2021-10-21 17:27:29 -07:00

44 lines
998 B

module Debug.Control.Extra exposing
( float
, list, listItem, optionalListItem
@docs float
@docs list, listItem, optionalListItem
import Debug.Control as Control exposing (Control)
{-| -}
float : Float -> Control Float
float default = (String.toFloat >> Maybe.withDefault default)
(Control.string (String.fromFloat default))
{-| Use with `listItem` and `optionalListItem`
list : Control (List a)
list =
Control.record []
{-| -}
listItem : String -> Control a -> Control (List a) -> Control (List a)
listItem name accessor accumulator =
Control.field name
( List.singleton accessor)
( (++) accumulator)
{-| -}
optionalListItem : String -> Control a -> Control (List a) -> Control (List a)
optionalListItem name accessor accumulator =
Control.field name
( (List.singleton >> List.filterMap identity) (Control.maybe False accessor))
( (++) accumulator)