2020-09-09 10:48:43 -07:00

187 lines
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module Spec.Nri.Ui.Tooltip exposing (spec)
import Accessibility.Aria as Aria
import Accessibility.Widget as Widget
import Expect
import Html
import Html.Attributes as Attributes
import Html.Styled as HtmlStyled
import Nri.Ui.Tooltip.V2 as Tooltip
import ProgramTest exposing (ProgramTest, clickButton, ensureViewHas, ensureViewHasNot)
import Test exposing (..)
import Test.Html.Event as Event
import Test.Html.Query as Query
import Test.Html.Selector as Selector exposing (id, tag, text)
type alias Model =
{ tooltipOpen : Bool }
init : Model
init =
{ tooltipOpen = False }
type Msg
= ToggleTooltip Bool
update : Msg -> Model -> Model
update msg model =
case msg of
ToggleTooltip isOpen ->
{ tooltipOpen = isOpen }
spec : Test
spec =
describe "Nri.Ui.Tooltip.V2"
[ test "Tooltip.toggleTip with onHover trigger" <|
\() ->
tooltipContent =
label =
"More info"
program (Tooltip.toggleTip { label = label })
[ Tooltip.plaintext tooltipContent
, Tooltip.onHover ToggleTooltip
-- Tooltip opens on mouse enter
|> mouseEnter [ nriDescription "Nri-Ui-Tooltip-V2" ]
|> ensureViewHas [ text tooltipContent ]
-- Tooltip stays open on trigger-html click
|> clickButtonByLabel label
|> ensureViewHas [ text tooltipContent ]
-- Tooltip closes on mouse leave
|> mouseLeave [ nriDescription "Nri-Ui-Tooltip-V2" ]
|> ensureViewHasNot [ text tooltipContent ]
-- Tooltip opens on focus
|> focus [ tag "button", Selector.attribute (Widget.label label) ]
|> ensureViewHas [ text tooltipContent ]
-- Tooltip closes on blur
|> blur [ tag "button", Selector.attribute (Widget.label label) ]
|> ensureViewHasNot [ text tooltipContent ]
|> ProgramTest.done
, test "Tooltip.view with onClick trigger" <|
\() ->
{ trigger = \events -> HtmlStyled.button events [ HtmlStyled.text "label-less icon" ]
, id = "primary-label"
[ Tooltip.plaintext "This will be the primary label"
, Tooltip.primaryLabel
, Tooltip.onClick ToggleTooltip
|> focus
[ Selector.tag "button"
, Selector.containing [ Selector.text "label-less icon" ]
|> ProgramTest.ensureViewHas
[ tag "button"
, Selector.attribute (Aria.labeledBy "primary-label")
|> ProgramTest.ensureViewHas
[ id "primary-label"
, Selector.text "This will be the primary label"
|> blur
[ Selector.tag "button"
, Selector.containing [ Selector.text "label-less icon" ]
|> ProgramTest.ensureViewHasNot
[ id "primary-label"
, Selector.text "This will be the primary label"
|> ProgramTest.done
, test "Tooltip.view with onHover trigger" <|
\() ->
{ trigger = \events -> HtmlStyled.button events [ HtmlStyled.text "label-less icon" ]
, id = "primary-label"
[ Tooltip.plaintext "This will be the primary label"
, Tooltip.primaryLabel
, Tooltip.onHover ToggleTooltip
|> focus
[ Selector.tag "button"
, Selector.containing [ Selector.text "label-less icon" ]
|> ProgramTest.ensureViewHas
[ tag "button"
, Selector.attribute (Aria.labeledBy "primary-label")
|> ProgramTest.ensureViewHas
[ id "primary-label"
, Selector.text "This will be the primary label"
|> blur
[ Selector.tag "button"
, Selector.containing [ Selector.text "label-less icon" ]
|> ProgramTest.ensureViewHasNot
[ id "primary-label"
, Selector.text "This will be the primary label"
|> ProgramTest.done
program : (List (Tooltip.Attribute Msg) -> HtmlStyled.Html Msg) -> List (Tooltip.Attribute Msg) -> ProgramTest Model Msg ()
program view attributes =
{ init = init
, update = update
, view =
\model ->
HtmlStyled.div []
[ view ( model.tooltipOpen :: attributes)
|> HtmlStyled.toUnstyled
|> ProgramTest.start ()
nriDescription : String -> Selector.Selector
nriDescription desc =
Selector.attribute (Attributes.attribute "data-nri-description" desc)
mouseEnter : List Selector.Selector -> ProgramTest model msg effect -> ProgramTest model msg effect
mouseEnter selectors =
ProgramTest.simulateDomEvent (Query.find selectors) Event.mouseEnter
mouseLeave : List Selector.Selector -> ProgramTest model msg effect -> ProgramTest model msg effect
mouseLeave selectors =
ProgramTest.simulateDomEvent (Query.find selectors) Event.mouseLeave
blur : List Selector.Selector -> ProgramTest model msg effect -> ProgramTest model msg effect
blur selectors =
ProgramTest.simulateDomEvent (Query.find selectors) Event.blur
focus : List Selector.Selector -> ProgramTest model msg effect -> ProgramTest model msg effect
focus selectors =
ProgramTest.simulateDomEvent (Query.find selectors) Event.focus
clickButtonByLabel : String -> ProgramTest model msg effect -> ProgramTest model msg effect
clickButtonByLabel label =
[ Selector.tag "button"
, Selector.attribute (Widget.label label)