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module Examples.Text exposing (example, State, Msg)
@docs example, State, Msg
import Category exposing (Category(..))
import CommonControls exposing (exampleHtml, quickBrownFox, romeoAndJulietQuotation)
import Css
import Debug.Control as Control exposing (Control)
import Debug.Control.Extra as ControlExtra
import Example exposing (Example)
import Html.Styled as Html exposing (Html)
import Html.Styled.Attributes as Attributes exposing (css)
import KeyboardSupport exposing (Direction(..), Key(..))
import Nri.Ui.Colors.V1 as Colors
import Nri.Ui.Heading.V2 as Heading
import Nri.Ui.Text.V6 as Text
{-| -}
example : Example State Msg
example =
{ name = "Text"
, version = 6
, categories = [ Text ]
, keyboardSupport = []
, state = init
, update = update
, subscriptions = \_ -> Sub.none
, preview =
[ ( "caption", Text.caption )
, ( "smallBody", Text.smallBody )
, ( "mediumBody", Text.mediumBody )
, ( "ugMediumBody", Text.ugMediumBody )
|> List.map viewPreview
, view =
\state ->
attributes =
Control.currentValue state.control
[ Text.caption [ Text.plaintext "NOTE: When using these styles, please read the documentation in the Elm module about \"Understanding spacing\"" ]
, Control.view UpdateControl state.control
|> Html.fromUnstyled
, Heading.h2 [ Heading.style Heading.Top ] [ Html.text "Paragraph styles" ]
, viewExamples
[ ( "mediumBody", Text.mediumBody )
, ( "smallBody", Text.smallBody )
, ( "smallBodyGray", Text.smallBodyGray )
, ( "caption", Text.caption )
, Heading.h2 [ Heading.style Heading.Top ] [ Html.text "Paragraph styles for user-authored content" ]
, viewExamples
[ ( "ugMediumBody", Text.ugMediumBody )
, ( "ugSmallBody", Text.ugSmallBody )
viewPreview : ( String, List (Text.Attribute msg) -> Html msg ) -> Html msg
viewPreview ( name, view ) =
view [ Text.plaintext name ]
viewExamples : List ( String, List (Text.Attribute msg) -> Html msg ) -> List (Text.Attribute msg) -> Html msg
viewExamples examples attributes =
viewExample ( name, view ) =
Html.tr []
[ Html.th [] [ Html.text name ]
, Html.td [] [ view attributes ]
Html.table [ css [ Css.width (Css.pct 100) ] ]
[ Html.tbody [] <|
List.map viewExample examples
{-| -}
type alias State =
{ control : Control (List (Text.Attribute Msg))
{-| -}
init : State
init =
{ control =
|> ControlExtra.listItem "content" controlContent
|> ControlExtra.listItem "noBreak"
(Control.map Text.noBreak (Control.bool False))
|> ControlExtra.optionalListItem "css"
[ Css.border3 (Css.px 1) Css.solid Colors.aqua
, Css.color Colors.aquaDark
controlContent : Control (Text.Attribute msg)
controlContent =
[ ( "HTML"
, Control.value (Text.html exampleHtml)
, ( "plain text (short)"
, Control.string quickBrownFox
|> Control.map Text.plaintext
, ( "plain text (long)"
, Control.stringTextarea romeoAndJulietQuotation
|> Control.map Text.plaintext
, ( "markdown"
, Control.string romeoAndJulietQuotation
|> Control.map Text.markdown
{-| -}
type Msg
= UpdateControl (Control (List (Text.Attribute Msg)))
{-| -}
update : Msg -> State -> ( State, Cmd Msg )
update msg state =
case msg of
UpdateControl newControl ->
( { state | control = newControl }, Cmd.none )