mavnn e50c15e49f
Add Self Review assignment type icon
Add self review icon to style guide

Revert "index.html" changes

This reverts commit 7ea91a89fb74f9ce6d6b9e0889b8d5b1c29f6b1a.
2018-10-24 09:38:58 +01:00

208 lines
9.3 KiB

module Examples.Icon exposing (example)
@docs example, styles
import Assets exposing (Assets, assets)
import Css
import Css.Foreign
import Html.Styled as Html exposing (Html)
import Html.Styled.Attributes exposing (css, style, title)
import ModuleExample exposing (Category(..), ModuleExample)
import Nri.Ui.Colors.V1 exposing (..)
import Nri.Ui.Icon.V3 as Icon
import Nri.Ui.Text.V2 as Text
{-| -}
example : ModuleExample msg
example =
{ filename = "ui/src/Nri/Icon.elm"
, category = Icons
, content =
[ viewIconSection "Mastery Icons"
[ { icon = Icon.gardening, background = Dark, alt = "Gardening" }
, { icon = Icon.highFive, background = Dark, alt = "HighFive" }
, { icon = Icon.okay, background = Dark, alt = "Okay" }
, { icon = Icon.thumbsUp, background = Dark, alt = "ThumbsUp" }
, { icon = Icon.masteryBadge, background = Light, alt = "Badge " }
, viewIconSection "Stars and Flags"
[ { icon = Icon.starred, background = Light, alt = "Starred" }
, { icon = Icon.notStarred, background = Light, alt = "NotStarred" }
, { icon = Icon.flag, background = Light, alt = "Flag" }
, viewIconSection "Assignment Types"
[ { icon = Icon.assignmentTypeDiagnostic, background = Light, alt = "Diagnostic" }
, { icon = Icon.assignmentTypePractice, background = Light, alt = "Practice" }
, { icon = Icon.assignmentTypeQuiz, background = Light, alt = "Quiz" }
, { icon = Icon.assignmentTypeQuickWrite, background = Dark, alt = "QuickWrite" }
, { icon = Icon.quickWrite, background = Light, alt = "QuickWrite" }
, { icon = Icon.assignmentTypePeerReview, background = Dark, alt = "PeerReview" }
, { icon = Icon.peerReview, background = Light, alt = "PeerReview" }
, { icon = Icon.assignmentTypeSelfReview, background = Dark, alt = "SelfReview" }
, { icon = Icon.submitting, background = Light, alt = "Submitting" }
, { icon = Icon.rating, background = Light, alt = "Rating" }
, { icon = Icon.revising, background = Light, alt = "Revising" }
--, { icon = Icon.guidedWrite, background = Light, alt = "GuidedWrite" }
, { icon = Icon.assignmentTypeWritingCycle, background = Light, alt = "WritingCycle" }
, { icon = Icon.writingAssignment, background = Light, alt = "WritingAssignment" }
, viewIconSection "Student Assignment Actions"
[ { icon = Icon.assignmentStartButtonPrimary, background = Light, alt = "Start primary" }
, { icon = Icon.assignmentStartButtonSecondary, background = Light, alt = "Start secondary" }
, viewIconSection "Teacher Assignment Actions"
[ { icon = Icon.unarchive, background = Light, alt = "Unarchive" }
, { icon = Icon.share, background = Light, alt = "Share" }
, { icon = Icon.seeMore, background = Light, alt = "See More" }
, { icon = Icon.preview, background = Light, alt = "Preview" }
, { icon = Icon.performance, background = Light, alt = "Performance" }
, { icon = Icon.openClose, background = Light, alt = "OpenClose" }
, viewIconSection "Edit"
[ { icon = Icon.edit, background = Light, alt = "Edit" }
, { icon = Icon.editWriting, background = Light, alt = "EditWriting" }
, viewIconSection "Humans"
[ { icon = Icon.class, background = Light, alt = "Class" }
, { icon = Icon.leaderboard, background = Light, alt = "Leaderboard" }
, { icon = Icon.personBlue, background = Light, alt = "PersonBlue" }
, viewIconSection "Social Media"
[ { icon = Icon.facebook, background = Light, alt = "Facebook" }
, { icon = Icon.twitter, background = Light, alt = "Twitter" }
, { icon = Icon.clever, background = Light, alt = "Clever" }
, viewIconSection "Arrows and Carets"
[ { icon = Icon.arrowDown, background = Light, alt = "ArrowDown" }
, { icon = Icon.sortArrow, background = Light, alt = "SortArrow" }
, { icon = Icon.arrowLeft, background = Light, alt = "ArrowLeft" }
, { icon = Icon.arrowRight, background = Light, alt = "ArrowRight" }
, { icon = Icon.caret, background = Light, alt = "Caret" }
, viewIconSection "Checkmarks"
[ { icon = Icon.checkMarkSvg, background = Light, alt = "CheckMarkSvg" }
, { icon = Icon.darkBlueCheckMark, background = Light, alt = "DarkBlueCheckMark" }
, { icon = Icon.checkMark, background = Dark, alt = "CheckMark" }
, { icon = Icon.checkMarkSquiggily, background = Dark, alt = "CheckMarkSquiggily" }
, { icon = Icon.greenCheckMark, background = Light, alt = "GreenCheckMark" }
, viewIconSection "Xs"
[ { icon = Icon.xSvg, background = Light, alt = "XSvg" }
, { icon = Icon.x, background = Dark, alt = "X" }
, { icon = Icon.close, background = Light, alt = "Close" }
, viewIconSection "Bangs"
[ { icon = Icon.exclamation, background = Light, alt = "Exclamation" }
, { icon = Icon.attention, background = Dark, alt = "Attention" }
, { icon = Icon.bang, background = Dark, alt = "Bang" }
, viewIconSection "Bulbs and Tips"
[ { icon = Icon.bulb, background = Light, alt = "Bulb" }
, { icon = Icon.lightBulb, background = Light, alt = "LightBulb" }
, { icon =, background = Light, alt = "Help" }
, viewIconSection "Locks and keys"
[ { icon = Icon.key, background = Light, alt = "Key" }
, { icon = Icon.lock, background = Light, alt = "Lock" }
, { icon = Icon.lockDeprecated, background = Light, alt = "LockDeprecated" }
, viewIconSection "Time"
[ { icon = Icon.calendar, background = Light, alt = "Calendar" }
, { icon = Icon.clock, background = Light, alt = "Clock" }
, { icon = Icon.late, background = Light, alt = "Late" }
, viewIconSection "Save helpers"
[ { icon = Icon.copy, background = Dark, alt = "Copy" }
, { icon =, background = Light, alt = "Download" }
, viewIconSection "Uncategorized (SVGs)"
[ { icon = Icon.activity, background = Light, alt = "Activity" }
, { icon = Icon.compassSvg, background = Light, alt = "CompassSvg" }
, { icon = Icon.document, background = Light, alt = "Document" }
, { icon = Icon.flipper, background = Light, alt = "Flipper" }
, { icon = Icon.footsteps, background = Light, alt = "Footsteps" }
, { icon = Icon.gear, background = Light, alt = "Gear" }
, { icon = Icon.pen, background = Light, alt = "Pen" }
, { icon = Icon.newspaper, background = Light, alt = "Newspaper" }
, { icon = Icon.sort, background = Light, alt = "Sort" }
, { icon = Icon.speedometer, background = Light, alt = "Speedometer" }
, viewIconSection "Uncategorized Images"
[ { icon = Icon.add, background = Light, alt = "Add" }
, { icon = Icon.equalitySign, background = Light, alt = "EqualitySign" }
, { icon = Icon.logo, background = Light, alt = "Logo" }
viewIconSection :
-> List { alt : String, background : Background, icon : Assets -> Icon.IconType }
-> Html msg
viewIconSection headerText icons =
Html.section []
[ Text.subHeading [ Html.text headerText ]
, Html.div [ css [ Css.displayFlex, Css.flexWrap Css.wrap ] ]
( viewIcon icons)
type Background
= Light
| Dark
toColor : Background -> Css.Color
toColor background =
case background of
Dark ->
Light ->
viewIcon : { alt : String, background : Background, icon : Assets -> Icon.IconType } -> Html msg
viewIcon { alt, background, icon } =
[ css
[ Css.margin (Css.px 10)
, Css.width (Css.px 160)
, Css.boxShadow4 (Css.px 10) (Css.px 5) (Css.px 5) navy
, Css.displayFlex
, Css.flexDirection Css.column
, Css.alignItems
, Css.justifyContent Css.flexStart
[ Html.div
[ css
[ Css.displayFlex
, Css.alignItems
, Css.justifyContent
, Css.backgroundColor (toColor background)
, Css.height (Css.px 80)
, Css.width (Css.px 80)
, Css.margin (Css.px 10)
, Css.color azure
, Css.Foreign.descendants
[ Css.Foreign.img
[ Css.maxWidth (Css.pct 100)
, Css.maxHeight (Css.pct 100)
, title alt
[ Icon.icon { alt = alt, icon = icon assets }
, Text.mediumBody [ Html.text alt ]