module Examples.Tooltip exposing (example, State, Msg) {-| @docs example, State, Msg -} import Accessibility.Styled as Html exposing (Html) import Category exposing (Category(..)) import Css import Debug.Control as Control exposing (Control) import Example exposing (Example) import Html.Styled.Attributes as Attributes exposing (css, href) import KeyboardSupport exposing (Direction(..), Key(..)) import Nri.Ui.ClickableSvg.V1 as ClickableSvg import Nri.Ui.ClickableText.V3 as ClickableText import Nri.Ui.Colors.V1 as Colors import Nri.Ui.Heading.V2 as Heading import Nri.Ui.Svg.V1 as Svg import Nri.Ui.Text.V5 as Text import Nri.Ui.Tooltip.V2 as Tooltip import Nri.Ui.UiIcon.V1 as UiIcon example : Example State Msg example = { name = "Tooltip" , version = 2 , categories = [ Widgets ] , keyboardSupport = [] , state = init , update = update , subscriptions = \_ -> Sub.none , view = view } type alias State = { openTooltip : Maybe TooltipType , staticExampleSettings : Control ExampleSettings } init : State init = { openTooltip = Nothing , staticExampleSettings = initStaticExampleSettings } type TooltipType = PrimaryLabel | AuxillaryDescription | LearnMore type Msg = ToggleTooltip TooltipType Bool | SetStaticExampleSettings (Control ExampleSettings) update : Msg -> State -> ( State, Cmd Msg ) update msg model = case msg of ToggleTooltip type_ isOpen -> if isOpen then ( { model | openTooltip = Just type_ }, Cmd.none ) else ( { model | openTooltip = Nothing }, Cmd.none ) SetStaticExampleSettings settings -> ( { model | staticExampleSettings = settings }, Cmd.none ) view : State -> List (Html Msg) view model = [ Heading.h3 [] [ Html.text "Using the Tooltip module" ] , Text.mediumBody [] [ Html.text "Label the Tooltip as either being the " , viewPrimaryLabelTooltip model.openTooltip , Html.text " or the " , viewAuxillaryDescriptionToolip model.openTooltip , Html.text " for the trigger content." , viewToggleTip model.openTooltip ] , viewCustomizableExample model.staticExampleSettings ] viewPrimaryLabelTooltip : Maybe TooltipType -> Html Msg viewPrimaryLabelTooltip openTooltip = Tooltip.view { id = "tooltip__primaryLabel" , trigger = \eventHandlers -> ClickableText.button "primaryLabel" [ ClickableText.custom eventHandlers ] } [ Tooltip.html [ Html.text "A primary label is used when the tooltip content serves as the main label for its trigger content" , [] , Html.text "e.g. when the trigger content is an icon with no text." ] , Tooltip.auxillaryDescription , Tooltip.onHover (ToggleTooltip PrimaryLabel) , (openTooltip == Just PrimaryLabel) , Tooltip.onBottom ] viewAuxillaryDescriptionToolip : Maybe TooltipType -> Html Msg viewAuxillaryDescriptionToolip openTooltip = Tooltip.view { id = "tooltip__auxillaryDescription" , trigger = \eventHandlers -> ClickableText.button "auxillaryDescription" [ ClickableText.custom eventHandlers ] } [ Tooltip.html [ Html.text "An auxillary description is used when the tooltip content provides supplementary information about its trigger content" , [] , Html.text "e.g. when the trigger content is a word in the middle of a body of text that requires additional explanation." ] , Tooltip.auxillaryDescription , Tooltip.onHover (ToggleTooltip AuxillaryDescription) , (openTooltip == Just AuxillaryDescription) , Tooltip.onBottom ] viewToggleTip : Maybe TooltipType -> Html Msg viewToggleTip openTooltip = Tooltip.toggleTip { label = "tooltip__learn-more" } [ Tooltip.html [ Html.a [ href "" ] [ Html.text "Learn more" ] ] , Tooltip.primaryLabel , Tooltip.onHover (ToggleTooltip LearnMore) , (openTooltip == Just LearnMore) , Tooltip.smallPadding , Tooltip.fitToContent ] type alias ExampleSettings = { content : Tooltip.Attribute Never , withoutTail : Bool , direction : Tooltip.Attribute Never , alignment : Tooltip.Attribute Never , width : Tooltip.Attribute Never , padding : Tooltip.Attribute Never } initStaticExampleSettings : Control ExampleSettings initStaticExampleSettings = Control.record ExampleSettings |> Control.field "content" controlContent |> Control.field "withoutTail" controlTail |> Control.field "direction" controlDirection |> Control.field "alignment" controlAlignment |> Control.field "width" controlWidth |> Control.field "padding" controlPadding controlContent : Control (Tooltip.Attribute Never) controlContent = Control.choice [ ( "plaintext" , "Song lyrics are literature." |> Control.string |> Tooltip.plaintext ) , ( "HTML (short)" , [ Html.code [] [ Html.text "git status" ] , Html.text " ⇄ " , Html.em [] [ Html.text "tries again" ] ] |> Tooltip.html |> Control.value ) , ( "HTML" , [ Html.text "Click " , Html.a [ href "", "_blank" ] [ Html.text "here, yes, HERE, right here on this long tooltip. " , Html.div [ css [ Css.display Css.inlineBlock , Css.width (Css.px 20) ] ] [ Svg.toHtml UiIcon.gear ] ] , Html.text " to check out NoRedInk." ] |> Tooltip.html |> Control.value ) ] controlTail : Control Bool controlTail = Control.bool False controlDirection : Control (Tooltip.Attribute Never) controlDirection = Control.choice [ ( "onTop", Control.value Tooltip.onTop ) , ( "onBottom", Control.value Tooltip.onBottom ) , ( "onLeft", Control.value Tooltip.onLeft ) , ( "onRight", Control.value Tooltip.onRight ) ] controlAlignment : Control (Tooltip.Attribute Never) controlAlignment = Control.choice [ ( "alignMiddle (default)", Control.value Tooltip.alignMiddle ) , ( "alignStart", (Css.px >> Tooltip.alignStart) controlNumber ) , ( "alignEnd", (Css.px >> Tooltip.alignEnd) controlNumber ) ] controlNumber : Control Float controlNumber = (String.toFloat >> Maybe.withDefault 0) (Control.string "0") controlWidth : Control (Tooltip.Attribute Never) controlWidth = Control.choice [ ( "exactWidth 320 (default)", Control.value (Tooltip.exactWidth 320) ) , ( "exactWidth", (round >> Tooltip.exactWidth) controlNumber ) , ( "fitToContent", Control.value Tooltip.fitToContent ) ] controlPadding : Control (Tooltip.Attribute Never) controlPadding = Control.choice [ ( "normalPadding (default)", Control.value Tooltip.normalPadding ) , ( "smallPadding", Control.value Tooltip.smallPadding ) , ( "customPadding", Tooltip.customPadding controlNumber ) ] viewCustomizableExample : Control ExampleSettings -> Html Msg viewCustomizableExample controlSettings = let settings = Control.currentValue controlSettings attributes = [ True , settings.content , settings.direction , settings.alignment , settings.width , settings.padding ] ++ (if settings.withoutTail then [ Tooltip.withoutTail ] else [] ) in Html.div [] [ Control.view SetStaticExampleSettings controlSettings |> Html.fromUnstyled , Html.div [ css [ Css.displayFlex , Css.justifyContent , Css.alignItems , Css.height (Css.px 300) ] ] [ Tooltip.view { trigger = \eventHandlers -> ClickableSvg.button "Arrow Up" UiIcon.arrowTop [ ClickableSvg.custom eventHandlers ] , id = "my-top-tooltip" } attributes |> never ] ]