2022-05-24 13:31:50 -07:00

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module Examples.BreadCrumbs exposing (example, State, Msg)
@docs example, State, Msg
import Accessibility.Styled exposing (..)
import Category exposing (Category(..))
import CommonControls
import Css
import Debug.Control as Control exposing (Control)
import Debug.Control.Extra as ControlExtra
import Debug.Control.View as ControlView
import Example exposing (Example)
import Html.Styled.Attributes exposing (css, href)
import Nri.Ui.BreadCrumbs.V1 as BreadCrumbs exposing (BreadCrumb, BreadCrumbs)
import Nri.Ui.Colors.V1 as Colors
import Nri.Ui.Fonts.V1 as Fonts
import Nri.Ui.Svg.V1 as Svg
import Nri.Ui.Text.V6 as Text
import Nri.Ui.UiIcon.V1 as UiIcon
{-| -}
type alias State =
Control Settings
moduleName : String
moduleName =
version : Int
version =
{-| -}
example : Example State Msg
example =
{ name = moduleName
, version = version
, categories = [ Layout ]
, keyboardSupport = []
, state = init
, update = update
, subscriptions = \_ -> Sub.none
, preview =
[ previewContainer [ previewText "🏠 Home" ]
, previewContainer [ previewText "🏠 Home", previewArrowRight, previewText "🟠 Category " ]
, previewContainer [ previewText "🏠", previewArrowRight, previewText "🟠", previewArrowRight, previewText "🟣 Sub-Category " ]
, view =
\ellieLinkConfig state ->
[ ControlView.view
{ ellieLinkConfig = ellieLinkConfig
, name = moduleName
, version = version
, update = UpdateControl
, settings = state
, mainType = "RootHtml.Html msg"
, extraImports = []
, toExampleCode = \settings -> [ { sectionName = "view", code = viewExampleCode settings } ]
, viewExample (Control.currentValue state).breadCrumbs
previewContainer : List (Html msg) -> Html msg
previewContainer =
[ css
[ Css.displayFlex
, Css.alignItems
, Fonts.baseFont
, Css.fontSize (Css.px 10)
, Css.fontWeight ( 600)
, Css.color
previewText : String -> Html msg
previewText name =
span [ css [ Css.margin (Css.px 2) ] ] [ text name ]
previewArrowRight : Html msg
previewArrowRight =
|> Svg.withColor Colors.gray75
|> Svg.withHeight (Css.px 10)
|> Svg.withWidth (Css.px 8)
|> Svg.withCss [ Css.flexShrink ]
|> Svg.toHtml
viewExampleCode : Settings -> String
viewExampleCode settings =
String.join ("\n" ++ ControlView.withIndentLevel 1)
[ "BreadCrumbs.view"
, "{ aTagAttributes = \\route -> [ href route ]"
, ", isCurrentRoute = \\route -> route == \"/current/route\""
, "}"
, "-- TODO: Include settings"
viewExample : BreadCrumbs String -> Html msg
viewExample breadCrumbs =
{ aTagAttributes = \route -> [ href route ]
, isCurrentRoute = \route -> route == "/current/route"
{-| -}
type Msg
= UpdateControl (Control Settings)
update : Msg -> State -> ( State, Cmd Msg )
update msg state =
case msg of
UpdateControl control ->
( control, Cmd.none )
type alias Settings =
{ breadCrumbs : BreadCrumbs String
init : Control Settings
init = Settings controlBreadCrumbs
controlBreadCrumbs : Control (BreadCrumbs String)
controlBreadCrumbs = (\f -> f Nothing) (controlBreadCrumbs_ 1)
controlBreadCrumbs_ : Int -> Control (Maybe (BreadCrumbs String) -> BreadCrumbs String)
controlBreadCrumbs_ index =
(\icon iconStyle text after maybeBase ->
breadCrumb =
{ icon = icon
, iconStyle = iconStyle
, text = text
, id = "breadcrumb-id-" ++ String.fromInt index
, route = "/breadcrumb=" ++ String.fromInt index
newBase =
case maybeBase of
Just base ->
BreadCrumbs.after base breadCrumb
Nothing ->
BreadCrumbs.init breadCrumb
in (\f -> f (Just newBase)) after |> Maybe.withDefault newBase
|> Control.field "icon" (Control.maybe False ( Tuple.second CommonControls.uiIcon))
|> Control.field "iconStyle"
[ ( "Default", Control.value BreadCrumbs.Default )
, ( "Circled", Control.value BreadCrumbs.Circled )
|> Control.field "text" (Control.string ("Category " ++ String.fromInt index))
|> Control.field ("category " ++ String.fromInt (index + 1))
(Control.maybe False
(\() -> controlBreadCrumbs_ (index + 1))