module Examples.RadioButton exposing ( example , State, Msg ) {-| @docs example @docs State, Msg -} import Browser.Dom as Dom import Category exposing (Category(..)) import Css exposing (..) import Debug.Control as Control exposing (Control) import Dict exposing (Dict) import Example exposing (Example) import Html.Styled as Html exposing (..) import Html.Styled.Attributes exposing (css) import KeyboardSupport exposing (Direction(..), Key(..)) import Nri.Ui.Button.V10 as Button import Nri.Ui.Data.PremiumLevel as PremiumLevel exposing (PremiumLevel) import Nri.Ui.Heading.V2 as Heading import Nri.Ui.Modal.V11 as Modal import Nri.Ui.RadioButton.V3 as RadioButton import Nri.Ui.Text.V6 as Text import Task {-| -} example : Example State Msg example = { name = "RadioButton" , version = 3 , state = init , update = update , subscriptions = subscriptions , preview = [] , view = view , categories = [ Inputs ] , keyboardSupport = [ { keys = [ Arrow Left ] , result = "Move the focus & select the radio button to the left" } , { keys = [ Arrow Right ] , result = "Move the focus & select the radio button to the right" } , { keys = [ Space ] , result = "Select the current radio button" } ] } {-| -} view : State -> List (Html Msg) view model = [ Heading.h3 [] [ Html.text "RadioButton" ] , Heading.h4 [] [ Html.text "view" ] , viewVanilla model , Heading.h4 [] [ Html.text "premium" ] , Modal.view { title = "Go Premium!" , wrapMsg = ModalMsg , content = [ Text.mediumBody [ Text.plaintext "Often, we'll launch a modal showing the benefits of premium when a locked radio button is clicked." ] ] , footer = [ Button.button "Okay" [ Button.modal , Button.onClick CloseModal , "close-premium-modal" ] ] , focusTrap = { focus = Focus , firstId = Modal.closeButtonId , lastId = "close-premium-modal" } } [ Modal.closeButton ] model.modal ] viewVanilla : State -> Html Msg viewVanilla state = div [] [ RadioButton.view (selectionToString Dogs) [ RadioButton.enabled , RadioButton.value Dogs , "pets" , RadioButton.selectedValue state.selectedValue , RadioButton.onSelect Select , RadioButton.valueToString selectionToString ] , RadioButton.view (selectionToString Cats) [ RadioButton.enabled , RadioButton.value Cats , "pets" , RadioButton.selectedValue state.selectedValue , RadioButton.onSelect Select , RadioButton.valueToString selectionToString ] , RadioButton.view (selectionToString Robots) [ RadioButton.premium { teacherPremiumLevel = PremiumLevel.Premium , contentPremiumLevel = PremiumLevel.PremiumWithWriting } , RadioButton.value Robots , "pets" , RadioButton.selectedValue state.selectedValue , RadioButton.onSelect Select , RadioButton.valueToString selectionToString ] ] type Selection = Dogs | Cats | Robots selectionToString : Selection -> String selectionToString selection = case selection of Dogs -> "Dogs" Cats -> "Cats" Robots -> "Robots" {-| -} type alias State = { selectedValue : Maybe Selection , modal : Modal.Model , premiumControl : Control PremiumConfig } {-| -} init : State init = { selectedValue = Nothing , modal = Modal.init , premiumControl = initPremiumControls } type alias PremiumConfig = { teacherPremiumLevel : PremiumLevel , showPennant : Bool } initPremiumControls : Control PremiumConfig initPremiumControls = Control.record PremiumConfig |> Control.field "teacherPremiumLevel" (Control.choice [ ( "Free", Control.value PremiumLevel.Free ) , ( "Premium", Control.value PremiumLevel.PremiumWithWriting ) ] ) |> Control.field "showPennant" (Control.bool False) type Msg = OpenModal String | ModalMsg Modal.Msg | CloseModal | Select Selection | SetPremiumControl (Control PremiumConfig) | Focus String | Focused (Result Dom.Error ()) {-| -} update : Msg -> State -> ( State, Cmd Msg ) update msg model = case msg of OpenModal returnFocusTo -> let ( modal, cmd ) = { startFocusOn = Modal.closeButtonId , returnFocusTo = returnFocusTo } in ( { model | modal = modal }, ModalMsg cmd ) ModalMsg modalMsg -> let ( modal, cmd ) = Modal.update { dismissOnEscAndOverlayClick = True } modalMsg model.modal in ( { model | modal = modal }, ModalMsg cmd ) CloseModal -> let ( modal, cmd ) = Modal.close model.modal in ( { model | modal = modal }, ModalMsg cmd ) Select value -> ( { model | selectedValue = Just value }, Cmd.none ) SetPremiumControl premiumControl -> ( { model | premiumControl = premiumControl }, Cmd.none ) Focus focus -> ( model, Task.attempt Focused (Dom.focus focus) ) Focused _ -> ( model, Cmd.none ) subscriptions : State -> Sub Msg subscriptions { modal } = ModalMsg (Modal.subscriptions modal)