2022-05-25 19:07:43 -07:00

192 lines
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module Examples.Table exposing (Msg, State, example)
@docs Msg, State, example
import Accessibility.Styled exposing (..)
import Category exposing (Category(..))
import Css exposing (..)
import Debug.Control as Control exposing (Control)
import Debug.Control.View as ControlView
import Example exposing (Example)
import Nri.Ui.Button.V10 as Button
import Nri.Ui.Colors.V1 as Colors
import Nri.Ui.Heading.V2 as Heading
import Nri.Ui.Table.V5 as Table exposing (Column)
{-| -}
type alias State =
Control Settings
moduleName : String
moduleName =
version : Int
version =
{-| -}
example : Example State Msg
example =
{ name = moduleName
, version = version
, state = controlSettings
, update = update
, subscriptions = \_ -> Sub.none
, categories = [ Layout ]
, keyboardSupport = []
, preview =
[ Table.view
[ Table.string
{ header = "A"
, value = .a
, width = px 50
, cellStyles = always []
, Table.string
{ header = "B"
, value = .b
, width = px 50
, cellStyles = always []
[ { a = "Row 1 A"
, b = "Row 1 B"
, { a = "Row 2 A"
, b = "Row 2 B"
, view =
\ellieLinkConfig state ->
columns =
[ Table.string
{ header = "First Name"
, value = .firstName
, width = calc (pct 50) minus (px 250)
, cellStyles = always []
, Table.string
{ header = "Last Name"
, value = .lastName
, width = calc (pct 50) minus (px 250)
, cellStyles = always []
, Table.string
{ header = "# Submitted"
, value = .submitted >> String.fromInt
, width = px 125
, cellStyles =
\value ->
if value.submitted < 5 then
[ backgroundColor Colors.redLight
, textAlign center
[ textAlign center ]
, Table.custom
{ header = text "Actions"
, width = px 250
, view = \_ -> Button.button "Action" [ Button.small, Button.onClick (ConsoleLog "Clicked button!") ]
, cellStyles = always []
{ showHeader, isLoading } =
Control.currentValue state
[ ControlView.view
{ ellieLinkConfig = ellieLinkConfig
, name = moduleName
, version = version
, update = UpdateControl
, settings = state
, mainType = "RootHtml.Html msg"
, extraImports = []
, toExampleCode =
\settings ->
toExampleCode viewName =
{ sectionName = moduleName ++ "." ++ viewName
, code =
(moduleName ++ "." ++ viewName)
++ "[ --TODO \n ]"
++ "[ --TODO \n ]"
in toExampleCode [ "view", "viewWithoutHeader", "viewLoading", "viewLoadingWithoutHeader" ]
, Heading.h2 [ Heading.Subhead ] [ text "Example" ]
, case ( showHeader, isLoading ) of
( True, False ) ->
Table.view columns data
( False, False ) ->
Table.viewWithoutHeader columns data
( True, True ) ->
Table.viewLoading columns
( False, True ) ->
Table.viewLoadingWithoutHeader columns
{-| -}
type Msg
= UpdateControl (Control Settings)
| ConsoleLog String
update : Msg -> State -> ( State, Cmd msg )
update msg state =
case msg of
UpdateControl control ->
( control, Cmd.none )
ConsoleLog message ->
( Debug.log "Menu Example" message |> always state, Cmd.none )
type alias Settings =
{ showHeader : Bool
, isLoading : Bool
controlSettings : Control Settings
controlSettings =
Control.record Settings
|> Control.field "visible header" (Control.bool True)
|> Control.field "is loading" (Control.bool False)
type alias Data =
{ firstName : String
, lastName : String
, submitted : Int
data : List Data
data =
[ { firstName = "First1", lastName = "Last1", submitted = 10 }
, { firstName = "First2", lastName = "Last2", submitted = 0 }
, { firstName = "First3", lastName = "Last3", submitted = 3 }
, { firstName = "First4", lastName = "Last4", submitted = 15 }
, { firstName = "First5", lastName = "Last5", submitted = 8 }