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module ModuleExample
( Category(..)
, ModuleExample
, ModuleMessages
, categoryForDisplay
, categoryFromString
, styles
, view
import Css exposing (..)
import Css.Foreign exposing (Snippet)
import DEPRECATED.Css.File exposing (Stylesheet, compile, stylesheet)
import DEPRECATED.Css.Namespace
import Html exposing (Html, img)
import Html.Attributes
import Html.CssHelpers
import Nri.Ui.Colors.V1 exposing (..)
type alias ModuleExample msg =
{ filename : String
, content : List (Html msg)
, category : Category
{-| -}
type alias ModuleMessages moduleMsg parentMsg =
{ noOp : parentMsg
, showItWorked : String -> parentMsg
, wrapper : moduleMsg -> parentMsg
type Category
= Layout
| Inputs
| Buttons
| Icons
| Behaviors
| Messaging
| Modals
| Writing
| NotesToDeveloper
| Colors
| Text
| TextWriting
| Fonts
| DynamicSymbols
| Pages
| QuestionTypes
{-| Used for route changes
categoryFromString : String -> Result String Category
categoryFromString string =
case string of
"Layout" ->
Ok Layout
"Inputs" ->
Ok Inputs
"Behaviors" ->
Ok Behaviors
"Buttons" ->
Ok Buttons
"Icons" ->
Ok Icons
"Messaging" ->
Ok Messaging
"Modals" ->
Ok Modals
"Writing" ->
Ok Writing
"NotesToDeveloper" ->
Ok NotesToDeveloper
"Colors" ->
Ok Colors
"Text" ->
Ok Text
"TextWriting" ->
Ok TextWriting
"Fonts" ->
Ok Fonts
"DynamicSymbols" ->
Ok DynamicSymbols
"Pages" ->
Ok Pages
"QuestionTypes" ->
Ok QuestionTypes
_ ->
Err "Invalid String"
categoryForDisplay : Category -> String
categoryForDisplay category =
case category of
Layout ->
Inputs ->
Behaviors ->
Buttons ->
Icons ->
Messaging ->
Modals ->
Writing ->
NotesToDeveloper ->
Colors ->
Text ->
TextWriting ->
Fonts ->
DynamicSymbols ->
"Dynamic Symbols"
Pages ->
QuestionTypes ->
"Question types / Quiz UI"
view : Bool -> ModuleExample msg -> Html msg
view showFocusLink { filename, content } =
Html.div [ class [ Module ] ]
[ Html.div [ class [ ModuleHeader ] ]
[ Html.h2
[ class [ ModuleName ] ]
[ Html.text filename
, Html.text " "
, if showFocusLink then
[ Html.Attributes.href <| "#doodad/" ++ filename ]
[ Html.text "(see only this)" ]
Html.text ""
, Html.div [ class [ ModuleBody ] ] content
type Classes
= Module
| ModuleHeader
| ModuleName
| ModuleImporting
| ModuleBody
viewStyles : List Snippet
viewStyles =
[ Css.Foreign.class ModuleHeader
[ display block
, backgroundColor glacier
, padding (px 20)
, marginTop (px 20)
, Css.Foreign.class ModuleImporting
[ display block
, padding (px 20)
, margin2 (px 20) zero
, Css.Foreign.class ModuleBody
[ padding2 (px 20) zero ]
, Css.Foreign.class ModuleName
[ color gray20
, fontFamilies [ qt "Source Code Pro", "Consolas", "Courier", "monospace" ]
, fontSize (px 20)
styles : Stylesheet
styles =
[ viewStyles
|> (stylesheet << DEPRECATED.Css.Namespace.namespace "Page-StyleGuide-ModuleExample-")
{ id, class, classList } =
Html.CssHelpers.withNamespace "Page-StyleGuide-ModuleExample-"