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# Copyright (c) Meta Platforms, Inc. and affiliates.
# This source code is licensed under both the MIT license found in the
# LICENSE-MIT file in the root directory of this source tree and the Apache
# License, Version 2.0 found in the LICENSE-APACHE file in the root directory
# of this source tree.
load("@prelude//utils:utils.bzl", "expect")
def topo_sort(graph: {"_a": ["_a"]}) -> ["_a"]:
Topo-sort the given graph.
in_degrees = {node: 0 for node in graph}
for _node, deps in graph.items():
for dep in dedupe(deps):
in_degrees[dep] += 1
queue = []
for node, in_degree in in_degrees.items():
if in_degree == 0:
ordered = []
for _ in range(len(in_degrees)):
expect(len(queue) != 0, "cycle in graph detected")
node = queue.pop()
for dep in graph[node]:
in_degrees[dep] -= 1
if in_degrees[dep] == 0:
expect(not queue, "finished before processing nodes: {}".format(queue))
expect(len(ordered) == len(graph), "missing or duplicate nodes in sort")
return ordered
def post_order_traversal(graph: {"_a": ["_a"]}) -> ["_a"]:
Performs a post-order traversal of `graph`.
out_degrees = {node: 0 for node in graph}
rdeps = {node: [] for node in graph}
for node, deps in graph.items():
for dep in dedupe(deps):
out_degrees[node] += 1
queue = []
for node, out_degree in out_degrees.items():
if out_degree == 0:
ordered = []
for _ in range(len(out_degrees)):
expect(len(queue) != 0, "cycle in graph detected")
node = queue.pop()
for dep in rdeps[node]:
out_degrees[dep] -= 1
if out_degrees[dep] == 0:
expect(not queue, "finished before processing nodes: {}".format(queue))
expect(len(ordered) == len(graph), "missing or duplicate nodes in sort")
return ordered
def breadth_first_traversal(
graph_nodes: {"_a": ["_a"]},
roots: ["_a"]) -> ["_a"]:
Like `breadth_first_traversal_by` but the nodes are stored in the graph.
def lookup(x):
return graph_nodes[x]
return breadth_first_traversal_by(graph_nodes, roots, lookup)
def breadth_first_traversal_by(
graph_nodes: {"_a": ""},
roots: ["_a"],
get_nodes_to_traverse_func) -> ["_a"]:
Performs a breadth first traversal of `graph_nodes`, beginning
with the `roots` and queuing the nodes returned by`get_nodes_to_traverse_func`.
Returns a list of all visisted nodes.
get_nodes_to_traverse_func(node: '_a') -> ['_a']:
Starlark does not offer while loops, so this implementation
must make use of a for loop. We pop from the end of the queue
as a matter of performance.
# Dictify for O(1) lookup
visited = {k: None for k in roots}
queue = visited.keys()
for _ in range(len(graph_nodes)):
if not queue:
node = queue.pop()
expect(node in graph_nodes, "Expected node {} in graph nodes", node)
nodes_to_visit = get_nodes_to_traverse_func(node)
for node in nodes_to_visit:
if node not in visited:
visited[node] = None
expect(not queue, "Expected to be done with graph traversal queue.")
return visited.keys()