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module Examples.TextArea exposing (Msg, State, example)
@docs Msg, State, example
import Category exposing (Category(..))
import Css
import Dict exposing (Dict)
import Example exposing (Example)
import Html.Styled as Html
import Html.Styled.Attributes as Attributes exposing (css)
import Nri.Ui.Checkbox.V5 as Checkbox
import Nri.Ui.Colors.V1 as Colors
import Nri.Ui.Heading.V2 as Heading
import Nri.Ui.InputStyles.V3 as InputStyles exposing (Theme(..))
import Nri.Ui.TextArea.V4 as TextArea
{-| -}
type Msg
= InputGiven Id String
| ToggleLabel Bool
| ToggleAutoResize Bool
| ToggleErrorState Bool
{-| -}
type alias State =
{ textValues : Dict Int String
, showLabel : Checkbox.IsSelected
, isInError : Checkbox.IsSelected
, autoResize : Checkbox.IsSelected
{-| -}
example : Example State Msg
example =
{ name = "TextArea"
, version = 4
, state = init
, update = update
, subscriptions = \_ -> Sub.none
, categories = [ Inputs ]
, keyboardSupport = []
, preview =
[ Html.div [ css [ Css.position Css.relative ] ]
[ Html.textarea
[ css
[ InputStyles.input Standard False
, Css.minHeight (Css.px 100)
, Css.maxWidth (Css.px 140)
, Css.backgroundColor Colors.white |> Css.important
, Css.cursor Css.pointer |> Css.important
, Css.resize Css.none
, Attributes.class "override-sass-styles"
, Attributes.disabled True
, Attributes.id "preview-textarea"
, Html.label
[ css [ InputStyles.label Standard False ]
, Attributes.for "preview-textarea"
[ Html.text "Label" ]
, view =
\ellieLinkConfig state ->
[ Heading.h1 [] [ Html.text "Textarea controls" ]
, Html.div []
[ Checkbox.viewWithLabel
{ identifier = "show-textarea-label"
, label = "Show Label"
, setterMsg = ToggleLabel
, selected = state.showLabel
, disabled = False
, theme = Checkbox.Square
, Checkbox.viewWithLabel
{ identifier = "textarea-autoresize"
, label = "Autoresize"
, setterMsg = ToggleAutoResize
, selected = state.autoResize
, disabled = False
, theme = Checkbox.Square
, Checkbox.viewWithLabel
{ identifier = "textarea-isInError"
, label = "Show Error State"
, setterMsg = ToggleErrorState
, selected = state.isInError
, disabled = False
, theme = Checkbox.Square
, TextArea.view
{ value = Maybe.withDefault "" <| Dict.get 1 state.textValues
, autofocus = False
, onInput = InputGiven 1
, onBlur = Nothing
, isInError = state.isInError == Checkbox.Selected
, label = "TextArea.view"
, height =
if state.autoResize == Checkbox.Selected then
TextArea.AutoResize TextArea.SingleLine
, placeholder = "Placeholder"
, showLabel = state.showLabel == Checkbox.Selected
, TextArea.writing
{ value = Maybe.withDefault "" <| Dict.get 2 state.textValues
, autofocus = False
, onInput = InputGiven 2
, onBlur = Nothing
, isInError = state.isInError == Checkbox.Selected
, label = "TextArea.writing"
, height =
if state.autoResize == Checkbox.Selected then
TextArea.AutoResize TextArea.DefaultHeight
, placeholder = "Placeholder"
, showLabel = state.showLabel == Checkbox.Selected
, TextArea.contentCreation
{ value = Maybe.withDefault "" <| Dict.get 3 state.textValues
, autofocus = False
, onInput = InputGiven 3
, onBlur = Nothing
, isInError = state.isInError == Checkbox.Selected
, label = "TextArea.contentCreation"
, height =
if state.autoResize == Checkbox.Selected then
TextArea.AutoResize TextArea.DefaultHeight
, placeholder = "Placeholder"
, showLabel = state.showLabel == Checkbox.Selected
, TextArea.writing
{ value = Maybe.withDefault "" <| Dict.get 4 state.textValues
, autofocus = False
, onInput = InputGiven 4
, onBlur = Just (InputGiven 4 "Neener neener Blur happened")
, isInError = state.isInError == Checkbox.Selected
, label = "TextArea.writing onBlur demonstration"
, height =
if state.autoResize == Checkbox.Selected then
TextArea.AutoResize TextArea.DefaultHeight
, placeholder = "Placeholder"
, showLabel = state.showLabel == Checkbox.Selected
{-| -}
init : State
init =
{ textValues = Dict.empty
, showLabel = Checkbox.Selected
, isInError = Checkbox.NotSelected
, autoResize = Checkbox.NotSelected
{-| -}
update : Msg -> State -> ( State, Cmd Msg )
update msg state =
toggle bool =
if bool then
case msg of
InputGiven id newValue ->
( { state | textValues = Dict.insert id newValue state.textValues }
, Cmd.none
ToggleLabel bool ->
( { state | showLabel = toggle bool }
, Cmd.none
ToggleErrorState bool ->
( { state | isInError = toggle bool }
, Cmd.none
ToggleAutoResize bool ->
( { state | autoResize = toggle bool }
, Cmd.none
type alias Id =