoute Routes.All , recoveryText = Page.ReturnTo "Component Library" } viewAll : Model key -> Html Msg viewAll model = withSideNav model.route [ mainContentHeader "All" , viewPreviews "all" (Dict.values model.moduleStates) ] viewCategory : Model key -> Category -> Html Msg viewCategory model category = withSideNav model.route [ mainContentHeader (Category.forDisplay category) , model.moduleStates |> Dict.values |> List.filter (\doodad -> Set.memberOf (Set.fromList Category.sorter doodad.categories) category ) |> viewPreviews (Category.forId category) ] withSideNav : Route -> List (Html Msg) -> Html Msg withSideNav currentRoute content = Html.div [ css [ displayFlex , withMedia [ mobile ] [ flexDirection column, alignItems stretch ] , alignItems flexStart , maxWidth (Css.px 1400) , margin auto ] ] [ navigation currentRoute , Html.main_ [ css [ flexGrow (int 1) , margin2 (px 40) zero , Css.minHeight (Css.vh 100) ] ] content ] mainContentHeader : String -> Html msg mainContentHeader heading = Heading.h1 [ Heading.customAttr (id "maincontent") , Heading.customAttr (tabindex -1) , Heading.css [ marginBottom (px 30) ] ] [ Html.text heading ] viewPreviews : String -> List (Example state msg) -> Html Msg viewPreviews containerId examples = examples |> (\example -> Example.preview ChangeRoute example) |> Html.div [ id containerId , css [ Css.displayFlex , Css.flexWrap Css.wrap , "gap" "10px" ] ] navigation : Route -> Html Msg navigation currentRoute = let categoryNavLinks : List (SideNav.Entry Route Msg) categoryNavLinks = (\category -> SideNav.entry (Category.forDisplay category) [ SideNav.href (Routes.Category category) ] ) Category.all in SideNav.view { isCurrentRoute = (==) currentRoute , routeToString = Routes.toString , onSkipNav = SkipToMainContent } [ SideNav.navNotMobileCss [ VendorPrefixed.value "position" "sticky" , top (px 55) ] ] (SideNav.entry "All" [ SideNav.href Routes.All ] :: categoryNavLinks ) loadPackage : Cmd Msg loadPackage = Http.get { url = "/package.json" , expect = Http.expectJson LoadedPackages (Decode.map2 Dict.singleton (Decode.field "name" Decode.string) (Decode.field "version" Decode.string) ) } loadApplicationDependencies : Cmd Msg loadApplicationDependencies = Http.get { url = "/application.json" , expect = Http.expectJson LoadedPackages ( [ "dependencies", "direct" ] (Decode.dict Decode.string)) }