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module Examples.SegmentedControl exposing
( Msg, State
, example
@docs Msg, State
@docs example
import Accessibility.Styled as Html exposing (Html)
import AtomicDesignType exposing (AtomicDesignType(..))
import Browser.Dom as Dom
import Category exposing (Category(..))
import Css
import Debug.Control as Control exposing (Control)
import Example exposing (Example)
import Html.Styled.Attributes as Attributes exposing (css)
import Html.Styled.Events as Events
import KeyboardSupport exposing (Direction(..), Key(..))
import Nri.Ui.Colors.V1 as Colors
import Nri.Ui.SegmentedControl.V12 as SegmentedControl
import Nri.Ui.Svg.V1 as Svg exposing (Svg)
import Nri.Ui.UiIcon.V1 as UiIcon
import String exposing (toLower)
import Task
{-| -}
example : Example State Msg
example =
{ name = "Nri.Ui.SegmentedControl.V12"
, state = init
, update = update
, subscriptions = \_ -> Sub.none
, view =
\state ->
options =
Control.currentValue state.optionsControl
[ Control.view ChangeOptions state.optionsControl
|> Html.fromUnstyled
, Html.h3 [ css [ Css.marginBottom ] ]
[ Html.code [] [ Html.text "view" ] ]
, Html.p [ css [ Css.marginTop (Css.px 1) ] ]
[ Html.text "Use in cases where it would also be reasonable to use Tabs." ]
, SegmentedControl.view
{ onSelect = SelectPage
, onFocus = Focus
, selected =
, width = options.width
, toUrl = Nothing
, options = List.take options.count (buildOptions options)
, Html.h3 [ css [ Css.marginBottom ] ]
[ Html.code [] [ Html.text "viewRadioGroup" ] ]
, Html.p [ css [ Css.marginTop (Css.px 1) ] ]
[ Html.text "Use in cases where it would be reasonable to use radio buttons for the same purpose." ]
, SegmentedControl.viewRadioGroup
{ legend = "SegmentedControls 'viewSelectRadio' example"
, onSelect = SelectRadio
, options = List.take options.count (buildRadioOptions options.icon)
, selected = state.optionallySelected
, width = options.width
, categories = [ Widgets, Layout ]
, atomicDesignType = Molecule
, keyboardSupport =
[ { keys = [ KeyboardSupport.Tab ]
, result = "Move focus to the currently-selected Control's content"
, { keys = [ Arrow KeyboardSupport.Left ]
, result = "Select the Control to the left of the current selection"
, { keys = [ Arrow KeyboardSupport.Right ]
, result = "Select the Control to the right of the current selection"
type Page
= Flag
| Sprout
| Star
| Sapling
| Attention
| Tree
| Premium
| Activity
buildOptions : { options | icon : Bool, longContent : Bool } -> List (SegmentedControl.Option Page Msg)
buildOptions { icon, longContent } =
buildOption value icon_ =
{ icon =
if icon then
Just icon_
, label = Html.text (Debug.toString value)
, value = value
, idString = toLower (Debug.toString value)
, attributes = []
, content =
if longContent then
[ css
[ Css.maxHeight (Css.px 100)
, Css.overflowY
[ Html.p [] [ Html.text <| "Content for " ++ Debug.toString value ]
, Html.ol [] <| (\i -> [] [ Html.text (Debug.toString value) ])
(List.range 1 20)
Html.text <| "Content for " ++ Debug.toString value
[ buildOption Flag UiIcon.flag
, buildOption Sprout UiIcon.sprout
, buildOption Star
, buildOption Sapling UiIcon.sapling
, buildOption Attention <| Svg.withColor Colors.greenDark UiIcon.attention
, buildOption Tree UiIcon.tree
, buildOption Premium UiIcon.premiumLock
, buildOption Activity <| Svg.withColor Colors.purple UiIcon.activity
buildRadioOptions : Bool -> List (SegmentedControl.Radio Int msg)
buildRadioOptions keepIcon =
buildOption value icon =
{ icon = ifIcon icon
, label = Html.text ("Source " ++ Debug.toString (value + 1))
, value = value
, idString = String.fromInt value
, attributes = []
ifIcon icon =
if keepIcon then
Just icon
List.indexedMap buildOption
[ UiIcon.leaderboard
, UiIcon.person
, UiIcon.performance
, UiIcon.document
, UiIcon.key
, UiIcon.badge
, UiIcon.hat
{-| -}
type alias State =
{ page : Page
, optionallySelected : Maybe Int
, optionsControl : Control Options
{-| -}
init : State
init =
{ page = Flag
, optionallySelected = Nothing
, optionsControl = optionsControl
type alias Options =
{ width : SegmentedControl.Width
, icon : Bool
, count : Int
, longContent : Bool
optionsControl : Control Options
optionsControl =
Control.record Options
|> Control.field "width"
[ ( "FitContent", Control.value SegmentedControl.FitContent )
, ( "FillContainer", Control.value SegmentedControl.FillContainer )
|> Control.field "icon" (Control.bool True)
|> Control.field "count"
( (\i -> ( String.fromInt i, Control.value i )) (List.range 2 8))
|> Control.field "long content" (Control.bool False)
{-| -}
type Msg
= Focus String
| Focused (Result Dom.Error ())
| SelectPage Page
| SelectRadio Int
| ChangeOptions (Control Options)
{-| -}
update : Msg -> State -> ( State, Cmd Msg )
update msg state =
case msg of
Focus id ->
( state
, Task.attempt Focused (Dom.focus id)
Focused _ ->
( state
, Cmd.none
SelectPage page ->
( { state | page = page }
, Cmd.none
SelectRadio id ->
( { state | optionallySelected = Just id }
, Cmd.none
ChangeOptions newOptions ->
( { state | optionsControl = newOptions }
, Cmd.none