
383 lines
13 KiB

# Copyright (c) Meta Platforms, Inc. and affiliates.
# This source code is licensed under both the MIT license found in the
# LICENSE-MIT file in the root directory of this source tree and the Apache
# License, Version 2.0 found in the LICENSE-APACHE file in the root directory
# of this source tree.
# `native` is fine to use in the prelude for v2
# @lint-ignore-every BUCKLINT
# This is buck2's shim import. Any public symbols here will be available within
# **all** interpreted files.
load("@prelude//android:cpu_filters.bzl", "ALL_CPU_FILTERS", "CPU_FILTER_FOR_DEFAULT_PLATFORM")
load("@prelude//apple:apple_bundle_macro_layer.bzl", "apple_bundle_macro_impl")
load("@prelude//apple:apple_macro_layer.bzl", "apple_binary_macro_impl", "apple_library_macro_impl", "apple_package_macro_impl")
load("@prelude//apple:apple_test_macro_layer.bzl", "apple_test_macro_impl")
load("@prelude//cxx:cxx_toolchain.bzl", "cxx_toolchain_inheriting_target_platform")
load("@prelude//cxx:cxx_toolchain_types.bzl", _cxx = "cxx")
load("@prelude//erlang:erlang.bzl", _erlang_application = "erlang_application", _erlang_tests = "erlang_tests")
load("@prelude//python:toolchain.bzl", _python = "python")
load("@prelude//user:all.bzl", _user_rules = "rules")
load("@prelude//utils:utils.bzl", "expect")
load(":paths.bzl", "paths")
load(":rules.bzl", __rules__ = "rules")
def __struct_to_dict(s):
vals = {}
for name in dir(s):
vals[name] = getattr(s, name)
return vals
def _tp2_constraint(project, version):
Return the target configuration constraint to use for the given project
return "ovr_config//third-party/{}/constraints:{}".format(project, version)
def _tp2_constraint_multi(versions):
Return the `select` key rule name which corresponds to the given tp2 project
expect(len(versions) >= 1, str(versions))
# If there's only a single project/version pair, then just return the its
# pre-defined constraint value rule name.
if len(versions) == 1:
(project, version) = versions.items()[0]
return _tp2_constraint(project, version)
# Otherwise, generate a `config_setting` to combine the constraint value
# rules for all the project/version pairs.
name = "-".join(["_tp2_constraints_"] + ["{}-{}".format(p, v) for p, v in sorted(versions.items())])
if not rule_exists(name):
name = name,
constraint_values = [_tp2_constraint(p, v) for p, v in versions.items()],
return ":" + name
def _extract_versions(constraints):
Convert v1-style version constraints to a v2-compatible config settings.
The constraints are normally of the form:
`{"//third-party-buck/platform*/build/python:__project__": "3.8"}`.
versions = {}
# Since the constraints will be duplicated for each fbcode "platform", do
# some initial work to de-duplicate them here, by extracting just the
# project and version and verify we get just a single reduced result.
for target, version in constraints.items():
expect(target.startswith("fbcode//") or target.startswith("//"), target)
base, name = target.split(":")
expect(name == "__project__", name)
project = paths.basename(base)
expect(project not in versions or version == versions[project])
versions[project] = version
return versions
def _versioned_param_to_select(items, default = None):
Convert a v1-style `versioned_*` param to a `select` map.
- items: A list of 2-tuples of a list of version constraints to match and
the values to use in case of match.
if items == None:
return None
# TODO(agallagher): Remove once we move to a `uquery` based TD.
if read_config("fbcode", "cquery_td") == "true":
return None
# Special case a form of "empty" constraints that `buckify_tp2` may
# generate in tp2 TARGETS.
if len(items) == 1 and not items[0][0]:
return items[0][1]
select_map = {}
# If a default is provided add that.
if default != None:
select_map["DEFAULT"] = default
# Convert v1 tp2-style versioned_* params to their analogous v2 select
# constraint maps.
for constraints, item in items:
versions = _extract_versions(constraints)
select_map[_tp2_constraint_multi(versions)] = item
if not select_map:
return None
return select(select_map)
def _concat(*items):
Concatenate non-`None` items and return result.
res = None
for item in items:
if item == None:
if res == None:
res = item
elif type(res) == type({}) and type(item) == type({}):
new_res = {}
res = new_res
res += item
return res
def _at_most_one(*items):
Return a non-`None` value if it exists. Fail if more that one non-`None`
res = None
for item in items:
if item == None:
expect(res == None)
res = item
return res
def _get_valid_cpu_filters(cpu_filters: [[str.type], None]) -> [str.type]:
if read_config("buck2", "android_force_single_default_cpu") in ("True", "true"):
cpu_abis_config_string = read_config("ndk", "cpu_abis")
if cpu_abis_config_string:
cpu_abis = [v.strip() for v in cpu_abis_config_string.split(",")]
for cpu_abi in cpu_abis:
if cpu_abi not in ALL_CPU_FILTERS:
fail("Entries in ndk.cpu_abis must be one of {}, but {} is not".format(ALL_CPU_FILTERS, cpu_abi))
cpu_abis = ALL_CPU_FILTERS
cpu_filters = cpu_filters or ALL_CPU_FILTERS
return [cpu_filter for cpu_filter in cpu_filters if cpu_filter in cpu_abis]
def _android_binary_macro_stub(
cpu_filters = None,
cpu_filters = _get_valid_cpu_filters(cpu_filters),
def _android_instrumentation_apk_macro_stub(
cpu_filters = None,
cpu_filters = _get_valid_cpu_filters(cpu_filters),
# export_file src defaults to name, despite being string vs source, so adjust it in the macros
def _export_file_macro_stub(name, src = None, **kwargs):
__rules__["export_file"](name = name, src = name if src == None else src, **kwargs)
def _prebuilt_cxx_library_macro_stub(
exported_preprocessor_flags = None,
versioned_exported_preprocessor_flags = None,
exported_lang_preprocessor_flags = None,
versioned_exported_lang_preprocessor_flags = None,
exported_platform_preprocessor_flags = None,
versioned_exported_platform_preprocessor_flags = None,
exported_lang_platform_preprocessor_flags = None,
versioned_exported_lang_platform_preprocessor_flags = None,
static_lib = None,
versioned_static_lib = None,
static_pic_lib = None,
versioned_static_pic_lib = None,
shared_lib = None,
versioned_shared_lib = None,
header_dirs = None,
versioned_header_dirs = None,
exported_preprocessor_flags = _concat(
exported_lang_preprocessor_flags = _concat(
exported_platform_preprocessor_flags = _concat(
exported_lang_platform_preprocessor_flags = _concat(
static_lib = _at_most_one(static_lib, _versioned_param_to_select(versioned_static_lib)),
static_pic_lib = _at_most_one(static_pic_lib, _versioned_param_to_select(versioned_static_pic_lib)),
shared_lib = _at_most_one(shared_lib, _versioned_param_to_select(versioned_shared_lib)),
header_dirs = _at_most_one(header_dirs, _versioned_param_to_select(versioned_header_dirs)),
def _python_library_macro_stub(
srcs = None,
versioned_srcs = None,
resources = None,
versioned_resources = None,
srcs = _concat(srcs, _versioned_param_to_select(versioned_srcs, default = None)),
resources = _concat(resources, _versioned_param_to_select(versioned_resources, default = None)),
def _versioned_alias_macro_stub(versions = {}, **kwargs):
project = paths.basename(package_name())
actual = select({
_tp2_constraint(project, version): actual
for version, actual in versions.items()
def _configured_alias_macro_stub(
# Whether to fallback to a unconfigured `alias` if `platform` is `None`.
fallback_to_unconfigured_alias = False,
# `actual` needs to be a pair of target + platform, as that's the format
# expected by the `configured_dep()` field
name = name,
# Use a select map to make this thing `None` if `platform` is `None`.
configured_actual = native.select_map(
lambda platform: (actual, platform) if platform != None or not fallback_to_unconfigured_alias else None,
fallback_actual = actual if fallback_to_unconfigured_alias else None,
# Unused.
actual = actual,
platform = platform,
def _apple_bundle_macro_stub(**kwargs):
apple_bundle_rule = __rules__["apple_bundle"],
apple_resource_bundle_rule = _user_rules["apple_resource_bundle"],
def _apple_watchos_bundle_macro_stub(**kwargs):
apple_bundle_rule = _user_rules["apple_watchos_bundle"],
apple_resource_bundle_rule = _user_rules["apple_resource_bundle"],
def _apple_test_macro_stub(**kwargs):
apple_test_rule = __rules__["apple_test"],
def _apple_binary_macro_stub(**kwargs):
apple_binary_rule = __rules__["apple_binary"],
def _apple_library_macro_stub(**kwargs):
apple_library_rule = __rules__["apple_library"],
def _apple_package_macro_stub(**kwargs):
apple_package_rule = __rules__["apple_package"],
def _cxx_toolchain_macro_stub(inherit_target_platform = False, **kwargs):
if inherit_target_platform:
def _cxx_toolchain_override_macro_stub(inherit_target_platform = False, **kwargs):
if inherit_target_platform:
def _erlang_application_macro_stub(**kwargs):
erlang_app_rule = __rules__["erlang_app"],
erlang_app_includes_rule = __rules__["erlang_app_includes"],
def _erlang_tests_macro_stub(**kwargs):
erlang_app_rule = __rules__["erlang_app"],
erlang_test_rule = __rules__["erlang_test"],
# TODO(cjhopman): These macro wrappers should be handled in prelude/rules.bzl+rule_impl.bzl.
# Probably good if they were defined to take in the base rule that
# they are wrapping and return the wrapped one.
__extra_rules__ = {
"android_binary": _android_binary_macro_stub,
"android_instrumentation_apk": _android_instrumentation_apk_macro_stub,
"apple_binary": _apple_binary_macro_stub,
"apple_bundle": _apple_bundle_macro_stub,
"apple_library": _apple_library_macro_stub,
"apple_package": _apple_package_macro_stub,
"apple_test": _apple_test_macro_stub,
"apple_watchos_bundle": _apple_watchos_bundle_macro_stub,
"configured_alias": _configured_alias_macro_stub,
"cxx_toolchain": _cxx_toolchain_macro_stub,
"cxx_toolchain_override": _cxx_toolchain_override_macro_stub,
"erlang_application": _erlang_application_macro_stub,
"erlang_tests": _erlang_tests_macro_stub,
"export_file": _export_file_macro_stub,
"prebuilt_cxx_library": _prebuilt_cxx_library_macro_stub,
"python_library": _python_library_macro_stub,
"versioned_alias": _versioned_alias_macro_stub,
__shimmed_native__ = __struct_to_dict(__internal__)
# Should come after the rules which are macro overridden
__shimmed_native__.update({"cxx": _cxx, "python": _python})
native = struct(**__shimmed_native__)