2019-10-11 11:23:52 -07:00

111 lines
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module Examples.Icon exposing (example)
@docs example, styles
import Assets exposing (Assets, assets)
import Css
import Css.Global
import Examples.IconExamples as IconExamples
import Html.Styled as Html exposing (Html)
import Html.Styled.Attributes exposing (css)
import ModuleExample exposing (Category(..), ModuleExample)
import Nri.Ui.Colors.V1 as Colors
import Nri.Ui.Icon.V5 as Icon
{-| -}
example : ModuleExample msg
example =
{ name = "Nri.Ui.Icon.V5"
, category = Icons
, content =
[ IconExamples.view "Mastery Icons"
[ deprecatedIcon { icon = Icon.gardening, background =, alt = "Gardening" }
, deprecatedIcon { icon = Icon.highFive, background =, alt = "HighFive" }
, deprecatedIcon { icon = Icon.okay, background =, alt = "Okay" }
, deprecatedIcon { icon = Icon.thumbsUp, background =, alt = "ThumbsUp" }
, deprecatedIcon { icon = Icon.masteryBadge, background = Colors.frost, alt = "Badge " }
, IconExamples.view "Stars and Flags"
[ deprecatedIcon { icon = Icon.starred, background = Colors.frost, alt = "Starred" }
, deprecatedIcon { icon = Icon.notStarred, background = Colors.frost, alt = "NotStarred" }
, deprecatedIcon { icon = Icon.flag, background = Colors.frost, alt = "Flag" }
, IconExamples.view "Student Assignment Actions"
[ deprecatedIcon { icon = Icon.assignmentStartButtonPrimary, background = Colors.frost, alt = "Start primary" }
, deprecatedIcon { icon = Icon.assignmentStartButtonSecondary, background = Colors.frost, alt = "Start secondary" }
, IconExamples.view "Social Media"
[ deprecatedIcon { icon = Icon.facebook, background = Colors.frost, alt = "Facebook" }
, deprecatedIcon { icon = Icon.twitter, background = Colors.frost, alt = "Twitter" }
, deprecatedIcon { icon = Icon.clever, background = Colors.frost, alt = "Clever" }
, IconExamples.view "Arrows and Carets"
[ deprecatedIcon { icon = Icon.arrowDown, background = Colors.frost, alt = "ArrowDown" }
, deprecatedIcon { icon = Icon.sortArrow, background = Colors.frost, alt = "SortArrow" }
, IconExamples.view "Checkmarks"
[ deprecatedIcon { icon = Icon.checkMarkSvg, background = Colors.frost, alt = "CheckMarkSvg" }
, IconExamples.view "Xs"
[ deprecatedIcon { icon = Icon.xSvg, background = Colors.frost, alt = "XSvg" }
, IconExamples.view "Bangs"
[ deprecatedIcon { icon = Icon.exclamation, background = Colors.frost, alt = "Exclamation" }
, deprecatedIcon { icon = Icon.attention, background =, alt = "Attention" }
, IconExamples.view "Bulbs and Tips"
[ deprecatedIcon { icon = Icon.bulb, background = Colors.frost, alt = "Bulb" }
, deprecatedIcon { icon = Icon.lightBulb, background = Colors.frost, alt = "LightBulb" }
, deprecatedIcon { icon = Icon.helpSvg, background = Colors.frost, alt = "Help" }
, IconExamples.view "Locks and keys"
[ deprecatedIcon { icon = Icon.key, background = Colors.frost, alt = "Key" }
, deprecatedIcon { icon = Icon.lock, background = Colors.frost, alt = "Lock" }
, IconExamples.view "Time"
[ deprecatedIcon { icon = Icon.clock, background = Colors.frost, alt = "Clock" }
, IconExamples.view "Uncategorized (SVGs)"
[ deprecatedIcon { icon = Icon.activity, background = Colors.frost, alt = "Activity" }
, deprecatedIcon { icon = Icon.compassSvg, background = Colors.frost, alt = "CompassSvg" }
, deprecatedIcon { icon = Icon.flipper, background = Colors.frost, alt = "Flipper" }
, deprecatedIcon { icon = Icon.footsteps, background = Colors.frost, alt = "Footsteps" }
, deprecatedIcon { icon = Icon.pen, background = Colors.frost, alt = "Pen" }
, deprecatedIcon { icon = Icon.newspaper, background = Colors.frost, alt = "Newspaper" }
, deprecatedIcon { icon = Icon.speedometer, background = Colors.frost, alt = "Speedometer" }
, deprecatedIcon { icon = Icon.skip, background = Colors.frost, alt = "Skip" }
, deprecatedIcon { icon = Icon.equalitySign, background = Colors.frost, alt = "EqualitySign" }
, deprecatedIcon { icon = Icon.logo, background = Colors.frost, alt = "Logo" }
deprecatedIcon : { alt : String, background : Css.Color, icon : Assets -> Icon.IconType } -> ( String, Html msg )
deprecatedIcon { alt, background, icon } =
( alt
, Html.div
[ css
[ Css.backgroundColor background
, Css.height (Css.px 80)
, Css.width (Css.px 80)
, Css.displayFlex
, Css.alignItems
, Css.justifyContent
, Css.Global.descendants
[ Css.Global.img
[ Css.maxWidth (Css.pct 100)
, Css.maxHeight (Css.pct 100)
[ Icon.icon { alt = alt, icon = icon assets }