module Examples.Menu exposing (Msg, State, example) {-| @docs Msg, State, example -} import Accessibility.Styled as Html exposing (..) import AtomicDesignType exposing (AtomicDesignType(..)) import Category exposing (Category(..)) import Css import Debug.Control as Control exposing (Control) import Example exposing (Example) import Html.Styled.Attributes exposing (css) import Nri.Ui.ClickableText.V3 as ClickableText import Nri.Ui.Heading.V2 as Heading import Nri.Ui.Menu.V1 as Menu import Nri.Ui.Svg.V1 as Svg exposing (Svg) import Nri.Ui.UiIcon.V1 as UiIcon import Set exposing (Set) {-| -} example : Example State Msg example = { name = "Nri.Ui.Menu.V1" , state = init , update = update , subscriptions = \_ -> Sub.none , categories = [ Widgets ] , atomicDesignType = AtomicDesignType.Molecule , view = view } view : State -> List (Html Msg) view state = let viewConfiguration = Control.currentValue state.viewConfiguration iconButtonWithMenuConfiguration = Control.currentValue state.iconButtonWithMenuConfiguration isOpen name = case state.openMenu of Just open -> open == name Nothing -> False in [ div [ css [ Css.displayFlex, Css.flexWrap Css.wrap ] ] [ Html.h3 [ css [ Css.width (Css.pct 100) ] ] [ Html.text "Nri.Menu.view" ] , viewControl SetViewConfiguration state.viewConfiguration , Menu.view { isOpen = isOpen "1stPeriodEnglish" , onToggle = menuToggler "1stPeriodEnglish" , id = "1stPeriodEnglish" , title = "1st Period English with Mx. Trainer" , icon = viewConfiguration.icon , hasBorder = viewConfiguration.hasBorder , alignment = viewConfiguration.alignment , wrapping = viewConfiguration.wrapping , isDisabled = viewConfiguration.isDisabled , buttonWidth = viewConfiguration.buttonWidth , menuWidth = viewConfiguration.menuWidth , entries = [ "Buttons" [ Menu.entry <| ClickableText.button "Hello" [ ClickableText.onClick (ConsoleLog "Hello") , ClickableText.small ] , Menu.entry <| ClickableText.button "Performance" [ ClickableText.onClick (ConsoleLog "Performance") , ClickableText.small ] ] ] } ] , div [ css [ Css.displayFlex, Css.flexWrap Css.wrap ] ] [ Html.h3 [ css [ Css.width (Css.pct 100) ] ] [ Html.text "Nri.Menu.iconButtonWithMenu" ] , viewControl SetIconButtonWithMenuConfiguration state.iconButtonWithMenuConfiguration , Menu.iconButtonWithMenu { isTooltipOpen = Set.member "iconButtonWithMenu" state.openTooltips , onShowTooltip = ShowTooltip "iconButtonWithMenu" , id = "icon-button-with-menu" , label = "Menu.iconButtonWithMenu: Click me!" , isOpen = isOpen "icon-button-with-menu" , onToggle = menuToggler "icon-button-with-menu" , icon = iconButtonWithMenuConfiguration.icon , alignment = iconButtonWithMenuConfiguration.alignment , isDisabled = iconButtonWithMenuConfiguration.isDisabled , menuWidth = iconButtonWithMenuConfiguration.menuWidth , entries = [] } ] ] viewControl : (Control a -> Msg) -> Control a -> Html Msg viewControl setControl control = code [ css [ Css.minWidth (Css.px 300), Css.marginRight (Css.px 20) ] ] [ Control.view setControl control |> fromUnstyled ] {-| -} init : State init = { openMenu = Nothing , checkboxChecked = False , openTooltips = Set.empty , viewConfiguration = initViewConfiguration , iconButtonWithMenuConfiguration = initIconButtonWithMenuConfiguration } {-| -} type alias State = { openMenu : Maybe Id , checkboxChecked : Bool , openTooltips : Set String , viewConfiguration : Control ViewConfiguration , iconButtonWithMenuConfiguration : Control IconButtonWithMenuConfiguration } type alias ViewConfiguration = { isDisabled : Bool , hasBorder : Bool , alignment : Menu.Alignment , wrapping : Menu.TitleWrapping , buttonWidth : Maybe Int , menuWidth : Maybe Int , icon : Maybe Svg } initViewConfiguration : Control ViewConfiguration initViewConfiguration = Control.record ViewConfiguration |> Control.field "isDisabled" (Control.bool False) |> Control.field "hasBorder" (Control.bool True) |> Control.field "alignment" (Control.choice [ ( "Right", Control.value Menu.Right ) , ( "Left", Control.value Menu.Left ) ] ) |> Control.field "wrapping" (Control.choice [ ( "WrapAndExpandTitle", Control.value Menu.WrapAndExpandTitle ) , ( "TruncateTitle", Control.value Menu.TruncateTitle ) ] ) |> Control.field "buttonWidth" (Control.maybe False (Control.choice [ ( "220", Control.value 220 ) ])) |> Control.field "menuWidth" (Control.maybe False (Control.choice [ ( "180", Control.value 220 ) ])) |> Control.field "icon" (Control.maybe False (Control.choice [ ( "gift", Control.value ) , ( "hat", Control.value UiIcon.hat ) , ( "star", Control.value ) ] ) ) type alias IconButtonWithMenuConfiguration = { isDisabled : Bool , alignment : Menu.Alignment , menuWidth : Maybe Int , icon : Svg } initIconButtonWithMenuConfiguration : Control IconButtonWithMenuConfiguration initIconButtonWithMenuConfiguration = Control.record IconButtonWithMenuConfiguration |> Control.field "isDisabled" (Control.bool False) |> Control.field "alignment" (Control.choice [ ( "Left", Control.value Menu.Left ) , ( "Right", Control.value Menu.Right ) ] ) |> Control.field "menuWidth" (Control.maybe False (Control.choice [ ( "180", Control.value 220 ) ])) |> Control.field "icon" (Control.choice [ ( "edit", Control.value UiIcon.edit ) , ( "share", Control.value UiIcon.share ) , ( "gear", Control.value UiIcon.gear ) ] ) {-| -} type Msg = SetMenu (Maybe Id) | ShowTooltip String Bool | ConsoleLog String | SetViewConfiguration (Control ViewConfiguration) | SetIconButtonWithMenuConfiguration (Control IconButtonWithMenuConfiguration) | NoOp {-| -} update : Msg -> State -> ( State, Cmd Msg ) update msg state = case msg of SetMenu maybeId -> ( { state | openMenu = maybeId }, Cmd.none ) ShowTooltip key isOpen -> ( { state | openTooltips = if isOpen then Set.insert key state.openTooltips else Set.remove key state.openTooltips } , Cmd.none ) ConsoleLog message -> let _ = Debug.log "Menu Example" message in ( state, Cmd.none ) NoOp -> ( state, Cmd.none ) SetViewConfiguration configuration -> ( { state | viewConfiguration = configuration }, Cmd.none ) SetIconButtonWithMenuConfiguration configuration -> ( { state | iconButtonWithMenuConfiguration = configuration }, Cmd.none ) -- INTERNAL type alias Id = String type alias Value = String menuToggler : Id -> Bool -> Msg menuToggler id desiresToBeOpen = if desiresToBeOpen then SetMenu (Just id) else SetMenu Nothing