module KeyboardSupport exposing ( view , KeyboardSupport , Key(..), Direction(..) ) {-| @docs view @docs KeyboardSupport @docs Key, Direction -} import Css exposing (..) import Html.Styled exposing (..) import Html.Styled.Attributes exposing (css) {-| -} type alias KeyboardSupport = { keys : List Key , result : String } {-| -} view : List KeyboardSupport -> Html msg view keyboardSupport = case keyboardSupport of [] -> text "" _ -> details [] [ summary [] [ text "Keyboard Support" ] , ul [ css [ listStyle none, margin2 (px 10) zero, padding zero ] ] ( viewKeyboardActions keyboardSupport) ] viewKeyboardActions : KeyboardSupport -> Html msg viewKeyboardActions { keys, result } = li [] [ strong [] [ text (String.join "+" ( keyToString keys) ++ ": ") ] , text result ] {-| -} type Key = Shift | Enter | Arrow Direction | Tab | Space | Esc keyToString : Key -> String keyToString key = case key of Shift -> "Shift" Enter -> "Enter" Arrow direction -> directionToString direction ++ " arrow" Tab -> "Tab" Space -> "Space" Esc -> "Escape" {-| -} type Direction = Up | Right | Down | Left directionToString : Direction -> String directionToString direction = case direction of Up -> "Up" Right -> "Right" Down -> "Down" Left -> "Left"