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module Examples.Modal exposing (Msg, State, example)
@docs Msg, State, example
import Accessibility.Styled as Html exposing (Html, div, h3, h4, p, span, text)
import AtomicDesignType exposing (AtomicDesignType(..))
import Category exposing (Category(..))
import Css exposing (..)
import Css.Global
import Example exposing (Example)
import Html as Root
import Html.Styled.Attributes as Attributes
import KeyboardSupport exposing (Direction(..), Key(..))
import Nri.Ui.Button.V10 as Button
import Nri.Ui.Checkbox.V5 as Checkbox
import Nri.Ui.ClickableText.V3 as ClickableText
import Nri.Ui.Colors.V1 as Colors
import Nri.Ui.Modal.V10 as Modal
import Nri.Ui.Text.V4 as Text
{-| -}
type alias State =
{ state : Modal.Model
, content : Content
, settings : Settings
{-| -}
init : State
init =
{ state = Modal.init
, content = Info
, settings = initModalSettings
type Content
= Info
| Warning
type alias Settings =
{ visibleTitle : Bool
, showX : Bool
, showContinue : Bool
, showSecondary : Bool
, dismissOnEscAndOverlayClick : Bool
, longContent : Bool
, customStyling : Bool
initModalSettings : Settings
initModalSettings =
{ visibleTitle = True
, showX = True
, showContinue = True
, showSecondary = True
, dismissOnEscAndOverlayClick = True
, longContent = True
, customStyling = False
{-| -}
example : Example State Msg
example =
{ name = "Nri.Ui.Modal.V10"
, categories = [ Modals ]
, atomicDesignType = Organism
, keyboardSupport = []
, state = init
, update = update
, subscriptions = subscriptions
, view =
\state ->
titleAttrs =
if state.settings.visibleTitle then
[ Modal.hideTitle ]
stylingAttrs =
if state.settings.customStyling then
[ Modal.css
[ Css.borderRadius Css.zero
, Css.width (Css.px 800)
attrs =
titleAttrs ++ stylingAttrs
[ viewSettings state.settings
, Button.button "Launch Info Modal"
[ Button.onClick (OpenModal Info "launch-info-modal")
, Button.custom [ Attributes.id "launch-info-modal" ]
, Button.css [ Css.marginRight (Css.px 16) ]
, Button.secondary
, Button.medium
, Button.button "Launch Warning Modal"
[ Button.onClick (OpenModal Warning "launch-warning-modal")
, Button.custom [ Attributes.id "launch-warning-modal" ]
, Button.secondary
, Button.medium
, case state.content of
Info ->
{ title = "Modal.info"
, wrapMsg = ModalMsg
, focusManager = makeFocusManager Button.primary state.settings
Warning ->
{ title = "Modal.warning"
, wrapMsg = ModalMsg
, focusManager = makeFocusManager Button.danger state.settings
makeFocusManager : Button.Attribute Msg -> Settings -> Modal.FocusManager Msg
makeFocusManager firstButtonStyle settings =
case ( settings.showX, settings.showContinue, settings.showSecondary ) of
( True, True, True ) ->
Modal.MultipleFocusableElements <|
\modalOptions ->
{ content =
[ modalOptions.closeButton modalOptions.firstFocusableElement
, viewModalContent settings.longContent
, footer =
[ Button.button "Continue"
[ firstButtonStyle
, Button.onClick ForceClose
, Button.large
, Button.custom [ modalOptions.autofocusElement ]
, ClickableText.button "Close"
[ ClickableText.onClick ForceClose
, ClickableText.large
, ClickableText.custom modalOptions.lastFocusableElement
, ClickableText.css [ Css.marginTop (Css.px 12) ]
( True, False, True ) ->
Modal.MultipleFocusableElements <|
\modalOptions ->
{ content =
[ modalOptions.closeButton modalOptions.firstFocusableElement
, viewModalContent settings.longContent
, footer =
[ ClickableText.button "Close"
[ ClickableText.onClick ForceClose
, ClickableText.large
, ClickableText.custom (modalOptions.autofocusElement :: modalOptions.lastFocusableElement)
, ClickableText.css [ Css.marginTop (Css.px 12) ]
( True, False, False ) ->
(\{ onlyFocusableElement, closeButton } ->
{ content =
[ closeButton onlyFocusableElement
, viewModalContent settings.longContent
, footer = []
( True, True, False ) ->
Modal.MultipleFocusableElements <|
\modalOptions ->
{ content =
[ modalOptions.closeButton modalOptions.firstFocusableElement
, viewModalContent settings.longContent
, footer =
[ Button.button "Continue"
[ firstButtonStyle
, Button.onClick ForceClose
, Button.custom (modalOptions.autofocusElement :: modalOptions.lastFocusableElement)
, Button.large
( False, True, True ) ->
Modal.MultipleFocusableElements <|
\modalOptions ->
{ content = [ viewModalContent settings.longContent ]
, footer =
[ Button.button "Continue"
[ firstButtonStyle
, Button.onClick ForceClose
, Button.custom (modalOptions.autofocusElement :: modalOptions.firstFocusableElement)
, Button.large
, ClickableText.button "Close"
[ ClickableText.onClick ForceClose
, ClickableText.large
, ClickableText.custom modalOptions.lastFocusableElement
, ClickableText.css [ Css.marginTop (Css.px 12) ]
( False, False, True ) ->
(\{ onlyFocusableElement } ->
{ content = [ viewModalContent settings.longContent ]
, footer =
[ ClickableText.button "Close"
[ ClickableText.onClick ForceClose
, ClickableText.large
, ClickableText.custom onlyFocusableElement
, ClickableText.css [ Css.marginTop (Css.px 12) ]
( False, True, False ) ->
(\{ onlyFocusableElement } ->
{ content = [ viewModalContent settings.longContent ]
, footer =
[ Button.button "Continue"
[ firstButtonStyle
, Button.onClick ForceClose
, Button.custom onlyFocusableElement
, Button.large
( False, False, False ) ->
(\_ ->
{ content = [ viewModalContent settings.longContent ]
, footer = []
viewModalContent : Bool -> Html msg
viewModalContent longContent =
[ span [ Attributes.css [ whiteSpace preLine ] ]
[ if longContent then
"""Soufflé pastry chocolate cake danish muffin. Candy wafer pastry ice cream cheesecake toffee cookie cake carrot cake. Macaroon pie jujubes gummies cookie pie. Gummi bears brownie pastry carrot cake cotton candy. Jelly-o sweet roll biscuit cake soufflé lemon drops tiramisu marshmallow macaroon. Chocolate jelly halvah marzipan macaroon cupcake sweet cheesecake carrot cake.
Sesame snaps pastry muffin cookie. Powder powder sweet roll toffee cake icing. Chocolate cake sweet roll gingerbread icing chupa chups sweet roll sesame snaps. Chocolate croissant chupa chups jelly beans toffee. Jujubes sweet wafer marshmallow halvah jelly. Liquorice sesame snaps sweet.
Tootsie roll icing jelly danish ice cream tiramisu sweet roll. Fruitcake ice cream dragée. Bear claw sugar plum sweet jelly beans bonbon dragée tart. Gingerbread chocolate sweet. Apple pie danish toffee sugar plum jelly beans donut. Chocolate cake croissant caramels chocolate bar. Jelly beans caramels toffee chocolate cake liquorice. Toffee pie sugar plum cookie toffee muffin. Marzipan marshmallow marzipan liquorice tiramisu.
Brownie ice cream halvah danish candy ice cream sweet roll jujubes chocolate cake. Chocolate bar sesame snaps bear claw gummies. Dragée cookie brownie cake sugar plum chocolate cake fruitcake toffee. Tiramisu tiramisu cookie cake. Lemon drops pie toffee icing powder biscuit cotton candy gummies. Caramels lemon drops cupcake. Lemon drops toffee macaroon liquorice chocolate bar candy bonbon. Cupcake biscuit cupcake chupa chups candy. Chocolate cake sweet toffee bonbon danish biscuit pudding. Tootsie roll brownie jelly tootsie roll. Jujubes jujubes marshmallow gummi bears bear claw sugar plum. Cupcake bonbon soufflé carrot cake powder fruitcake sugar plum brownie.
Danish sesame snaps tiramisu chocolate cake powder cotton candy powder. Liquorice cupcake macaroon sweet soufflé jujubes. Jelly-o oat cake caramels sweet roll. Sweet roll sugar plum gummies cheesecake sesame snaps. Gummies pastry tootsie roll marzipan lollipop muffin sweet cake. Wafer carrot cake halvah bear claw jelly beans apple pie cookie halvah. Brownie sugar plum macaroon halvah croissant pastry. Marzipan muffin carrot cake chocolate jelly beans dragée jelly beans dragée tiramisu. Sweet roll powder apple pie icing halvah marshmallow pastry. Pastry marzipan chocolate cake jelly beans sugar plum carrot cake lollipop croissant. Cotton candy chocolate croissant gummies muffin. Dragée jelly beans oat cake pastry muffin pie. Donut marzipan dessert wafer gingerbread tiramisu macaroon. Cotton candy macaroon gummies oat cake cake gingerbread cotton candy sweet roll pie."""
|> text
"Ice cream tootsie roll donut sweet cookie liquorice sweet donut. Sugar plum danish apple pie sesame snaps chocolate bar biscuit. Caramels macaroon jelly gummies sweet tootsie roll tiramisu apple pie. Dessert chocolate bar lemon drops dragée jelly powder cheesecake chocolate."
|> text
viewSettings : Settings -> Html Msg
viewSettings settings =
div []
[ Checkbox.viewWithLabel
{ identifier = "visible-title"
, label = "Visible title"
, selected = Checkbox.selectedFromBool settings.visibleTitle
, setterMsg = SetVisibleTitle
, disabled = False
, theme = Checkbox.Square
, Checkbox.viewWithLabel
{ identifier = "show-x"
, label = "Show X button"
, selected = Checkbox.selectedFromBool settings.showX
, setterMsg = SetShowX
, disabled = False
, theme = Checkbox.Square
, Checkbox.viewWithLabel
{ identifier = "show-continue"
, label = "Show main button"
, selected = Checkbox.selectedFromBool settings.showContinue
, setterMsg = SetShowContinue
, disabled = False
, theme = Checkbox.Square
, Checkbox.viewWithLabel
{ identifier = "show-secondary"
, label = "Show secondary button"
, selected = Checkbox.selectedFromBool settings.showSecondary
, setterMsg = SetShowSecondary
, disabled = False
, theme = Checkbox.Square
, Checkbox.viewWithLabel
{ identifier = "dismiss-on-click"
, label = "Dismiss on ESC and on backdrop click"
, selected = Checkbox.selectedFromBool settings.dismissOnEscAndOverlayClick
, setterMsg = SetDismissOnEscAndOverlayClick
, disabled = False
, theme = Checkbox.Square
, Checkbox.viewWithLabel
{ identifier = "long-content"
, label = "Display longer content"
, selected = Checkbox.selectedFromBool settings.longContent
, setterMsg = SetLongContent
, disabled = False
, theme = Checkbox.Square
, Checkbox.viewWithLabel
{ identifier = "custom-styles"
, label = "Custom Styling"
, selected = Checkbox.selectedFromBool settings.customStyling
, setterMsg = SetCustomStyling
, disabled = False
, theme = Checkbox.Square
{-| -}
type Msg
= OpenModal Content String
| ModalMsg Modal.Msg
| ForceClose
| SetVisibleTitle Bool
| SetShowX Bool
| SetShowContinue Bool
| SetShowSecondary Bool
| SetDismissOnEscAndOverlayClick Bool
| SetLongContent Bool
| SetCustomStyling Bool
{-| -}
update : Msg -> State -> ( State, Cmd Msg )
update msg state =
settings =
updateConfig =
{ dismissOnEscAndOverlayClick = settings.dismissOnEscAndOverlayClick }
case msg of
OpenModal content returnFocusTo ->
update (ModalMsg (Modal.open returnFocusTo)) { state | content = content }
ModalMsg modalMsg ->
case Modal.update updateConfig modalMsg state.state of
( newState, cmds ) ->
( { state | state = newState }
, Cmd.map ModalMsg cmds
ForceClose ->
( { state | state = Modal.init }
, Cmd.none
SetVisibleTitle value ->
( { state | settings = { settings | visibleTitle = value } }, Cmd.none )
SetShowX value ->
( { state | settings = { settings | showX = value } }, Cmd.none )
SetShowContinue value ->
( { state | settings = { settings | showContinue = value } }, Cmd.none )
SetShowSecondary value ->
( { state | settings = { settings | showSecondary = value } }, Cmd.none )
SetDismissOnEscAndOverlayClick value ->
( { state | settings = { settings | dismissOnEscAndOverlayClick = value } }, Cmd.none )
SetLongContent value ->
( { state | settings = { settings | longContent = value } }, Cmd.none )
SetCustomStyling value ->
( { state | settings = { settings | customStyling = value } }, Cmd.none )
{-| -}
subscriptions : State -> Sub Msg
subscriptions model =
Sub.map ModalMsg (Modal.subscriptions model.state)