module Examples.DisclosureIndicator exposing (Msg, State, example) {-| @docs Msg, State, example -} import Category exposing (Category(..)) import Css exposing (Style) import Debug.Control as Control exposing (Control) import Debug.Control.Extra as ControlExtra import Debug.Control.View as ControlView import Example exposing (Example) import Html.Styled as Html import Html.Styled.Attributes exposing (css) import Nri.Ui.DisclosureIndicator.V2 as DisclosureIndicator import Nri.Ui.Text.V6 as Text moduleName : String moduleName = "DisclosureIndicator" version : Int version = 2 {-| -} example : Example State Msg example = { name = moduleName , version = version , categories = [ Icons ] , keyboardSupport = [] , state = init , update = update , subscriptions = \_ -> Sub.none , preview = [ DisclosureIndicator.medium [] False , DisclosureIndicator.medium [] True , DisclosureIndicator.large [] False , DisclosureIndicator.large [] True ] , view = \ellieLinkConfig state -> let attributes = Control.currentValue state.settings in [ Text.smallBodyGray [ Text.plaintext "The disclosure indicator is only the caret. It is NOT a button -- you must create a button or clickabletext yourself!" ] , ControlView.view { ellieLinkConfig = ellieLinkConfig , name = moduleName , version = version , update = UpdateSettings , settings = state.settings , mainType = "RootHtml.Html msg" , extraImports = [] , toExampleCode = \settings -> let toCode viewName = moduleName ++ "." ++ viewName ++ " " ++ Tuple.first settings.css ++ " " ++ Tuple.first settings.isOpen in [ { sectionName = "Large" , code = toCode "large" } , { sectionName = "medium" , code = toCode "medium" } ] } , Html.div [ css [ Css.displayFlex, Css.alignItems, Css.marginBottom (Css.px 8) ] ] [ DisclosureIndicator.large (Tuple.second attributes.css) (Tuple.second attributes.isOpen) , Html.text "large is a 17px caret icon." ] , Html.div [ css [ Css.displayFlex, Css.alignItems, Css.marginBottom (Css.px 8) ] ] [ DisclosureIndicator.medium (Tuple.second attributes.css) (Tuple.second attributes.isOpen) , Html.text "medium is a 15px caret icon." ] ] } {-| -} type alias State = { settings : Control Settings } {-| -} init : State init = { settings = initSettings } type alias Settings = { css : ( String, List Style ) , isOpen : ( String, Bool ) } initSettings : Control Settings initSettings = Control.record Settings |> Control.field "css" (Control.choice [ ( "[ Css.marginRight (Css.px 8) ]" , Control.value ( "[ Css.marginRight (Css.px 8) ]" , [ Css.marginRight (Css.px 8) ] ) ) , ( "[]", Control.value ( "[]", [] ) ) ] ) |> Control.field "isOpen" (ControlExtra.bool False) {-| -} type Msg = UpdateSettings (Control Settings) {-| -} update : Msg -> State -> ( State, Cmd Msg ) update msg state = case msg of UpdateSettings settings -> ( { state | settings = settings }, Cmd.none )