module EllieLink exposing (Config, SectionExample, view) import Dict exposing (Dict) import Html.Styled exposing (..) import Http import Nri.Ui.ClickableText.V3 as ClickableText import Url.Builder type alias Config = { packageDependencies : Result Http.Error (Dict String String) } type alias SectionExample = { name : String , fullModuleName : String , sectionName : String , mainType : String , extraImports : List String , code : String } view : Config -> SectionExample -> Html msg view config example = ("View " ++ example.sectionName ++ " example on Ellie") [ ClickableText.linkExternal (generateEllieLink config example) , ClickableText.small ] generateEllieLink : Config -> SectionExample -> String generateEllieLink config example = let packageDependencies = config.packageDependencies |> Dict.toList |> Result.withDefault [] |> toPackageDependencyQueryString toPackageDependencyQueryString ( name, version ) = Url.Builder.string "packages" (name ++ "@" ++ version) in Url.Builder.crossOrigin "" [] ([ Url.Builder.string "title" ( ++ " | " ++ example.sectionName) , Url.Builder.string "elmcode" (generateElmExampleModule config example) , Url.Builder.string "htmlcode" ellieHtmlSetup , Url.Builder.string "elmversion" "0.19.1" ] ++ packageDependencies ) generateElmExampleModule : Config -> SectionExample -> String generateElmExampleModule config example = let maybeErrorMessages = case config.packageDependencies of Err httpError -> [ "{- " , "Something went wrong fetching the package dependencies!" , "You will need to install the packages by hand for this code to compile." , "" , "Error: " , Debug.toString httpError , "-}" ] Ok _ -> [] in [ "module Main exposing (main)" , "" , "import Css exposing (Style)" , "import Html as RootHtml" , "import Html.Styled exposing (..)" , "import Nri.Ui.Colors.V1 as Colors" , "import Nri.Ui.UiIcon.V1 as UiIcon" , "import Nri.Ui.Svg.V1 as Svg" , "import " ++ example.fullModuleName ++ " as " ++ , String.join "\n" example.extraImports , "" , "" ] ++ maybeErrorMessages ++ [ "main : " ++ example.mainType , "main =" , " " ++ example.code , " |> toUnstyled" ] |> String.join "\n" |> String.replace "\t" " " ellieHtmlSetup : String ellieHtmlSetup = """