module Examples.Button exposing (Msg, State, example) {-| @docs Msg, State, example -} import Category exposing (Category(..)) import Css exposing (middle, verticalAlign) import Debug.Control as Control exposing (Control) import Example exposing (Example) import Html.Styled exposing (..) import Html.Styled.Attributes exposing (css, id) import KeyboardSupport exposing (Direction(..), Key(..)) import Nri.Ui.Button.V10 as Button import Nri.Ui.Heading.V2 as Heading import Nri.Ui.Svg.V1 as Svg exposing (Svg) import Nri.Ui.UiIcon.V1 as UiIcon {-| -} example : Example State Msg example = { name = "Button" , version = 10 , state = init , update = update , subscriptions = \_ -> Sub.none , view = \state -> [ viewButtonExamples state ] , categories = [ Buttons ] , keyboardSupport = [] } {-| -} type alias State = { debugControlsState : Control Model } {-| -} init : State init = { debugControlsState = initDebugControls } {-| -} type ButtonType = Button | Link {-| -} type Msg = SetDebugControlsState (Control Model) | ShowItWorked String String | NoOp {-| -} update : Msg -> State -> ( State, Cmd Msg ) update msg state = case msg of SetDebugControlsState newDebugControlsState -> ( { state | debugControlsState = newDebugControlsState } , Cmd.none ) ShowItWorked group message -> let _ = Debug.log group message in ( state, Cmd.none ) NoOp -> ( state, Cmd.none ) -- INTERNAL type alias Model = { label : String , icon : Maybe Svg , buttonType : ButtonType , width : Button.Attribute Msg , state : Button.Attribute Msg } {-| -} initDebugControls : Control Model initDebugControls = Control.record Model |> Control.field "label" (Control.string "Label") |> Control.field "icon" iconChoice |> Control.field "button type" (Control.choice [ ( "button", Control.value Button ) , ( "link", Control.value Link ) ] ) |> Control.field "width" (Control.choice [ ( "exactWidth 120", Control.value (Button.exactWidth 120) ) , ( "exactWidth 70", Control.value (Button.exactWidth 70) ) , ( "boundedWidth 100 180", Control.value (Button.boundedWidth { min = 100, max = 180 }) ) , ( "unboundedWidth", Control.value Button.unboundedWidth ) , ( "fillContainerWidth", Control.value Button.fillContainerWidth ) ] ) |> Control.field "state (button only)" (Control.choice [ ( "enabled", Control.value Button.enabled ) , ( "disabled", Control.value Button.disabled ) , ( "error", Control.value Button.error ) , ( "unfulfilled", Control.value Button.unfulfilled ) , ( "loading", Control.value Button.loading ) , ( "success", Control.value Button.success ) ] ) iconChoice : Control.Control (Maybe Svg) iconChoice = Control.choice [ ( "none", Control.value Nothing ) , ( "preview", Control.value (Just UiIcon.preview) ) , ( "arrowLeft", Control.value (Just UiIcon.arrowLeft) ) , ( "performance", Control.value (Just UiIcon.performance) ) , ( "share", Control.value (Just UiIcon.share) ) , ( "download", Control.value (Just ) ] viewButtonExamples : State -> Html Msg viewButtonExamples state = let model = Control.currentValue state.debugControlsState in [ Control.view SetDebugControlsState state.debugControlsState |> fromUnstyled , buttons model , toggleButtons , "linkExternalWithTracking" [ Button.unboundedWidth , Button.secondary , Button.linkExternalWithTracking { url = "#" , track = ShowItWorked "ButtonExample" "linkExternalWithTracking clicked" } ] ] |> div [] buttons : Model -> Html Msg buttons model = let sizes = [ ( Button.small, "small" ) , ( Button.medium, "medium" ) , ( Button.large, "large" ) ] styles = [ ( Button.primary, "primary" ) , ( Button.secondary, "secondary" ) , ( Button.danger, "danger" ) , ( Button.premium, "premium" ) ] exampleRow ( style, styleName ) = List.concat [ [ td [ css [ verticalAlign middle ] ] [ text styleName ] ] , (Tuple.first >> exampleCell style) sizes ] |> tr [] buttonOrLink = case model.buttonType of Link -> Button -> Button.button exampleCell setStyle setSize = buttonOrLink model.label [ setSize , setStyle , model.width , model.state , Button.custom [ Html.Styled.Attributes.class "styleguide-button" ] , Button.onClick (ShowItWorked "ButtonExample" "Button clicked!") , case model.icon of Just icon -> Button.icon icon Nothing -> Button.custom [] ] |> List.singleton |> td [ css [ verticalAlign middle , Css.width (Css.px 200) ] ] in List.concat [ [ sizes |> (\( _, sizeName ) -> th [] [ text sizeName ]) |> (\cells -> tr [] (th [] [] :: cells)) ] , exampleRow styles ] |> table [] toggleButtons : Html Msg toggleButtons = div [] [ Heading.h3 [] [ text "Button toggle" ] , div [ css [ Css.displayFlex, Css.marginBottom (Css.px 20) ] ] [ Button.toggleButton { onDeselect = ShowItWorked "ButtonExample" "onDeselect" , onSelect = ShowItWorked "ButtonExample" "onSelect" , label = "5" , pressed = False } , Button.toggleButton { onDeselect = ShowItWorked "ButtonExample" "onDeselect" , onSelect = ShowItWorked "ButtonExample" "onSelect" , label = "5" , pressed = True } ] ]