module Routes exposing (Route(..), fromLocation, headerId, toString, updateExample, viewBreadCrumbs) import Accessibility.Styled as Html exposing (Html) import Category import Dict exposing (Dict) import Example exposing (Example) import Html.Styled.Attributes as Attributes import Nri.Ui.BreadCrumbs.V1 as BreadCrumbs exposing (BreadCrumb, BreadCrumbs) import Nri.Ui.Util exposing (dashify) import Parser exposing ((|.), (|=), Parser) import Url exposing (Url) type Route state msg = Doodad (Example state msg) | Category Category.Category | CategoryDoodad Category.Category (Example state msg) | All | NotFound String toString : Route state msg -> String toString route_ = case route_ of Doodad example -> "#/doodad/" ++ Category c -> "#/category/" ++ Category.forRoute c CategoryDoodad c example -> "#/category_doodad/" ++ Category.forRoute c ++ "/" ++ All -> "#/" NotFound unmatchedRoute -> unmatchedRoute route : Dict String (Example state msg) -> Parser (Route state msg) route examples = let findExample : (Example state msg -> Route state msg) -> String -> Route state msg findExample toRoute name = Dict.get name examples |> toRoute |> Maybe.withDefault (NotFound name) in Parser.oneOf [ Parser.succeed (\cat -> findExample (CategoryDoodad cat)) |. Parser.token "/category_doodad/" |= (Parser.getChompedString (Parser.chompWhile ((/=) '/')) |> Parser.andThen category ) |. Parser.token "/" |= restOfPath , Parser.succeed Category |. Parser.token "/category/" |= (restOfPath |> Parser.andThen category) , Parser.succeed (findExample Doodad) |. Parser.token "/doodad/" |= restOfPath , Parser.succeed All ] restOfPath : Parser String restOfPath = Parser.getChompedString (Parser.chompWhile (always True)) category : String -> Parser Category.Category category string = case Category.fromString string of Ok c -> Parser.succeed c Err e -> Parser.problem e updateExample : Example state msg -> Route state msg -> Maybe (Route state msg) updateExample example route_ = case route_ of Doodad _ -> Just (Doodad example) CategoryDoodad cat _ -> Just (CategoryDoodad cat example) _ -> Nothing fromLocation : Dict String (Example state msg) -> Url -> Route state msg fromLocation examples location = location.fragment |> Maybe.withDefault "" |> (route examples) |> Result.withDefault All viewBreadCrumbs : Route state msg -> Html msg2 viewBreadCrumbs currentRoute = breadCrumbs currentRoute |> (BreadCrumbs.view { aTagAttributes = \r -> [ Attributes.href ("/" ++ toString r) ] , isCurrentRoute = (==) currentRoute , label = "breadcrumbs" } ) |> Maybe.withDefault (Html.text "") headerId : Route state msg -> Maybe String headerId route_ = BreadCrumbs.headerId (breadCrumbs route_) breadCrumbs : Route state msg -> Maybe (BreadCrumbs (Route state msg)) breadCrumbs route_ = case route_ of All -> Just allBreadCrumb Category category_ -> Just (categoryCrumb category_) Doodad example -> Just (BreadCrumbs.after allBreadCrumb (doodadCrumb example) ) CategoryDoodad category_ example -> Just (BreadCrumbs.after (categoryCrumb category_) (doodadCrumb example) ) NotFound _ -> Nothing allBreadCrumb : BreadCrumbs (Route state msg) allBreadCrumb = BreadCrumbs.init { icon = Nothing , iconStyle = BreadCrumbs.Default , id = "breadcrumbs__all" , text = "All" , route = All } categoryCrumb : Category.Category -> BreadCrumbs (Route state msg) categoryCrumb category_ = BreadCrumbs.after allBreadCrumb { icon = Nothing , iconStyle = BreadCrumbs.Default , id = "breadcrumbs__" ++ Category.forId category_ , text = Category.forDisplay category_ , route = Category category_ } doodadCrumb : Example state msg -> BreadCrumb (Route state msg) doodadCrumb example = { icon = Nothing , iconStyle = BreadCrumbs.Default , id = "breadcrumbs__" ++ dashify , text = Example.fullName example , route = Doodad example }