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module Examples.Tabs exposing
( example
, State, Msg
@docs example
@docs State, Msg
import Category exposing (Category(..))
import Example exposing (Example)
import Html.Styled as Html
import List.Zipper
import Nri.Ui.Tabs.V4 as Tabs
type State
= First
| Second
type alias Msg =
example : Example State Msg
example =
{ name = "Nri.Ui.Tabs.V4"
, categories = [ Layout ]
, state = First
, update = \newTab oldTab -> ( newTab, Cmd.none )
, subscriptions = \_ -> Sub.none
, view =
\tab ->
[ Tabs.view
{ title = Nothing
, onSelect = identity
, tabs =
case tab of
First ->
List.Zipper.from []
(Tabs.Tab "First tab" First)
[ Tabs.Tab "Second tab" Second ]
Second ->
List.Zipper.from []
(Tabs.Tab "Second tab" Second)
[ Tabs.Tab "First tab" First ]
, content =
\id ->
case id of
First ->
Html.text "First"
Second ->
Html.text "Second"
, alignment = Tabs.Center
, Tabs.links
{ title = Nothing
, content = Html.text "Links"
, alignment = Tabs.Left
, tabs =
(Tabs.NormalLink { label = "Nowhere", href = Nothing })
[ Tabs.NormalLink { label = "Elm", href = Just "http://elm-lang.org" }
, Tabs.SpaLink { label = "Spa", href = "/#category/Layout", msg = Second }