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module Examples.BannerAlert exposing (example, State, init, Msg, update)
@docs example, State, init, Msg, update
import Html.Styled exposing (div, h3, text)
import ModuleExample as ModuleExample exposing (Category(..), ModuleExample)
import Nri.Ui.BannerAlert.V4 as BannerAlert
example : (Msg -> msg) -> State -> ModuleExample msg
example parentMsg state =
{ name = "Nri.Ui.BannerAlert.V4"
, category = Messaging
, content =
[ if state.show then
[ h3 [] [ text "alert" ]
, BannerAlert.alert "This is a dismissable alert message!" (Just Dismiss)
[ h3 [] [ text "success" ]
, BannerAlert.success "The alert message was dismissed. 👍" Nothing
, h3 [] [ text "error" ]
, BannerAlert.error "This is an error message!" Nothing
, h3 [] [ text "neutral" ]
, BannerAlert.neutral "This is a neutral message!" Nothing
, h3 [] [ text "success" ]
, BannerAlert.success
"""This is a success message!
Let's see what happens if there is a very long message!
Wow, how successful! You're the biggest success I've ever seen!
You should feel great about yourself! Give yourself a very big round of applause!
|> List.map (Html.Styled.map parentMsg)
type alias State =
{ show : Bool }
init : State
init =
{ show = True }
type Msg
= NoOp
| Dismiss
update : Msg -> State -> State
update msg state =
case msg of
NoOp ->
Dismiss ->
{ state | show = False }