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module Examples.Icon exposing (example)
@docs example, styles
import Css
import Css.Global
import Examples.IconExamples as IconExamples
import Html.Styled as Html exposing (Html)
import Html.Styled.Attributes exposing (css)
import ModuleExample exposing (Category(..), ModuleExample)
import Nri.Ui.AssetPath as AssetPath exposing (Asset(..))
import Nri.Ui.Colors.V1 as Colors
import Nri.Ui.Icon.V5 as Icon
{-| -}
example : ModuleExample msg
example =
{ name = "Nri.Ui.Icon.V5"
, category = Icons
, content =
[ IconExamples.view "Mastery Icons"
[ deprecatedIcon { icon = Icon.gardening, background = Colors.blue, alt = "Gardening" }
, deprecatedIcon { icon = Icon.highFive, background = Colors.blue, alt = "HighFive" }
, deprecatedIcon { icon = Icon.okay, background = Colors.blue, alt = "Okay" }
, deprecatedIcon { icon = Icon.thumbsUp, background = Colors.blue, alt = "ThumbsUp" }
, deprecatedIcon { icon = Icon.masteryBadge, background = Colors.frost, alt = "Badge " }
, IconExamples.view "Student Assignment Actions"
[ deprecatedIcon { icon = Icon.assignmentStartButtonPrimary, background = Colors.frost, alt = "Start primary" }
, deprecatedIcon { icon = Icon.assignmentStartButtonSecondary, background = Colors.frost, alt = "Start secondary" }
, IconExamples.view "Social Media"
[ deprecatedIcon { icon = Icon.facebook, background = Colors.frost, alt = "Facebook" }
, deprecatedIcon { icon = Icon.twitter, background = Colors.frost, alt = "Twitter" }
, deprecatedIcon { icon = Icon.clever, background = Colors.frost, alt = "Clever" }
, IconExamples.view "Bulbs and Tips"
[ deprecatedIcon { icon = Icon.bulb, background = Colors.frost, alt = "Bulb" }
, deprecatedIcon { icon = Icon.lightBulb, background = Colors.frost, alt = "LightBulb" }
, deprecatedIcon { icon = Icon.helpSvg, background = Colors.frost, alt = "Help" }
, IconExamples.view "Locks and keys"
[ deprecatedIcon { icon = Icon.key, background = Colors.frost, alt = "Key" }
, deprecatedIcon { icon = Icon.lock, background = Colors.frost, alt = "Lock" }
, IconExamples.view "Uncategorized (SVGs)"
[ deprecatedIcon { icon = Icon.activity, background = Colors.frost, alt = "Activity" }
, deprecatedIcon { icon = Icon.compassSvg, background = Colors.frost, alt = "CompassSvg" }
, deprecatedIcon { icon = Icon.footsteps, background = Colors.frost, alt = "Footsteps" }
, deprecatedIcon { icon = Icon.speedometer, background = Colors.frost, alt = "Speedometer" }
, deprecatedIcon { icon = Icon.skip, background = Colors.frost, alt = "Skip" }
, deprecatedIcon { icon = Icon.equalitySign, background = Colors.frost, alt = "EqualitySign" }
, deprecatedIcon { icon = Icon.logo, background = Colors.frost, alt = "Logo" }
deprecatedIcon : { alt : String, background : Css.Color, icon : Assets -> Icon.IconType } -> ( String, Html msg )
deprecatedIcon { alt, background, icon } =
( alt
, Html.div
[ css
[ Css.backgroundColor background
, Css.height (Css.px 80)
, Css.width (Css.px 80)
, Css.displayFlex
, Css.alignItems Css.center
, Css.justifyContent Css.center
, Css.Global.descendants
[ Css.Global.img
[ Css.maxWidth (Css.pct 100)
, Css.maxHeight (Css.pct 100)
[ Icon.icon { alt = alt, icon = icon assets }
type alias Assets =
{ activity : String
, arrowDown : String
, assignmentStartButtonPrimary_svg : Asset
, assignmentStartButtonSecondary_svg : Asset
, attention_svg : Asset
, bulb : String
, calendar : String
, checkmark : String
, class : String
, clever : String
, clock : String
, commentNotStarred_png : Asset
, commentStarred_png : Asset
, compass : String
, diagnostic : String
, document : String
, download : String
, edit : String
, editWriting : String
, exclamation : String
, facebookBlue_svg : Asset
, flipper : String
, footsteps : String
, gear : String
, guidedDraft : String
, help : String
, hint_png : Asset
, iconFlag_png : Asset
, icons_equals_svg : Asset
, icons_xBlue_svg : Asset
, key : String
, leaderboard : String
, level1Badge_png : Asset
, level2Badge_png : Asset
, level3Badge_png : Asset
, lock : String
, logoRedBlack_svg : Asset
, masteryBadge : String
, newspaper : String
, openClose : String
, peerReview : String
, pen : Asset
, performance : String
, personBlue_svg : Asset
, practice : String
, preview : String
, quickWrite : String
, quiz : String
, rating : String
, revising : String
, seemore : String
, selfReview : String
, share : String
, skip : String
, sort : String
, sortArrow : String
, speedometer : String
, startingOffBadge_png : Asset
, submitting : String
, tip_svg : Asset
, twitterBlue_svg : Asset
, unarchiveBlue2x_png : Asset
, writingAssignment : String
, writingcycle : String
, x : String
assets : Assets
assets =
{ activity = "icon-activity"
, arrowDown = "icon-arrow-down"
, assignmentStartButtonPrimary_svg = Asset "assets/images/assignment-start-button-primary.svg"
, assignmentStartButtonSecondary_svg = Asset "assets/images/assignment-start-button-secondary.svg"
, attention_svg = Asset "assets/images/attention.svg"
, bulb = "icon-bulb"
, calendar = "icon-calendar"
, checkmark = "icon-checkmark"
, class = "icon-class"
, clever = "icon-clever"
, clock = "icon-clock"
, commentNotStarred_png = Asset "assets/images/comment-notStarred.png"
, commentStarred_png = Asset "assets/images/comment-starred.png"
, compass = "icon-compass"
, diagnostic = "icon-diagnostic"
, document = "icon-document"
, download = "icon-download"
, edit = "icon-edit"
, editWriting = "icon-edit-writing"
, exclamation = "icon-exclamation"
, facebookBlue_svg = Asset "assets/images/facebook-blue.svg"
, flipper = "icon-flipper"
, footsteps = "icon-footsteps"
, gear = "icon-gear"
, guidedDraft = "icon-guided-draft"
, help = "icon-help"
, hint_png = Asset "assets/images/hint.png"
, iconFlag_png = Asset "assets/images/icon-flag.png"
, icons_equals_svg = Asset "assets/images/equals.svg"
, icons_xBlue_svg = Asset "assets/images/x-blue.svg"
, key = "icon-key"
, leaderboard = "icon-leaderboard"
, level1Badge_png = Asset "assets/images/level-1-badge.png"
, level2Badge_png = Asset "assets/images/level-2-badge.png"
, level3Badge_png = Asset "assets/images/level-3-badge.png"
, lock = "icon-lock"
, logoRedBlack_svg = Asset "assets/images/logo-red-black.svg"
, masteryBadge = "icon-mastery-badge"
, newspaper = "icon-newspaper"
, openClose = "icon-open-close"
, peerReview = "icon-peer-review"
, pen = Asset "assets/images/pen.svg"
, performance = "icon-performance"
, personBlue_svg = Asset "assets/images/person-blue.svg"
, practice = "icon-practice"
, preview = "icon-preview"
, quickWrite = "icon-quick-write"
, quiz = "icon-quiz"
, rating = "icon-rating"
, revising = "icon-revising"
, seemore = "icon-seemore"
, selfReview = "icon-self-review"
, share = "icon-share"
, skip = "icon-skip"
, sort = "icon-sort"
, sortArrow = "icon-sort-arrow"
, speedometer = "icon-speedometer"
, startingOffBadge_png = Asset "assets/images/starting-off-badge.png"
, submitting = "icon-submitting"
, tip_svg = Asset "assets/images/tip.svg"
, twitterBlue_svg = Asset "assets/images/twitter-blue.svg"
, unarchiveBlue2x_png = Asset "assets/images/unarchive-blue_2x.png"
, writingAssignment = "icon-writing-assignment"
, writingcycle = "icon-writingcycle"
, x = "icon-x"