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module Examples.Colors exposing (example)
@docs example
import Css
import Html.Styled as Html
import Html.Styled.Attributes as Attributes exposing (css)
import ModuleExample as ModuleExample exposing (Category(..), ModuleExample)
import Nri.Ui.Colors.V1 as Colors
example : ModuleExample msg
example =
{ name = "Nri.Ui.Colors.V1"
, category = Colors
, content =
[ [ ( "gray20", Colors.gray20, "Main text" )
, ( "gray45", Colors.gray45, "Secondary text, 0-69 score" )
, ( "gray75", Colors.gray75, "Border of form elements and tabs" )
, ( "gray92", Colors.gray92, "Dvdrs/rules, incomplete assmt, inactive tabs/dsbld buttons" )
, ( "gray96", Colors.gray96, "backgrounds/alternating rows" )
, ( "navy", Colors.navy, "Headings, indented compts, labels, tooltip bckgrnds" )
, ( "azure", Colors.azure, "Buttons, other clickable stuff, links" )
, ( "azureDark", Colors.azureDark, "Azure button shadow" )
, ( "frost", Colors.frost, "Blue backgrounds pairing with Navy and Azure" )
, ( "glacier", Colors.glacier, "Blue highlights/selected elements" )
, ( "lichen", Colors.lichen, "70-79 score" )
, ( "grassland", Colors.grassland, "80-89 score" )
, ( "green", Colors.green, "90-100 score" )
, ( "greenDark", Colors.greenDark, "Green button, swathes of green" )
, ( "greenDarkest", Colors.greenDarkest, "Green text, green button shadow" )
, ( "greenLight", Colors.greenLight, "Green backgrounds" )
, ( "greenLightest", Colors.greenLightest, "Green backgrounds" )
, ( "cornflower", Colors.cornflower, "Mastery level 1" )
, ( "cornflowerDark", Colors.cornflowerDark, "Mastery level 1 text" )
, ( "cornflowerLight", Colors.cornflowerLight, "Background to pair with Cornflower elements" )
, ( "aqua", Colors.aqua, "Master level 2" )
, ( "aquaDark", Colors.aquaDark, "Text to pair with Aqua elements" )
, ( "aquaLight", Colors.aquaLight, "Background to pair with Aqua elements" )
, ( "turquoise", Colors.turquoise, "Master level 3, writing cycles" )
, ( "turquoiseDark", Colors.turquoiseDark, "Text to pair with turquoise elements" )
, ( "turquoiseLight", Colors.turquoiseLight, "Background to pair with turquoise elements" )
, ( "purple", Colors.purple, "Wrong, form errors, diagnostics, purple button" )
, ( "purpleDark", Colors.purpleDark, "Purple text, purple button shadow" )
, ( "purpleLight", Colors.purpleLight, "Purple backgrounds" )
, ( "red", Colors.red, "NoRedInk red, form warnings, practice" )
, ( "redDark", Colors.redDark, "Red links/text, red button shadow" )
, ( "redLight", Colors.redLight, "Red backgrounds" )
, ( "cyan", Colors.cyan, "Blue Highlighter" )
, ( "magenta", Colors.magenta, "Pink highlighter" )
, ( "yellow", Colors.yellow, "Yellow highlighter" )
, ( "ochre", Colors.ochre, "Yellow button shadow" )
, ( "sunshine", Colors.sunshine, "Yellow highlights, tips" )
, ( "highlightYellow", Colors.highlightYellow, "Yellow background highlights" )
, ( "highlightYellowDark", Colors.highlightYellowDark, "Dark yellow background highlights" )
, ( "highlightCyan", Colors.highlightCyan, "Cyan background highlights" )
, ( "highlightCyanDark", Colors.highlightCyanDark, "Dark cyan background highlights" )
, ( "highlightMagenta", Colors.highlightMagenta, "Magenta background highlights" )
, ( "highlightMagentaDark", Colors.highlightMagentaDark, "Dark magenta background highlights" )
, ( "highlightGreen", Colors.highlightGreen, "Green background highlights" )
, ( "highlightGreenDark", Colors.highlightGreenDark, "Dark green background highlights" )
, ( "highlightBlue", Colors.highlightBlue, "Blue background highlights" )
, ( "highlightBlueDark", Colors.highlightBlueDark, "Dark blue background highlights" )
, ( "highlightPurple", Colors.highlightPurple, "Purple background highlights" )
, ( "highlightPurpleDark", Colors.highlightPurpleDark, "Dark purple background highlights" )
, ( "highlightBrown", Colors.highlightBrown, "Brown background highlights" )
, ( "highlightBrownDark", Colors.highlightBrownDark, "Dark brown background highlights" )
|> List.map viewColor
|> Html.div
[ css
[ Css.maxWidth (Css.px 12000)
, Css.displayFlex
, Css.flexWrap Css.wrap
viewColor : ( String, Css.Color, String ) -> Html.Html msg
viewColor ( name, color, description ) =
[ css
[ -- Dimensions
Css.minWidth (Css.px 250)
, Css.maxWidth (Css.px 250)
, Css.minHeight (Css.px 160)
, Css.maxHeight (Css.px 160)
, Css.margin (Css.px 4)
, Css.padding (Css.px 8)
, Css.borderRadius (Css.px 4)
-- Interior spacing
, Css.displayFlex
, Css.flexDirection Css.column
, Css.justifyContent Css.center
, Css.alignItems Css.center
-- Colors
, Css.backgroundColor color
, Css.color Colors.gray20
, Css.textShadow4 Css.zero Css.zero (Css.px 6) Colors.white
[ Html.div
[ css [ Css.fontSize (Css.px 20) ]
[ Html.text name ]
, Html.div
[ css
[ Css.fontSize (Css.px 10)
, Css.flexGrow (Css.num 1)
, Css.textAlign Css.center
[ Html.text description ]
, Html.div
[ css
[ Css.fontSize (Css.px 20)
, Css.flexGrow (Css.num 2)
[ Html.text color.value ]