module Debug.Control.Extra exposing ( float, int , list, listItem, optionalListItem, optionalListItemDefaultChecked , optionalBoolListItem, optionalBoolListItemDefaultTrue , bool ) {-| @docs float, int @docs list, listItem, optionalListItem, optionalListItemDefaultChecked @docs optionalBoolListItem, optionalBoolListItemDefaultTrue @docs bool -} import Debug.Control as Control exposing (Control) {-| -} float : Float -> Control Float float default = (String.toFloat >> Maybe.withDefault default) (Control.string (String.fromFloat default)) {-| -} int : Int -> Control Int int default = (String.toInt >> Maybe.withDefault default) (Control.string (String.fromInt default)) {-| Use with `listItem` and `optionalListItem` list |> listItem "first name" string |> listItem "last name" string -} list : Control (List a) list = Control.record [] {-| -} listItem : String -> Control a -> Control (List a) -> Control (List a) listItem name accessor = listItems name ( List.singleton accessor) {-| -} listItems : String -> Control (List a) -> Control (List a) -> Control (List a) listItems name accessor accumulator = Control.field name accessor ( (++) accumulator) {-| -} optionalListItem : String -> Control a -> Control (List a) -> Control (List a) optionalListItem = optionalListItem_ False {-| -} optionalListItemDefaultChecked : String -> Control a -> Control (List a) -> Control (List a) optionalListItemDefaultChecked = optionalListItem_ True {-| -} optionalListItem_ : Bool -> String -> Control a -> Control (List a) -> Control (List a) optionalListItem_ default name accessor accumulator = Control.field name ( (List.singleton >> List.filterMap identity) (Control.maybe default accessor)) ( (++) accumulator) {-| -} optionalBoolListItem : String -> a -> Control (List a) -> Control (List a) optionalBoolListItem name f accumulator = Control.field name ( (\value -> if value then [ f ] else [] ) (Control.bool False) ) ( (++) accumulator) optionalBoolListItemDefaultTrue : String -> a -> Control (List a) -> Control (List a) optionalBoolListItemDefaultTrue name f accumulator = Control.field name ( (\value -> if not value then [ f ] else [] ) (Control.bool True) ) ( (++) accumulator) {-| -} bool : Bool -> Control ( String, Bool ) bool default = (\val -> ( if val then "True" else "False" , val ) ) (Control.bool default)