module ModuleExample exposing ( Category(..) , ModuleExample , ModuleMessages , categoryForDisplay , categoryFromString , view ) import Css exposing (..) import Html.Styled as Html exposing (Html, img) import Html.Styled.Attributes as Attributes import Nri.Ui.Colors.V1 exposing (..) type alias ModuleExample msg = { name : String , content : List (Html msg) , category : Category } {-| -} type alias ModuleMessages moduleMsg parentMsg = { noOp : parentMsg , showItWorked : String -> parentMsg , wrapper : moduleMsg -> parentMsg } type Category = Tables | Inputs | Buttons | Icons | Widgets | Messaging | Modals | Colors | Text | Pages | Animations {-| Used for route changes -} categoryFromString : String -> Result String Category categoryFromString string = case string of "Tables" -> Ok Tables "Inputs" -> Ok Inputs "Widgets" -> Ok Widgets "Buttons" -> Ok Buttons "Icons" -> Ok Icons "Messaging" -> Ok Messaging "Modals" -> Ok Modals "Colors" -> Ok Colors "Text" -> Ok Text "Pages" -> Ok Pages "Animations" -> Ok Animations _ -> Err "Invalid String" categoryForDisplay : Category -> String categoryForDisplay category = case category of Tables -> "Tables" Inputs -> "Inputs" Widgets -> "Widgets" Buttons -> "Buttons and Links" Icons -> "Icons" Messaging -> "Alerts and Messages" Modals -> "Modals" Colors -> "Colors" Text -> "Text and Fonts" Pages -> "Error Pages" Animations -> "Animations" view : Bool -> ModuleExample msg -> Html msg view showFocusLink { name, content } = Html.div [ -- this class makes the axe accessibility checking output easier to parse String.replace "." "-" name |> (++) "module-example__" |> Attributes.class ] [ Html.styled Html.div [ display block , backgroundColor glacier , padding (px 20) , marginTop (px 20) ] [] [ Html.styled Html.h2 [ color gray20 , fontFamilies [ qt "Source Code Pro", "Consolas", "Courier", "monospace" ] , fontSize (px 20) , marginTop zero , marginBottom zero ] [] [ Html.text name ] , if showFocusLink then viewLink "see only this" ("#doodad/" ++ name) else Html.text "" , String.replace "." "-" name |> (++) "" |> viewLink "view docs" ] , Html.styled Html.div [ padding2 (px 20) zero ] [] content ] viewLink : String -> String -> Html msg viewLink text href = Html.a [ Attributes.href href , Attributes.css [ Css.display Css.block ] ] [ Html.text text ]