module Category exposing ( Category(..) , fromString , forDisplay, forId, forRoute , all , sorter ) {-| @docs Category @docs fromString @docs forDisplay, forId, forRoute @docs all @docs sorter -} import Sort exposing (Sorter) {-| -} type Category = Inputs | Buttons | Icons | Layout | Messaging | Atoms | Text | Animations {-| -} all : List Category all = [ Animations , Atoms , Buttons , Icons , Inputs , Layout , Text , Messaging ] {-| Used for route changes -} fromString : String -> Result String Category fromString string = case string of "Inputs" -> Ok Inputs "Layout" -> Ok Layout "Buttons" -> Ok Buttons "Icons" -> Ok Icons "Messaging" -> Ok Messaging "Atoms" -> Ok Atoms "Text" -> Ok Text "Animations" -> Ok Animations _ -> Err "Invalid String" {-| -} forDisplay : Category -> String forDisplay category = case category of Inputs -> "Inputs" Layout -> "Layout" Buttons -> "Buttons and Links" Icons -> "Icons" Messaging -> "Alerts and Messages" Atoms -> "Atoms" Text -> "Text and Fonts" Animations -> "Animations" {-| -} forRoute : Category -> String forRoute = Debug.toString {-| -} sorter : Sorter Category sorter = forId Sort.alphabetical {-| -} forId : Category -> String forId category = case category of Inputs -> "inputs" Layout -> "layout" Buttons -> "buttons-and-links" Icons -> "icons" Messaging -> "alerts-and-messages" Atoms -> "atoms" Text -> "text-and-fonts" Animations -> "animations"