2022-10-04 15:08:57 -03:00

330 lines
12 KiB

module Spec.Nri.Ui.Highlighter exposing (spec)
import Accessibility.Key as Key
import Expect
import Html.Styled exposing (toUnstyled)
import Nri.Ui.Colors.V1 as Colors
import Nri.Ui.Highlightable.V1 as Highlightable exposing (Highlightable)
import Nri.Ui.Highlighter.V1 as Highlighter
import Nri.Ui.HighlighterTool.V1 as Tool exposing (Tool)
import ProgramTest exposing (..)
import Spec.KeyboardHelpers as KeyboardHelpers
import Spec.MouseHelpers as MouseHelpers
import Test exposing (..)
import Test.Html.Query as Query
import Test.Html.Selector as Selector
spec : Test
spec =
describe "Nri.Ui.Highlighter.V1"
[ describe "keyboard behavior" keyboardTests
keyboardTests : List Test
keyboardTests =
[ test "has a focusable element when there is one" <|
\() ->
Highlightable.initFragments Nothing "Pothos indirect light"
|> program marker
|> ensureTabbable "Pothos"
|> done
, test "has only one element included in the tab sequence" <|
\() ->
Highlightable.initFragments Nothing "Pothos indirect light"
|> program marker
|> ensureOnlyOneInTabSequence (String.words "Pothos indirect light")
|> done
, test "moves focus right on right arrow key" <|
\() ->
Highlightable.initFragments Nothing "Pothos indirect light"
|> program marker
|> ensureTabbable "Pothos"
|> rightArrow
|> ensureTabbable "indirect"
|> ensureOnlyOneInTabSequence (String.words "Pothos indirect light")
|> rightArrow
|> ensureTabbable "light"
-- once we're on the final element, pressing right arrow again should
-- _not_ wrap the focus. We should stay right where we are!
|> rightArrow
|> ensureTabbable "light"
|> done
, test "moves focus left on left arrow key" <|
\() ->
Highlightable.initFragments Nothing "Pothos indirect light"
|> program marker
|> ensureTabbable "Pothos"
|> rightArrow
|> ensureTabbable "indirect"
|> leftArrow
|> ensureTabbable "Pothos"
|> ensureOnlyOneInTabSequence (String.words "Pothos indirect light")
-- once we're on the first element, pressing left arrow again should
-- _not_ wrap the focus. We should stay right where we are!
|> leftArrow
|> ensureTabbable "Pothos"
|> done
, test "moves focus right on shift + right arrow" <|
\() ->
Highlightable.initFragments Nothing "Pothos indirect light"
|> program marker
|> ensureTabbable "Pothos"
|> shiftRight
|> ensureTabbable "indirect"
|> shiftRight
|> ensureTabbable "light"
|> shiftRight
|> ensureTabbable "light"
|> done
, test "moves focus left on shift + left arrow" <|
\() ->
Highlightable.initFragments Nothing "Pothos indirect light"
|> program marker
|> ensureTabbable "Pothos"
|> rightArrow
|> ensureTabbable "indirect"
|> shiftLeft
|> ensureTabbable "Pothos"
|> shiftLeft
|> ensureTabbable "Pothos"
|> done
, test "expands selection one element to the right on shift + right arrow and highlight selected elements" <|
\() ->
Highlightable.initFragments Nothing "Pothos indirect light"
|> program marker
|> shiftRight
|> releaseShiftRight
|> ensureMarked [ "Pothos", " ", "indirect" ]
|> shiftRight
|> releaseShiftRight
|> ensureMarked [ "Pothos", " ", "indirect", " ", "light" ]
|> shiftRight
|> releaseShiftRight
|> ensureMarked [ "Pothos", " ", "indirect", " ", "light" ]
|> done
, test "expands selection one element to the left on shift + left arrow and highlight selected elements" <|
\() ->
Highlightable.initFragments Nothing "Pothos indirect light"
|> program marker
|> rightArrow
|> rightArrow
|> shiftLeft
|> releaseShiftLeft
|> ensureMarked [ "indirect", " ", "light" ]
|> shiftLeft
|> releaseShiftLeft
|> ensureMarked [ "Pothos", " ", "indirect", " ", "light" ]
|> shiftLeft
|> releaseShiftLeft
|> ensureMarked [ "Pothos", " ", "indirect", " ", "light" ]
|> done
, test "merges highlights" <|
\() ->
Highlightable.initFragments Nothing "Pothos indirect light"
|> program marker
|> ensureTabbable "Pothos"
|> shiftRight
|> releaseShiftRight
|> ensureMarked [ "Pothos", " ", "indirect" ]
|> ensureTabbable "indirect"
|> rightArrow
|> ensureTabbable "light"
|> shiftLeft
|> releaseShiftLeft
|> ensureMarked [ "Pothos", " ", "indirect", " ", "light" ]
|> done
, test "selects element on MouseDown and highlights selected element on MouseUp" <|
\() ->
Highlightable.initFragments Nothing "Pothos indirect light"
|> program marker
|> ensureTabbable "Pothos"
|> mouseDown "Pothos"
|> mouseUp "Pothos"
|> ensureMarked [ "Pothos" ]
|> done
, test "selects element on MouseDown, expands selection on MouseOver, and highlights selected elements on MouseUp" <|
\() ->
Highlightable.initFragments Nothing "Pothos indirect light"
|> program marker
|> ensureTabbable "Pothos"
|> mouseDown "Pothos"
|> mouseOver "indirect"
|> mouseUp "Pothos"
|> ensureMarked [ "Pothos", " ", "indirect" ]
|> done
, test "Highlights element on Space" <|
\() ->
Highlightable.initFragments Nothing "Pothos indirect light"
|> program marker
|> ensureTabbable "Pothos"
|> space
|> ensureMarked [ "Pothos" ]
|> done
, test "Removes highlight from element on MouseUp" <|
\() ->
Highlightable.initFragments Nothing "Pothos indirect light"
|> program marker
|> ensureTabbable "Pothos"
|> space
|> ensureMarked [ "Pothos" ]
|> ensureTabbable "Pothos"
|> mouseDown "Pothos"
|> mouseUp "Pothos"
|> expectViewHasNot
[ Selector.tag "mark" ]
, test "Removes entire highlight from a group of elements on MouseUp" <|
\() ->
Highlightable.initFragments Nothing "Pothos indirect light"
|> program marker
|> ensureTabbable "Pothos"
|> shiftRight
|> releaseShiftRight
|> ensureMarked [ "Pothos", " ", "indirect" ]
|> mouseDown "indirect"
|> mouseUp "indirect"
|> expectViewHasNot
[ Selector.tag "mark" ]
, test "Removes highlight from element on Space" <|
\() ->
Highlightable.initFragments Nothing "Pothos indirect light"
|> program marker
|> ensureTabbable "Pothos"
|> space
|> ensureMarked [ "Pothos" ]
|> ensureTabbable "Pothos"
|> space
|> expectViewHasNot
[ Selector.tag "mark" ]
ensureTabbable : String -> TestContext marker -> TestContext marker
ensureTabbable word testContext =
|> ensureView
(Query.find [ Selector.attribute (Key.tabbable True) ]
>> Query.has [ Selector.text word ]
ensureOnlyOneInTabSequence : List String -> TestContext marker -> TestContext marker
ensureOnlyOneInTabSequence words testContext =
|> ensureView
(Query.findAll [ Selector.attribute (Key.tabbable True) ]
>> Query.count (Expect.equal 1)
|> ensureView
(Query.findAll [ Selector.attribute (Key.tabbable False) ]
>> Query.count (Expect.equal (List.length words - 1))
ensureMarked : List String -> TestContext marker -> TestContext marker
ensureMarked words testContext =
|> ensureView
(Query.find [ Selector.tag "mark" ]
>> Query.children [ Selector.tag "span" ]
>> Expect.all (List.indexedMap (\i w -> Query.index i >> Query.has [ Selector.text w ]) words)
-- TODO: ensure other elements are not marked
space : TestContext marker -> TestContext marker
space =
KeyboardHelpers.pressSpaceKey { targetDetails = [] }
[ Selector.attribute (Key.tabbable True) ]
rightArrow : TestContext marker -> TestContext marker
rightArrow =
KeyboardHelpers.pressRightArrow { targetDetails = [] }
[ Selector.attribute (Key.tabbable True) ]
leftArrow : TestContext marker -> TestContext marker
leftArrow =
KeyboardHelpers.pressLeftArrow { targetDetails = [] }
[ Selector.attribute (Key.tabbable True) ]
shiftRight : TestContext marker -> TestContext marker
shiftRight =
KeyboardHelpers.pressShiftRight { targetDetails = [] }
[ Selector.attribute (Key.tabbable True) ]
shiftLeft : TestContext marker -> TestContext marker
shiftLeft =
KeyboardHelpers.pressShiftLeft { targetDetails = [] }
[ Selector.attribute (Key.tabbable True) ]
releaseShiftRight : TestContext marker -> TestContext marker
releaseShiftRight =
KeyboardHelpers.releaseShiftRight { targetDetails = [] }
[ Selector.attribute (Key.tabbable True) ]
releaseShiftLeft : TestContext marker -> TestContext marker
releaseShiftLeft =
KeyboardHelpers.releaseShiftLeft { targetDetails = [] }
[ Selector.attribute (Key.tabbable True) ]
mouseDown : String -> TestContext marker -> TestContext marker
mouseDown word =
MouseHelpers.cancelableMouseDown [ Selector.tag "span", Selector.containing [ Selector.text word ] ]
mouseUp : String -> TestContext marker -> TestContext marker
mouseUp word =
MouseHelpers.cancelableMouseUp [ Selector.tag "span", Selector.containing [ Selector.text word ] ]
mouseOver : String -> TestContext marker -> TestContext marker
mouseOver word =
MouseHelpers.cancelableMouseOver [ Selector.tag "span", Selector.containing [ Selector.text word ] ]
marker : Tool ()
marker =
{ highlightColor = Colors.magenta
, hoverColor = Colors.magenta
, hoverHighlightColor = Colors.magenta
, kind = ()
, name = Nothing
type alias TestContext marker =
ProgramTest (Highlighter.Model marker) (Highlighter.Msg marker) ()
program : Tool marker -> List (Highlightable marker) -> TestContext marker
program tool highlightables =
{ init =
{ id = "test-highlighter-container"
, highlightables = highlightables
, marker = tool
, update =
\msg model ->
case Highlighter.update msg model of
( newModel, _, _ ) ->
, view = Highlighter.view >> toUnstyled
|> ProgramTest.start ()