module Examples.BannerAlert exposing (example, State, init, Msg, update) {-| @docs example, State, init, Msg, update -} import Html.Styled exposing (div, h3, text) import ModuleExample as ModuleExample exposing (Category(..), ModuleExample) import Nri.Ui.BannerAlert.V5 as BannerAlert example : (Msg -> msg) -> State -> ModuleExample msg example parentMsg state = { name = "Nri.Ui.BannerAlert.V5" , category = Messaging , content = [ if then div [] [ h3 [] [ text "alert" ] , BannerAlert.alert (BannerAlert.Plain "This is a dismissable alert message!") (Just Dismiss) ] else div [] [ h3 [] [ text "success" ] , BannerAlert.success (BannerAlert.Plain "The alert message was dismissed. 👍") Nothing ] , h3 [] [ text "error" ] , BannerAlert.error (BannerAlert.Plain "This is an error message!") Nothing , h3 [] [ text "error with link" ] , BannerAlert.error (BannerAlert.WithLink { prefixText = "Click " , linkText = "here" , linkUrl = "" , postfixText = " to check out NoRedInk." , target = BannerAlert.Blank } ) Nothing , h3 [] [ text "neutral" ] , BannerAlert.neutral (BannerAlert.Plain "This is a neutral message!") Nothing , h3 [] [ text "success" ] , BannerAlert.success (BannerAlert.Plain """This is a success message! Let's see what happens if there is a very long message! Wow, how successful! You're the biggest success I've ever seen! You should feel great about yourself! Give yourself a very big round of applause! """) Nothing ] |> ( parentMsg) } type alias State = { show : Bool } init : State init = { show = True } type Msg = NoOp | Dismiss update : Msg -> State -> State update msg state = case msg of NoOp -> state Dismiss -> { state | show = False }