mirror of
synced 2025-01-08 07:27:44 +03:00
725 lines
21 KiB
725 lines
21 KiB
(function() {
"use strict";
var h = new function() {}();
var aa = new Set(
"annotation-xml color-profile font-face font-face-src font-face-uri font-face-format font-face-name missing-glyph".split(
" "
function n(b) {
var a = aa.has(b);
b = /^[a-z][.0-9_a-z]*-[\-.0-9_a-z]*$/.test(b);
return !a && b;
function p(b) {
var a = b.isConnected;
if (void 0 !== a) return a;
for (; b && !(b.__CE_isImportDocument || b instanceof Document); )
b =
b.parentNode ||
(window.ShadowRoot && b instanceof ShadowRoot ? b.host : void 0);
return !(!b || !(b.__CE_isImportDocument || b instanceof Document));
function q(b, a) {
for (; a && a !== b && !a.nextSibling; ) a = a.parentNode;
return a && a !== b ? a.nextSibling : null;
function t(b, a, c) {
c = c ? c : new Set();
for (var d = b; d; ) {
if (d.nodeType === Node.ELEMENT_NODE) {
var e = d;
var f = e.localName;
if ("link" === f && "import" === e.getAttribute("rel")) {
d = e.import;
if (d instanceof Node && !c.has(d))
for (c.add(d), d = d.firstChild; d; d = d.nextSibling) t(d, a, c);
d = q(b, e);
} else if ("template" === f) {
d = q(b, e);
if ((e = e.__CE_shadowRoot))
for (e = e.firstChild; e; e = e.nextSibling) t(e, a, c);
d = d.firstChild ? d.firstChild : q(b, d);
function u(b, a, c) {
b[a] = c;
function v() {
this.a = new Map();
this.o = new Map();
this.f = [];
this.b = !1;
function ba(b, a, c) {
b.a.set(a, c);
b.o.set(c.constructor, c);
function w(b, a) {
b.b = !0;
function x(b, a) {
b.b &&
t(a, function(a) {
return y(b, a);
function y(b, a) {
if (b.b && !a.__CE_patched) {
a.__CE_patched = !0;
for (var c = 0; c < b.f.length; c++) b.f[c](a);
function z(b, a) {
var c = [];
t(a, function(b) {
return c.push(b);
for (a = 0; a < c.length; a++) {
var d = c[a];
1 === d.__CE_state ? b.connectedCallback(d) : A(b, d);
function B(b, a) {
var c = [];
t(a, function(b) {
return c.push(b);
for (a = 0; a < c.length; a++) {
var d = c[a];
1 === d.__CE_state && b.disconnectedCallback(d);
function C(b, a, c) {
c = c ? c : {};
var d = c.w || new Set(),
e =
c.s ||
function(a) {
return A(b, a);
f = [];
function(a) {
if ("link" === a.localName && "import" === a.getAttribute("rel")) {
var c = a.import;
c instanceof Node &&
((c.__CE_isImportDocument = !0), (c.__CE_hasRegistry = !0));
c && "complete" === c.readyState
? (c.__CE_documentLoadHandled = !0)
: a.addEventListener("load", function() {
var c = a.import;
if (!c.__CE_documentLoadHandled) {
c.__CE_documentLoadHandled = !0;
var f = new Set(d);
C(b, c, { w: f, s: e });
} else f.push(a);
if (b.b) for (a = 0; a < f.length; a++) y(b, f[a]);
for (a = 0; a < f.length; a++) e(f[a]);
function A(b, a) {
if (void 0 === a.__CE_state) {
var c = a.ownerDocument;
if (c.defaultView || (c.__CE_isImportDocument && c.__CE_hasRegistry))
if ((c = b.a.get(a.localName))) {
var d = c.constructor;
try {
try {
if (new d() !== a)
throw Error(
"The custom element constructor did not produce the element being upgraded."
} finally {
} catch (m) {
throw ((a.__CE_state = 2), m);
a.__CE_state = 1;
a.__CE_definition = c;
if (c.attributeChangedCallback)
for (c = c.observedAttributes, d = 0; d < c.length; d++) {
var e = c[d],
f = a.getAttribute(e);
null !== f && b.attributeChangedCallback(a, e, null, f, null);
p(a) && b.connectedCallback(a);
v.prototype.connectedCallback = function(b) {
var a = b.__CE_definition;
a.connectedCallback && a.connectedCallback.call(b);
v.prototype.disconnectedCallback = function(b) {
var a = b.__CE_definition;
a.disconnectedCallback && a.disconnectedCallback.call(b);
v.prototype.attributeChangedCallback = function(b, a, c, d, e) {
var f = b.__CE_definition;
f.attributeChangedCallback &&
-1 < f.observedAttributes.indexOf(a) &&
f.attributeChangedCallback.call(b, a, c, d, e);
function D(b, a) {
this.c = b;
this.a = a;
this.b = void 0;
C(this.c, this.a);
"loading" === this.a.readyState &&
(this.b = new MutationObserver(this.f.bind(this))),
this.b.observe(this.a, { childList: !0, subtree: !0 })
function E(b) {
b.b && b.b.disconnect();
D.prototype.f = function(b) {
var a = this.a.readyState;
("interactive" !== a && "complete" !== a) || E(this);
for (a = 0; a < b.length; a++)
for (var c = b[a].addedNodes, d = 0; d < c.length; d++) C(this.c, c[d]);
function ca() {
var b = this;
this.b = this.a = void 0;
this.f = new Promise(function(a) {
b.b = a;
b.a && a(b.a);
function F(b) {
if (b.a) throw Error("Already resolved.");
b.a = void 0;
b.b && b.b(void 0);
function G(b) {
this.i = !1;
this.c = b;
this.m = new Map();
this.j = function(b) {
return b();
this.g = !1;
this.l = [];
this.u = new D(b, document);
G.prototype.define = function(b, a) {
var c = this;
if (!(a instanceof Function))
throw new TypeError("Custom element constructors must be functions.");
if (!n(b))
throw new SyntaxError("The element name '" + b + "' is not valid.");
if (this.c.a.get(b))
throw Error(
"A custom element with name '" + b + "' has already been defined."
if (this.i) throw Error("A custom element is already being defined.");
this.i = !0;
var d, e, f, m, l;
try {
var g = function(b) {
var a = k[b];
if (void 0 !== a && !(a instanceof Function))
throw Error("The '" + b + "' callback must be a function.");
return a;
k = a.prototype;
if (!(k instanceof Object))
throw new TypeError(
"The custom element constructor's prototype is not an object."
d = g("connectedCallback");
e = g("disconnectedCallback");
f = g("adoptedCallback");
m = g("attributeChangedCallback");
l = a.observedAttributes || [];
} catch (r) {
} finally {
this.i = !1;
a = {
localName: b,
constructor: a,
connectedCallback: d,
disconnectedCallback: e,
adoptedCallback: f,
attributeChangedCallback: m,
observedAttributes: l,
constructionStack: []
ba(this.c, b, a);
this.g ||
(this.g = !0),
this.j(function() {
return da(c);
function da(b) {
if (!1 !== b.g) {
b.g = !1;
for (var a = b.l, c = [], d = new Map(), e = 0; e < a.length; e++)
d.set(a[e].localName, []);
C(b.c, document, {
s: function(a) {
if (void 0 === a.__CE_state) {
var e = a.localName,
f = d.get(e);
f ? f.push(a) : b.c.a.get(e) && c.push(a);
for (e = 0; e < c.length; e++) A(b.c, c[e]);
for (; 0 < a.length; ) {
for (
var f = a.shift(), e = f.localName, f = d.get(f.localName), m = 0;
m < f.length;
A(b.c, f[m]);
(e = b.m.get(e)) && F(e);
G.prototype.get = function(b) {
if ((b = this.c.a.get(b))) return b.constructor;
G.prototype.whenDefined = function(b) {
if (!n(b))
return Promise.reject(
new SyntaxError("'" + b + "' is not a valid custom element name.")
var a = this.m.get(b);
if (a) return a.f;
a = new ca();
this.m.set(b, a);
this.c.a.get(b) &&
!this.l.some(function(a) {
return a.localName === b;
}) &&
return a.f;
G.prototype.v = function(b) {
var a = this.j;
this.j = function(c) {
return b(function() {
return a(c);
window.CustomElementRegistry = G;
G.prototype.define = G.prototype.define;
G.prototype.get = G.prototype.get;
G.prototype.whenDefined = G.prototype.whenDefined;
G.prototype.polyfillWrapFlushCallback = G.prototype.v;
var H = window.Document.prototype.createElement,
ea = window.Document.prototype.createElementNS,
fa = window.Document.prototype.importNode,
ga = window.Document.prototype.prepend,
ha = window.Document.prototype.append,
ia = window.DocumentFragment.prototype.prepend,
ja = window.DocumentFragment.prototype.append,
I = window.Node.prototype.cloneNode,
J = window.Node.prototype.appendChild,
K = window.Node.prototype.insertBefore,
L = window.Node.prototype.removeChild,
M = window.Node.prototype.replaceChild,
N = Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor(window.Node.prototype, "textContent"),
O = window.Element.prototype.attachShadow,
P = Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor(window.Element.prototype, "innerHTML"),
Q = window.Element.prototype.getAttribute,
R = window.Element.prototype.setAttribute,
S = window.Element.prototype.removeAttribute,
T = window.Element.prototype.getAttributeNS,
U = window.Element.prototype.setAttributeNS,
ka = window.Element.prototype.removeAttributeNS,
la = window.Element.prototype.insertAdjacentElement,
ma = window.Element.prototype.prepend,
na = window.Element.prototype.append,
V = window.Element.prototype.before,
oa = window.Element.prototype.after,
pa = window.Element.prototype.replaceWith,
qa = window.Element.prototype.remove,
ra = window.HTMLElement,
W = Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor(
sa = window.HTMLElement.prototype.insertAdjacentElement;
function ta() {
var b = X;
window.HTMLElement = (function() {
function a() {
var a = this.constructor,
d = b.o.get(a);
if (!d)
throw Error(
"The custom element being constructed was not registered with `customElements`."
var e = d.constructionStack;
if (!e.length)
return (e = H.call(document, d.localName)), Object.setPrototypeOf(
), (e.__CE_state = 1), (e.__CE_definition = d), y(b, e), e;
var d = e.length - 1,
f = e[d];
if (f === h)
throw Error(
"The HTMLElement constructor was either called reentrantly for this constructor or called multiple times."
e[d] = h;
Object.setPrototypeOf(f, a.prototype);
y(b, f);
return f;
a.prototype = ra.prototype;
return a;
function Y(b, a, c) {
function d(a) {
return function(d) {
for (var c = [], e = 0; e < arguments.length; ++e)
c[e - 0] = arguments[e];
for (var e = [], f = [], k = 0; k < c.length; k++) {
var r = c[k];
r instanceof Element && p(r) && f.push(r);
if (r instanceof DocumentFragment)
for (r = r.firstChild; r; r = r.nextSibling) e.push(r);
else e.push(r);
a.apply(this, c);
for (c = 0; c < f.length; c++) B(b, f[c]);
if (p(this))
for (c = 0; c < e.length; c++)
(f = e[c]), f instanceof Element && z(b, f);
c.h && (a.prepend = d(c.h));
c.append && (a.append = d(c.append));
function ua() {
var b = X;
u(Document.prototype, "createElement", function(a) {
if (this.__CE_hasRegistry) {
var c = b.a.get(a);
if (c) return new c.constructor();
a = H.call(this, a);
y(b, a);
return a;
u(Document.prototype, "importNode", function(a, c) {
a = fa.call(this, a, c);
this.__CE_hasRegistry ? C(b, a) : x(b, a);
return a;
u(Document.prototype, "createElementNS", function(a, c) {
if (
this.__CE_hasRegistry &&
(null === a || "http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml" === a)
) {
var d = b.a.get(c);
if (d) return new d.constructor();
a = ea.call(this, a, c);
y(b, a);
return a;
Y(b, Document.prototype, { h: ga, append: ha });
function va() {
var b = X;
function a(a, d) {
Object.defineProperty(a, "textContent", {
enumerable: d.enumerable,
configurable: !0,
get: d.get,
set: function(a) {
if (this.nodeType === Node.TEXT_NODE) d.set.call(this, a);
else {
var c = void 0;
if (this.firstChild) {
var e = this.childNodes,
l = e.length;
if (0 < l && p(this))
for (var c = Array(l), g = 0; g < l; g++) c[g] = e[g];
d.set.call(this, a);
if (c) for (a = 0; a < c.length; a++) B(b, c[a]);
u(Node.prototype, "insertBefore", function(a, d) {
if (a instanceof DocumentFragment) {
var c = Array.prototype.slice.apply(a.childNodes);
a = K.call(this, a, d);
if (p(this)) for (d = 0; d < c.length; d++) z(b, c[d]);
return a;
c = p(a);
d = K.call(this, a, d);
c && B(b, a);
p(this) && z(b, a);
return d;
u(Node.prototype, "appendChild", function(a) {
if (a instanceof DocumentFragment) {
var c = Array.prototype.slice.apply(a.childNodes);
a = J.call(this, a);
if (p(this)) for (var e = 0; e < c.length; e++) z(b, c[e]);
return a;
c = p(a);
e = J.call(this, a);
c && B(b, a);
p(this) && z(b, a);
return e;
u(Node.prototype, "cloneNode", function(a) {
a = I.call(this, a);
this.ownerDocument.__CE_hasRegistry ? C(b, a) : x(b, a);
return a;
u(Node.prototype, "removeChild", function(a) {
var c = p(a),
e = L.call(this, a);
c && B(b, a);
return e;
u(Node.prototype, "replaceChild", function(a, d) {
if (a instanceof DocumentFragment) {
var e = Array.prototype.slice.apply(a.childNodes);
a = M.call(this, a, d);
if (p(this)) for (B(b, d), d = 0; d < e.length; d++) z(b, e[d]);
return a;
var e = p(a),
c = M.call(this, a, d),
m = p(this);
m && B(b, d);
e && B(b, a);
m && z(b, a);
return c;
N && N.get
? a(Node.prototype, N)
: w(b, function(b) {
a(b, {
enumerable: !0,
configurable: !0,
get: function() {
for (var a = [], b = 0; b < this.childNodes.length; b++)
return a.join("");
set: function(a) {
for (; this.firstChild; ) L.call(this, this.firstChild);
J.call(this, document.createTextNode(a));
function wa(b) {
var a = Element.prototype;
function c(a) {
return function(c) {
for (var d = [], e = 0; e < arguments.length; ++e)
d[e - 0] = arguments[e];
for (var e = [], l = [], g = 0; g < d.length; g++) {
var k = d[g];
k instanceof Element && p(k) && l.push(k);
if (k instanceof DocumentFragment)
for (k = k.firstChild; k; k = k.nextSibling) e.push(k);
else e.push(k);
a.apply(this, d);
for (d = 0; d < l.length; d++) B(b, l[d]);
if (p(this))
for (d = 0; d < e.length; d++)
(l = e[d]), l instanceof Element && z(b, l);
V && (a.before = c(V));
V && (a.after = c(oa));
pa &&
u(a, "replaceWith", function(a) {
for (var d = [], c = 0; c < arguments.length; ++c)
d[c - 0] = arguments[c];
for (var c = [], m = [], l = 0; l < d.length; l++) {
var g = d[l];
g instanceof Element && p(g) && m.push(g);
if (g instanceof DocumentFragment)
for (g = g.firstChild; g; g = g.nextSibling) c.push(g);
else c.push(g);
l = p(this);
pa.apply(this, d);
for (d = 0; d < m.length; d++) B(b, m[d]);
if (l)
for (B(b, this), d = 0; d < c.length; d++)
(m = c[d]), m instanceof Element && z(b, m);
qa &&
u(a, "remove", function() {
var a = p(this);
a && B(b, this);
function xa() {
var b = X;
function a(a, c) {
Object.defineProperty(a, "innerHTML", {
enumerable: c.enumerable,
configurable: !0,
get: c.get,
set: function(a) {
var d = this,
e = void 0;
p(this) &&
(e = []),
t(this, function(a) {
a !== d && e.push(a);
c.set.call(this, a);
if (e)
for (var f = 0; f < e.length; f++) {
var k = e[f];
1 === k.__CE_state && b.disconnectedCallback(k);
this.ownerDocument.__CE_hasRegistry ? C(b, this) : x(b, this);
return a;
function c(a, c) {
u(a, "insertAdjacentElement", function(a, d) {
var e = p(d);
a = c.call(this, a, d);
e && B(b, d);
p(a) && z(b, d);
return a;
O &&
u(Element.prototype, "attachShadow", function(a) {
return (this.__CE_shadowRoot = a = O.call(this, a));
P && P.get
? a(Element.prototype, P)
: W && W.get
? a(HTMLElement.prototype, W)
: w(b, function(b) {
a(b, {
enumerable: !0,
configurable: !0,
get: function() {
return I.call(this, !0).innerHTML;
set: function(a) {
var b = "template" === this.localName,
d = b ? this.content : this,
c = H.call(document, this.localName);
for (c.innerHTML = a; 0 < d.childNodes.length; )
L.call(d, d.childNodes[0]);
for (a = b ? c.content : c; 0 < a.childNodes.length; )
J.call(d, a.childNodes[0]);
u(Element.prototype, "setAttribute", function(a, c) {
if (1 !== this.__CE_state) return R.call(this, a, c);
var d = Q.call(this, a);
R.call(this, a, c);
c = Q.call(this, a);
b.attributeChangedCallback(this, a, d, c, null);
u(Element.prototype, "setAttributeNS", function(a, c, f) {
if (1 !== this.__CE_state) return U.call(this, a, c, f);
var d = T.call(this, a, c);
U.call(this, a, c, f);
f = T.call(this, a, c);
b.attributeChangedCallback(this, c, d, f, a);
u(Element.prototype, "removeAttribute", function(a) {
if (1 !== this.__CE_state) return S.call(this, a);
var c = Q.call(this, a);
S.call(this, a);
null !== c && b.attributeChangedCallback(this, a, c, null, null);
u(Element.prototype, "removeAttributeNS", function(a, c) {
if (1 !== this.__CE_state) return ka.call(this, a, c);
var d = T.call(this, a, c);
ka.call(this, a, c);
var e = T.call(this, a, c);
d !== e && b.attributeChangedCallback(this, c, d, e, a);
? c(HTMLElement.prototype, sa)
: la
? c(Element.prototype, la)
: console.warn(
"Custom Elements: `Element#insertAdjacentElement` was not patched."
Y(b, Element.prototype, { h: ma, append: na });
} /*
Copyright (c) 2016 The Polymer Project Authors. All rights reserved.
This code may only be used under the BSD style license found at http://polymer.github.io/LICENSE.txt
The complete set of authors may be found at http://polymer.github.io/AUTHORS.txt
The complete set of contributors may be found at http://polymer.github.io/CONTRIBUTORS.txt
Code distributed by Google as part of the polymer project is also
subject to an additional IP rights grant found at http://polymer.github.io/PATENTS.txt
var Z = window.customElements;
if (
!Z ||
Z.forcePolyfill ||
"function" != typeof Z.define ||
"function" != typeof Z.get
) {
var X = new v();
Y(X, DocumentFragment.prototype, { h: ia, append: ja });
document.__CE_hasRegistry = !0;
var customElements = new G(X);
Object.defineProperty(window, "customElements", {
configurable: !0,
enumerable: !0,
value: customElements
//# sourceMappingURL=custom-elements.min.js.map