module Example exposing (Example, view, wrapMsg, wrapState) import AtomicDesignType exposing (AtomicDesignType) import Category exposing (Category) import Css exposing (..) import Css.Global exposing (a, descendants) import Html.Styled as Html exposing (Html) import Html.Styled.Attributes as Attributes import Html.Styled.Lazy as Lazy import KeyboardSupport exposing (KeyboardSupport) import Nri.Ui.Colors.V1 exposing (..) import Nri.Ui.Fonts.V1 as Fonts import Nri.Ui.Html.Attributes.V2 as AttributeExtras exposing (targetBlank) type alias Example state msg = { name : String , version : Int , state : state , update : msg -> state -> ( state, Cmd msg ) , subscriptions : state -> Sub msg , view : state -> List (Html msg) , categories : List Category , atomicDesignType : AtomicDesignType , keyboardSupport : List KeyboardSupport } wrapMsg : (msg -> msg2) -> (msg2 -> Maybe msg) -> Example state msg -> Example state msg2 wrapMsg wrapMsg_ unwrapMsg example = { name = , version = example.version , state = example.state , update = \msg2 state -> case unwrapMsg msg2 of Just msg -> example.update msg state |> Tuple.mapSecond ( wrapMsg_) Nothing -> ( state, Cmd.none ) , subscriptions = \state -> wrapMsg_ (example.subscriptions state) , view = \state -> ( wrapMsg_) (example.view state) , categories = example.categories , atomicDesignType = example.atomicDesignType , keyboardSupport = example.keyboardSupport } wrapState : (state -> state2) -> (state2 -> Maybe state) -> Example state msg -> Example state2 msg wrapState wrapState_ unwrapState example = { name = , version = example.version , state = wrapState_ example.state , update = \msg state2 -> case unwrapState state2 of Just state -> example.update msg state |> Tuple.mapFirst wrapState_ Nothing -> ( state2, Cmd.none ) , subscriptions = unwrapState >> example.subscriptions >> Maybe.withDefault Sub.none , view = unwrapState >> example.view >> Maybe.withDefault [] , categories = example.categories , atomicDesignType = example.atomicDesignType , keyboardSupport = example.keyboardSupport } view : Example state msg -> Html msg view = Lazy.lazy view_ view_ : Example state msg -> Html msg view_ example = let fullName = "Nri.Ui." ++ ++ ".V" ++ String.fromInt example.version in Html.div [ -- this class makes the axe accessibility checking output easier to parse String.replace "." "-" |> (++) "module-example__" |> Attributes.class ] [ Html.div [ Attributes.css [ displayFlex , alignItems center , justifyContent flexStart , flexWrap Css.wrap , Fonts.baseFont , descendants [ Css.Global.a [ textDecoration none ] ] ] ] [ Html.styled Html.h2 [ color navy , fontSize (px 20) , marginTop zero , marginBottom zero , Fonts.baseFont ] [] [ Html.a [ Attributes.href ("#/doodad/" ++ , Attributes.class "module-example__doodad-link" , -- this data attribute is used to name the Percy screenshots String.replace "." "-" |> Attributes.attribute "data-percy-name" ] [ Html.text fullName ] ] , String.replace "." "-" fullName |> (++) "" |> viewLink "Docs" , String.replace "." "/" fullName ++ ".elm" |> (++) "" |> viewLink "Source" ] , KeyboardSupport.view example.keyboardSupport , Html.div [ Attributes.css [ padding (px 40) , boxShadow5 zero (px 2) (px 4) zero (rgba 0 0 0 0.25) , border3 (px 1) solid gray92 , borderRadius (px 20) , margin3 (px 10) zero (px 40) ] ] (example.view example.state) ] viewLink : String -> String -> Html msg viewLink text href = Html.a ([ Attributes.href href , Attributes.css [ Css.display Css.block, marginLeft (px 20) ] ] ++ targetBlank ) [ Html.text text ]