module Routes exposing (Route(..), fromLocation, toString, viewBreadCrumbs) import Accessibility.Styled as Html exposing (Html) import Category import Html.Styled.Attributes as Attributes import Nri.Ui.BreadCrumbs.V1 as BreadCrumbs exposing (BreadCrumbs) import Parser exposing ((|.), (|=), Parser) import Url exposing (Url) type Route = Doodad String | Category Category.Category | All toString : Route -> String toString route_ = case route_ of Doodad exampleName -> "#/doodad/" ++ exampleName Category c -> "#/category/" ++ Debug.toString c All -> "#/" route : Parser Route route = Parser.oneOf [ Parser.succeed Category |. Parser.token "/category/" |= (restOfPath |> Parser.andThen category) , Parser.succeed Doodad |. Parser.token "/doodad/" |= restOfPath , Parser.succeed All ] restOfPath : Parser String restOfPath = Parser.getChompedString (Parser.chompWhile (always True)) category : String -> Parser Category.Category category string = case Category.fromString string of Ok c -> Parser.succeed c Err e -> Parser.problem e fromLocation : Url -> Route fromLocation location = location.fragment |> Maybe.withDefault "" |> route |> Result.withDefault All viewBreadCrumbs : Route -> Html msg viewBreadCrumbs currentRoute = breadCrumbs currentRoute |> (BreadCrumbs.view { aTagAttributes = \r -> [ Attributes.href ("/" ++ toString r) ] , isCurrentRoute = (==) currentRoute } ) |> Maybe.withDefault (Html.text "") breadCrumbs : Route -> Maybe (BreadCrumbs Route) breadCrumbs route_ = case route_ of All -> Just allBreadCrumb Category category_ -> Just (categoryCrumb category_) Doodad _ -> Nothing allBreadCrumb : BreadCrumbs Route allBreadCrumb = BreadCrumbs.init { icon = Nothing , iconStyle = BreadCrumbs.Default , id = "breadcrumbs__all" , text = "All" , route = All } categoryCrumb : Category.Category -> BreadCrumbs Route categoryCrumb category_ = BreadCrumbs.after allBreadCrumb { icon = Nothing , iconStyle = BreadCrumbs.Default , id = "breadcrumbs__" ++ Category.forId category_ , text = Category.forDisplay category_ , route = Category category_ }