module View exposing (view) import Css exposing (..) import Css.Foreign exposing (Snippet) import DEPRECATED.Css.File exposing (Stylesheet, compile, stylesheet) import DEPRECATED.Css.Namespace import Html exposing (Html, img) import Html.Attributes exposing (..) import Html.CssHelpers import Model exposing (..) import ModuleExample as ModuleExample exposing (Category(..), ModuleExample, categoryForDisplay) import Nri.Ui.Colors.V1 as Colors import Nri.Ui.Css.VendorPrefixed as VendorPrefixed import Nri.Ui.Fonts.V1 as Fonts import NriModules as NriModules exposing (nriThemedModules) import Routes as Routes exposing (Route) import Update exposing (..) view : Model -> Html Msg view model = Html.div [] [ attachElmCssStyles , Html.div [ class [ StyleGuideLayout ] ] [ navigation model.route , Html.div [ class [ StyleGuideContent ] ] (case model.route of Routes.Doodad doodad -> [ Html.h2 [] [ Html.a [ Html.Attributes.href "#" ] [ Html.text "(see all)" ] ] , nriThemedModules model.moduleStates |> List.filter (\m -> m.filename == ("Nri/" ++ doodad)) |> (ModuleExample.view True) |> Html.div [] |> UpdateModuleStates ] Routes.Category category -> [ Html.section [ class [ Section ] ] [ newComponentsLink , Html.h2 [] [ Html.text (toString category) ] , nriThemedModules model.moduleStates |> List.filter (\doodad -> category == doodad.category) |> (ModuleExample.view True) |> Html.div [] |> UpdateModuleStates ] ] Routes.All -> [ Html.section [ class [ Section ] ] [ newComponentsLink , Html.h2 [] [ Html.text "NRI-Themed Modules" ] , Html.h3 [] [ Html.text "All Categories" ] , nriThemedModules model.moduleStates |> (ModuleExample.view True) |> Html.div [] |> UpdateModuleStates ] ] ) ] ] newComponentsLink : Html Msg newComponentsLink = Html.div [] [ Html.h2 [] [ Html.text "New Styleguide Components" ] , Html.div [] [ Html.text "Future styleguide components can be found in " , Html.a [ href "" ] [ Html.text "this Zepplin" ] , Html.text "." ] ] navigation : Route -> Html Msg navigation route = let isActive category = case route of Routes.Category routeCategory -> category == routeCategory _ -> False navLink category = [] [ Html.a [ classList [ ( ActiveCategory, isActive category ) , ( NavLink, True ) ] , Html.Attributes.href <| "#category/" ++ toString category ] [ Html.text (categoryForDisplay category) ] ] in Html.div [ class [ CategoryMenu ] ] [ Html.h4 [] [ Html.text "Categories" ] , Html.ul [ class [ CategoryLinks ] ] <| [] [ Html.a [ Html.Attributes.href "#" , classList [ ( ActiveCategory, route == Routes.All ) , ( NavLink, True ) ] ] [ Html.text "All" ] ] :: navLink [ Text , TextWriting , Fonts , Colors , Layout , Inputs , Buttons , Icons , Behaviors , Messaging , Modals , Writing , DynamicSymbols , Pages , QuestionTypes ] ] type Classes = Section | StyleGuideLayout | StyleGuideContent | CategoryMenu | CategoryLinks | ActiveCategory | NavLink layoutFixer : List Snippet layoutFixer = -- TODO: remove when universal header seizes power [ Css.Foreign.selector "#header-menu" [ "float" "none" ] , Css.Foreign.selector "#page-container" [ maxWidth (px 1400) ] , Css.Foreign.selector ".anonymous .log-in-button" [ "float" "none" , right zero , top zero ] , Css.Foreign.selector ".l-inline-blocks" [ textAlign right ] , Css.Foreign.everything [ Fonts.baseFont ] ] styles : Stylesheet styles = (stylesheet << DEPRECATED.Css.Namespace.namespace "Page-StyleGuide-") <| List.concat [ [ Css.Foreign.class Section [ margin2 (px 40) zero ] , Css.Foreign.class StyleGuideLayout [ displayFlex , alignItems flexStart ] , Css.Foreign.class StyleGuideContent [ flexGrow (int 1) ] , Css.Foreign.class CategoryMenu [ flexBasis (px 300) , backgroundColor Colors.gray92 , marginRight (px 40) , padding (px 25) , VendorPrefixed.value "position" "sticky" , top (px 150) , flexShrink zero ] , Css.Foreign.class CategoryLinks [ margin4 zero zero (px 40) zero , Css.Foreign.children [ Css.Foreign.selector "li" [ margin2 (px 10) zero ] ] ] , Css.Foreign.class NavLink [ backgroundColor transparent , borderStyle none , color ] , Css.Foreign.class ActiveCategory [ color ] ] , layoutFixer ] { id, class, classList } = Html.CssHelpers.withNamespace "Page-StyleGuide-" attachElmCssStyles : Html msg attachElmCssStyles = <| .css <| compile <| List.concat [ [ styles ] , NriModules.styles ]