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# Copyright (c) Meta Platforms, Inc. and affiliates.
# This source code is licensed under both the MIT license found in the
# LICENSE-MIT file in the root directory of this source tree and the Apache
# License, Version 2.0 found in the LICENSE-APACHE file in the root directory
# of this source tree.
# Implementation of the `genrule` build rule.
load("@prelude//:cache_mode.bzl", "CacheModeInfo")
load("@prelude//:genrule_local_labels.bzl", "genrule_labels_require_local")
load("@prelude//:genrule_toolchain.bzl", "GenruleToolchainInfo")
load("@prelude//os_lookup:defs.bzl", "OsLookup")
load("@prelude//utils:utils.bzl", "flatten", "value_or")
# Currently, some rules require running from the project root, so provide an
# opt-in list for those here. Longer-term, these should be ported to actual
# rule implementations in v2, rather then using `genrule`s.
_BUILD_ROOT_LABELS = {label: True for label in [
# The buck2 test suite
"bundle_pch_genrule", # Compiles C++, and so need to run from build root
"redex_genrule", # T148016945
"pxl", # T151533831
# In Buck1 the SRCS environment variable is only set if the substring SRCS is on the command line.
# That's a horrible heuristic, and doesn't account for users accessing $SRCS from a shell script.
# But in some cases, $SRCS is so large it breaks the process limit, so have a label to opt in to
# that behavior.
_NO_SRCS_ENVIRONMENT_LABEL = "no_srcs_environment"
def _requires_build_root(ctx: "context") -> bool.type:
for label in ctx.attrs.labels:
if label in _BUILD_ROOT_LABELS:
return True
return False
def _requires_local(ctx: "context") -> bool.type:
return genrule_labels_require_local(ctx.attrs.labels)
def _ignore_artifacts(ctx: "context") -> bool.type:
return "buck2_ignore_artifacts" in ctx.attrs.labels
def _requires_no_srcs_environment(ctx: "context") -> bool.type:
return _NO_SRCS_ENVIRONMENT_LABEL in ctx.attrs.labels
# We don't want to use cache mode in open source because the config keys that drive it aren't wired up
# @oss-disable: _USE_CACHE_MODE = True
_USE_CACHE_MODE = False # @oss-enable
# Extra attributes required by every genrule based on genrule_impl
def genrule_attributes() -> {str.type: "attribute"}:
attributes = {
"metadata_env_var": attrs.option(attrs.string(), default = None),
"metadata_path": attrs.option(attrs.string(), default = None),
"no_outputs_cleanup": attrs.bool(default = False),
"_genrule_toolchain": attrs.default_only(attrs.toolchain_dep(default = "toolchains//:genrule", providers = [GenruleToolchainInfo])),
# FIXME: prelude// should be standalone (not refer to fbsource//)
attributes["_cache_mode"] = attrs.dep(default = "fbsource//xplat/buck2/platform/cache_mode:cache_mode")
return attributes
def _get_cache_mode(ctx: "context") -> CacheModeInfo.type:
return ctx.attrs._cache_mode[CacheModeInfo]
return CacheModeInfo(allow_cache_uploads = False, cache_bust_genrules = False)
def genrule_impl(ctx: "context") -> ["provider"]:
# Directories:
# sh - sh file
# src - sources files
# out - where outputs go
# `src` is the current directory
# Buck1 uses `.` as output, but that won't work since
# Buck2 clears the output directory before execution, and thus src/sh too.
return process_genrule(ctx, ctx.attrs.out, ctx.attrs.outs)
def _declare_output(ctx: "context", path: str.type) -> "artifact":
if path == ".":
return ctx.actions.declare_output("out", dir = True)
elif path.endswith("/"):
return ctx.actions.declare_output("out", path[:-1], dir = True)
return ctx.actions.declare_output("out", path)
def _project_output(out: "artifact", path: str.type) -> "artifact":
if path == ".":
return out
elif path.endswith("/"):
return out.project(path[:-1], hide_prefix = True)
return out.project(path, hide_prefix = True)
def process_genrule(
ctx: "context",
out_attr: [str.type, None],
outs_attr: [dict.type, None],
extra_env_vars: dict.type = {},
identifier: [str.type, None] = None) -> ["provider"]:
if (out_attr != None) and (outs_attr != None):
fail("Only one of `out` and `outs` should be set. Got out=`%s`, outs=`%s`" % (repr(out_attr), repr(outs_attr)))
local_only = _requires_local(ctx)
# NOTE: Eventually we shouldn't require local_only here, since we should be
# fine with caching local fallbacks if necessary (or maybe that should be
# disallowed as a matter of policy), but for now let's be safe.
cacheable = value_or(ctx.attrs.cacheable, True) and local_only
# TODO(cjhopman): verify output paths are ".", "./", or forward-relative.
if out_attr != None:
out_env = out_attr
out_artifact = _declare_output(ctx, out_attr)
named_outputs = {}
default_outputs = [out_artifact]
elif outs_attr != None:
out_env = ""
out_artifact = ctx.actions.declare_output("out", dir = True)
named_outputs = {
name: [_project_output(out_artifact, path) for path in outputs]
for (name, outputs) in outs_attr.items()
default_outputs = [
_project_output(out_artifact, path)
for path in (ctx.attrs.default_outs or [])
if len(default_outputs) == 0:
# We want building to force something to be built, so make sure it contains at least one artifact
default_outputs = [out_artifact]
fail("One of `out` or `outs` should be set. Got `%s`" % repr(ctx.attrs))
# Some custom rules use `process_genrule` but doesn't set this attribute.
is_windows = hasattr(ctx.attrs, "_exec_os_type") and ctx.attrs._exec_os_type[OsLookup].platform == "windows"
if is_windows:
path_sep = "\\"
cmd = ctx.attrs.cmd_exe if ctx.attrs.cmd_exe != None else ctx.attrs.cmd
if cmd == None:
fail("One of `cmd` or `cmd_exe` should be set.")
path_sep = "/"
cmd = ctx.attrs.bash if ctx.attrs.bash != None else ctx.attrs.cmd
if cmd == None:
fail("One of `cmd` or `bash` should be set.")
cmd = cmd_args(cmd)
# For backwards compatibility with Buck1.
if is_windows:
# Replace $OUT and ${OUT}
cmd.replace_regex("\\$(OUT\\b|\\{OUT\\})", "%OUT%")
cmd.replace_regex("\\$(SRCDIR\\b|\\{SRCDIR\\})", "%SRCDIR%")
cmd.replace_regex("\\$(SRCS\\b|\\{SRCS\\})", "%SRCS%")
cmd.replace_regex("\\$(TMP\\b|\\{TMP\\})", "%TMP%")
if _ignore_artifacts(ctx):
cmd = cmd.ignore_artifacts()
if type(ctx.attrs.srcs) == type([]):
# FIXME: We should always use the short_path, but currently that is sometimes blank.
# See fbcode//buck2/tests/targets/rules/genrule:genrule-dot-input for a test that exposes it.
symlinks = {src.short_path: src for src in ctx.attrs.srcs}
if len(symlinks) != len(ctx.attrs.srcs):
for src in ctx.attrs.srcs:
name = src.short_path
if symlinks[name] != src:
msg = "genrule srcs include duplicative name: `{}`. ".format(name)
msg += "`{}` conflicts with `{}`".format(symlinks[name].owner, src.owner)
symlinks = ctx.attrs.srcs
srcs_artifact = ctx.actions.symlinked_dir("srcs" if not identifier else "{}-srcs".format(identifier), symlinks)
# Setup environment variables.
srcs = cmd_args()
for symlink in symlinks:
srcs.add(cmd_args(srcs_artifact, format = path_sep.join([".", "{}", symlink.replace("/", path_sep)])))
env_vars = {
"ASAN_OPTIONS": cmd_args("detect_leaks=0,detect_odr_violation=0"),
"GEN_DIR": cmd_args("GEN_DIR_DEPRECATED"), # ctx.relpath(ctx.output_root_dir(), srcs_path)
"OUT": cmd_args(srcs_artifact, format = path_sep.join([".", "{}", "..", "out", out_env.replace("/", path_sep)])),
"SRCDIR": cmd_args(srcs_artifact, format = path_sep.join([".", "{}"])),
"SRCS": srcs,
} | {k: cmd_args(v) for k, v in getattr(ctx.attrs, "env", {}).items()}
# RE will cache successful actions that don't produce the desired outptuts,
# so if that happens and _then_ we add a local-only label, we'll get a
# cache hit on the action that didn't produce the outputs and get the error
# again (thus making the label useless). So, when a local-only label is
# set, we make the action *different*.
if local_only:
env_vars["__BUCK2_LOCAL_ONLY_CACHE_BUSTER"] = cmd_args("")
# For now, when uploads are enabled, be safe and avoid sharing cache hits.
cache_bust = _get_cache_mode(ctx).cache_bust_genrules
if cacheable and cache_bust:
env_vars["__BUCK2_ALLOW_CACHE_UPLOADS_CACHE_BUSTER"] = cmd_args("")
if _requires_no_srcs_environment(ctx):
for key, value in extra_env_vars.items():
env_vars[key] = value
# Create required directories.
if is_windows:
script = [
cmd_args(srcs_artifact, format = "if not exist .\\{}\\..\\out mkdir .\\{}\\..\\out"),
cmd_args("if NOT \"%TEMP%\" == \"\" set \"TMP=%TEMP%\""),
script_extension = "bat"
script = [
# Use a somewhat unique exit code so this can get retried on RE (T99656531).
cmd_args(srcs_artifact, format = "mkdir -p ./{}/../out || exit 99"),
cmd_args("export TMP=${TMPDIR:-/tmp}"),
script_extension = "sh"
# Actually define the operation, relative to where we changed to
hidden = []
genrule_toolchain = ctx.attrs._genrule_toolchain[GenruleToolchainInfo]
zip_scrubber = genrule_toolchain.zip_scrubber
if not is_windows and zip_scrubber != None:
zip_outputs = [output for output in default_outputs + flatten(named_outputs.values()) if output.extension == ".zip"]
if zip_outputs:
# Any outputs that are .zip files need to be "scrubbed" to ensure that they are deterministic.
script = [
] + script + [
] + [
cmd_args(zip_scrubber, output, delimiter = " ", quote = "shell")
for output in zip_outputs
# Some rules need to run from the build root, but for everything else, `cd`
# into the sandboxed source dir and relative all paths to that.
if not _requires_build_root(ctx):
script = (
# Change to the directory that genrules expect.
[cmd_args(srcs_artifact, format = "cd {}")] +
# Relative all paths in the command to the sandbox dir.
[cmd.relative_to(srcs_artifact) for cmd in script]
# Relative all paths in the env to the sandbox dir.
env_vars = {key: val.relative_to(srcs_artifact) for key, val in env_vars.items()}
if is_windows:
# Should be in the beginning.
script = [cmd_args("@echo off")] + script
sh_script, _ = ctx.actions.write(
"sh/genrule.{}".format(script_extension) if not identifier else "sh/{}-genrule.{}".format(identifier, script_extension),
is_executable = True,
allow_args = True,
if is_windows:
script_args = ["cmd.exe", "/c", sh_script]
script_args = ["/bin/bash", "-e", sh_script]
# Only set metadata arguments when they are non-null
metadata_args = {}
if ctx.attrs.metadata_env_var:
metadata_args["metadata_env_var"] = ctx.attrs.metadata_env_var
if ctx.attrs.metadata_path:
metadata_args["metadata_path"] = ctx.attrs.metadata_path
category = "genrule"
if ctx.attrs.type != None:
# As of 09/2021, all genrule types were legal snake case if their dashes and periods were replaced with underscores.
category += "_" + ctx.attrs.type.replace("-", "_").replace(".", "_")
cmd_args(script_args).hidden([cmd, srcs_artifact, out_artifact.as_output()] + hidden),
env = env_vars,
local_only = local_only,
allow_cache_upload = cacheable,
category = category,
identifier = identifier,
no_outputs_cleanup = ctx.attrs.no_outputs_cleanup,
providers = [DefaultInfo(
default_outputs = default_outputs,
sub_targets = {k: [DefaultInfo(default_outputs = v)] for (k, v) in named_outputs.items()},
# The cxx_genrule also forwards here, and that doesn't have .executable, so use getattr
if getattr(ctx.attrs, "executable", False):
providers.append(RunInfo(args = cmd_args(default_outputs)))
return providers