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synced 2024-12-19 11:41:32 +03:00
The inclusion of reset.css file nuked the default browser styles for headers. This change sees us using custom styled headers instead to bring structure back to the styleguide pages.
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225 lines
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module Examples.Button exposing (Msg, State, example, init, update)
{- \
@docs Msg, State, example, init, update,
import Debug.Control as Control exposing (Control)
import Headings
import Html exposing (..)
import ModuleExample as ModuleExample exposing (Category(..), ModuleExample, ModuleMessages)
import Nri.Ui.AssetPath exposing (Asset)
import Nri.Ui.Button.V2 as Button
import Nri.Ui.Icon.V2 as Icon
{-| -}
type Msg
= SetState State
{-| -}
type State
= State (Control Model)
{-| -}
type ButtonType
= Button
| Link
| CopyToClipboard
{-| -}
example :
{ r | teach_assignments_copyWhite_svg : Asset }
-> (String -> ModuleMessages Msg parentMsg)
-> State
-> ModuleExample parentMsg
example assets unnamedMessages state =
messages =
unnamedMessages "ButtonExample"
{ filename = "Nri/Button.elm"
, category = Buttons
, content =
[ viewButtonExamples assets messages state ]
{-| -}
init : { r | performance : String, lock : String } -> State
init assets =
Control.record Model
|> Control.field "label" (Control.string "Button")
|> Control.field "icon (copyToClipboard only has one icon choice)"
(Control.maybe False <|
[ ( "Performance", Control.value (Icon.performance assets) )
, ( "Lock", Control.value (Icon.lock assets) )
|> Control.field "width"
(Control.maybe True <|
[ ( "120", Control.value 120 )
, ( "70", Control.value 70 )
|> Control.field "button type"
[ ( "Nri.Button.button", Control.value Button )
, ( "Nri.Button.link", Control.value Link )
, ( "Nri.Button.copyToClipboard", Control.value CopyToClipboard )
|> Control.field "state (only applies to Nri.Button.button)"
(Control.choice <|
List.map (\x -> ( toString x, Control.value x ))
[ Button.Enabled
, Button.Disabled
, Button.Error
, Button.Unfulfilled
, Button.Loading
, Button.Success
|> State
{-| -}
update : Msg -> State -> ( State, Cmd Msg )
update msg state =
case msg of
SetState newState ->
( newState, Cmd.none )
type alias Model =
{ label : String
, icon : Maybe Icon.IconType
, width : Maybe Int
, buttonType : ButtonType
, state : Button.ButtonState
viewButtonExamples : { r | teach_assignments_copyWhite_svg : Asset } -> ModuleMessages Msg parentMsg -> State -> Html parentMsg
viewButtonExamples assets messages (State control) =
model =
Control.currentValue control
[ Control.view (State >> SetState >> messages.wrapper) control
, buttons assets messages sizes model
, toggleButtons messages
, Button.delete
{ label = "Delete Something"
, onClick = messages.showItWorked "delete"
|> div []
sizes : List Button.ButtonSize
sizes =
[ Button.Small
, Button.Medium
, Button.Large
allStyles : List Button.ButtonStyle
allStyles =
[ Button.Primary
, Button.Secondary
, Button.Borderless
, Button.Danger
, Button.Premium
buttons : { r | teach_assignments_copyWhite_svg : Asset } -> ModuleMessages Msg parentMsg -> List Button.ButtonSize -> Model -> Html parentMsg
buttons assets messages sizes model =
exampleRow style =
[ [ td [] [ text <| toString style ]
, sizes
|> List.map (exampleCell style)
|> tr []
exampleCell style size =
(case model.buttonType of
Link ->
{ size = size
, style = style
, label = model.label
, icon = model.icon
, url = ""
, width = model.width
Button ->
{ size = size
, style = style
, onClick = messages.showItWorked (toString ( style, size ))
, width = model.width
{ label = model.label
, icon = model.icon
, state = model.state
CopyToClipboard ->
{ size = size
, style = style
, copyText = "wire up in your coffee file with clipboard.js"
, buttonLabel = model.label
, withIcon = model.icon /= Nothing
, width = model.width
|> List.singleton
|> td []
[ [ sizes
|> List.map (\size -> th [] [ text <| toString size ])
|> (\cells -> tr [] (th [] [] :: cells))
, allStyles
|> List.map exampleRow
|> table []
toggleButtons : ModuleMessages Msg parentMsg -> Html parentMsg
toggleButtons messages =
div []
[ Headings.h3 [ text "Button toggle" ]
, Button.toggleButton
{ onDeselect = messages.showItWorked "onDeselect"
, onSelect = messages.showItWorked "onSelect"
, label = "5"
, pressed = False
, Button.toggleButton
{ onDeselect = messages.showItWorked "onDeselect"
, onSelect = messages.showItWorked "onSelect"
, label = "5"
, pressed = True