module Examples.Tabs exposing ( example , State, Msg ) {-| @docs example @docs State, Msg -} import Category exposing (Category(..)) import Css import Debug.Control as Control exposing (Control) import Example exposing (Example) import Html.Styled as Html exposing (Html, fromUnstyled) import Html.Styled.Attributes exposing (css) import List.Zipper exposing (Zipper) import Nri.Ui.Svg.V1 as Svg import Nri.Ui.Tabs.V5 as Tabs exposing (Alignment(..)) import Nri.Ui.UiIcon.V1 as UiIcon type alias State = { selected : Id , settings : Control Settings } init : State init = { selected = First , settings = initSettings } type alias Settings = { title : Maybe String , alignment : Alignment } initSettings : Control Settings initSettings = Control.record Settings |> Control.field "title" (Control.maybe False (Control.string "Title")) |> Control.field "alignment" (Control.choice [ ( "Left", Control.value Left ) , ( "Center", Control.value Center ) , ( "Right", Control.value Right ) ] ) type Id = First | Second | Third | Fourth type Msg = SelectTab Id | SetSettings (Control Settings) update : Msg -> State -> State update msg model = case msg of SelectTab id -> { model | selected = id } SetSettings settings -> { model | settings = settings } example : Example State Msg example = { name = "Nri.Ui.Tabs.V5" , categories = [ Layout ] , state = init , update = \msg model -> ( update msg model, Cmd.none ) , subscriptions = \_ -> Sub.none , view = \model -> let settings = Control.currentValue model.settings in [ Control.view SetSettings model.settings |> fromUnstyled , Html.text (idToString model.selected) , Tabs.view { title = settings.title , onSelect = SelectTab , tabs = [ First, Second, Third, Fourth ] , selected = model.selected , idToString = idToString , viewTab = viewTab , viewPanel = viewPanel , alignment = settings.alignment } , Tabs.links { title = Nothing , content = Html.text "Links" , alignment = Tabs.Left , tabs = List.Zipper.from [] (Tabs.NormalLink { label = "Nowhere", href = Nothing }) [ Tabs.NormalLink { label = "Elm", href = Just "" } , Tabs.SpaLink { label = "Spa", href = "/#category/Layout", msg = SelectTab Second } ] } ] } idToString : Id -> String idToString id = case id of First -> "tab-0" Second -> "tab-1" Third -> "tab-2" Fourth -> "tab-3" viewTab : Id -> Html msg viewTab id = case id of First -> Tabs.viewTabDefault "First Tab" Second -> Tabs.viewTabDefault "Second Tab" Third -> UiIcon.bulb |> Svg.withWidth (Css.px 40) |> Svg.withHeight (Css.px 40) |> Svg.withCss [ Css.padding2 (Css.px 6) ] |> Svg.toHtml Fourth -> Tabs.viewTabDefault "Fourth Tab" viewPanel : Id -> Html msg viewPanel id = case id of First -> Html.text "First" Second -> Html.text "Second" Third -> Html.text "Third" Fourth -> Html.text "Fourth"