
109 lines
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# Copyright (c) Meta Platforms, Inc. and affiliates.
# This source code is licensed under both the MIT license found in the
# LICENSE-MIT file in the root directory of this source tree and the Apache
# License, Version 2.0 found in the LICENSE-APACHE file in the root directory
# of this source tree.
load("@prelude//apple:apple_toolchain_types.bzl", "AppleToolchainInfo")
load("@prelude//utils:utils.bzl", "flatten")
load(":apple_asset_catalog_compilation_options.bzl", "AppleAssetCatalogsCompilationOptions", "get_apple_asset_catalogs_compilation_options") # @unused Used as a type
load(":apple_asset_catalog_types.bzl", "AppleAssetCatalogResult", "AppleAssetCatalogSpec", "StringWithSourceTarget")
load(":apple_bundle_utility.bzl", "get_bundle_min_target_version", "get_bundle_resource_processing_options")
load(":apple_sdk.bzl", "get_apple_sdk_name")
load(":apple_sdk_metadata.bzl", "get_apple_sdk_metadata_for_sdk_name")
load(":resource_groups.bzl", "create_resource_graph")
def apple_asset_catalog_impl(ctx: "context") -> ["provider"]:
spec = AppleAssetCatalogSpec(
app_icon = StringWithSourceTarget(source = ctx.label, value = ctx.attrs.app_icon) if ctx.attrs.app_icon != None else None,
dirs = ctx.attrs.dirs,
launch_image = StringWithSourceTarget(source = ctx.label, value = ctx.attrs.launch_image) if ctx.attrs.launch_image != None else None,
graph = create_resource_graph(
ctx = ctx,
labels = ctx.attrs.labels,
deps = [],
exported_deps = [],
asset_catalog_spec = spec,
return [DefaultInfo(default_output = None), graph]
def compile_apple_asset_catalog(ctx: "context", specs: [AppleAssetCatalogSpec.type]) -> [AppleAssetCatalogResult.type, None]:
single_spec = _merge_asset_catalog_specs(ctx, specs)
if len(single_spec.dirs) == 0:
return None
plist = ctx.actions.declare_output("AssetCatalog.plist")
catalog = ctx.actions.declare_output("AssetCatalogCompiled", dir = True)
processing_options = get_bundle_resource_processing_options(ctx)
compilation_options = get_apple_asset_catalogs_compilation_options(ctx)
command = _get_actool_command(ctx, single_spec, catalog.as_output(), plist.as_output(), compilation_options), prefer_local = processing_options.prefer_local, allow_cache_upload = processing_options.allow_cache_upload, category = "apple_asset_catalog")
return AppleAssetCatalogResult(compiled_catalog = catalog, catalog_plist = plist)
def _merge_asset_catalog_specs(ctx: "context", xs: [AppleAssetCatalogSpec.type]) -> AppleAssetCatalogSpec.type:
app_icon = _get_at_most_one_attribute(ctx, xs, "app_icon")
launch_image = _get_at_most_one_attribute(ctx, xs, "launch_image")
dirs = dedupe(flatten([x.dirs for x in xs]))
return AppleAssetCatalogSpec(app_icon = app_icon, dirs = dirs, launch_image = launch_image)
def _get_at_most_one_attribute(ctx: "context", xs: ["_record"], attr_name: str.type) -> ["StringWithSourceTarget", None]:
all_values = dedupe(filter(None, [getattr(x, attr_name) for x in xs]))
if len(all_values) > 1:
fail("At most one asset catalog in the dependencies of `{}` can have an `{}` attribute. At least 2 catalogs are providing it: `{}` and `{}`.".format(_get_target(ctx), attr_name, all_values[0].source, all_values[1].source))
elif len(all_values) == 1:
return all_values[0]
return None
def _get_target(ctx: "context") -> str.type:
return ctx.label.package + ":" +
def _get_actool_command(ctx: "context", info: AppleAssetCatalogSpec.type, catalog_output: "output_artifact", plist_output: "output_artifact", compilation_options: AppleAssetCatalogsCompilationOptions.type) -> "cmd_args":
external_name = get_apple_sdk_name(ctx)
target_device = get_apple_sdk_metadata_for_sdk_name(external_name).target_device_flags
actool = ctx.attrs._apple_toolchain[AppleToolchainInfo].actool
actool_command = cmd_args([
] +
target_device +
["--app-icon", info.app_icon.value] if info.app_icon else []
) + (
["--launch-image", info.launch_image.value] if info.launch_image else []
) + (
["--notices"] if compilation_options.enable_notices else []
) + (
["--warnings"] if compilation_options.enable_warnings else []
) + (
["--errors"] if compilation_options.enable_errors else []
) + (
["--compress-pngs"] if compilation_options.compress_pngs else []
) +
["--optimization", compilation_options.optimization] +
["--output-format", compilation_options.output_format] +
compilation_options.extra_flags +
# `actool` expects the output directory to be present.
# Use the wrapper script to create the directory first and then actually call `actool`.
wrapper_script, _ = ctx.actions.write(
cmd_args(catalog_output, format = "mkdir -p {}"),
cmd_args(actool_command, delimiter = " "),
allow_args = True,
command = cmd_args(["/bin/sh", wrapper_script]).hidden([actool_command])
return command