mirror of
synced 2024-12-02 09:52:01 +03:00
Got rid of the Bimap codec node in favour of a more general map codec node
This commit is contained in:
@ -35,8 +35,7 @@ parseJSONVia = flip go
if expected == actual
then pure actual
else fail $ unwords ["Expected", show expected, "but got", show actual]
BimapCodec f _ c -> f <$> go value c
ExtraParserCodec f _ c -> do
MapCodec f _ c -> do
old <- go value c
case f old of
Left err -> fail err -- TODO better error message location?
@ -266,9 +266,8 @@ jsonSchemaVia = go
ArrayCodec mname c -> maybe id CommentSchema mname $ ArraySchema (go c)
ObjectCodec mname oc -> maybe id CommentSchema mname $ ObjectSchema (goObject oc)
EqCodec value c -> ValueSchema (toJSONVia c value)
BimapCodec _ _ c -> go c
EitherCodec c1 c2 -> ChoiceSchema (goChoice (go c1 :| [go c2]))
ExtraParserCodec _ _ c -> go c
MapCodec _ _ c -> go c
CommentCodec t c -> CommentSchema t (go c)
ReferenceCodec t c -> ReferenceSchema t (go c)
@ -25,8 +25,7 @@ toJSONVia = flip go
ArrayCodec _ c -> toJSON (map (`go` c) a)
ObjectCodec _ oc -> JSON.Object (goObject a oc)
EqCodec value c -> go value c
BimapCodec _ g c -> go (g a) c
ExtraParserCodec _ g c -> go (g a) c
MapCodec _ g c -> go (g a) c
EitherCodec c1 c2 -> case a of
Left a1 -> go a1 c1
Right a2 -> go a2 c2
@ -40,7 +40,7 @@ instance HasCodec Char where
[] -> Left "Expected exactly 1 character, but got none."
[c] -> Right c
_ -> Left "Expected exactly 1 character, but got more."
in ExtraParserCodec parseChar (: []) stringCodec
in MapCodec parseChar (: []) stringCodec
listCodec = stringCodec
instance HasCodec Text where
@ -42,8 +42,12 @@ data Codec input output where
!(Codec value value) ->
Codec value value
-- | To implement 'fmap', and to map a codec in both directions.
BimapCodec ::
!(oldOutput -> newOutput) ->
-- This is not strictly bimap, because the decoding function is allowed to fail,
-- but we can implement bimap using this function by using a decoding function that does not fail.
-- Otherwise we would have to have another constructor here.
MapCodec ::
!(oldOutput -> Either String newOutput) ->
!(newInput -> oldInput) ->
!(Codec oldInput oldOutput) ->
Codec newInput newOutput
@ -51,14 +55,6 @@ data Codec input output where
!(Codec input1 output1) ->
!(Codec input2 output2) ->
Codec (Either input1 input2) (Either output1 output2)
-- For parsing with potential errors
-- TODO: maybe we want to get rid of bimap and implement it in terms of this?
-- TODO: this should get a better name.
ExtraParserCodec ::
!(oldOutput -> Either String newOutput) ->
!(newInput -> oldInput) ->
!(Codec oldInput oldOutput) ->
Codec newInput newOutput
-- For adding implementation-irrelevant but human-relevant information.
CommentCodec :: Text -> Codec input output -> Codec input output
-- For naming a codec, so that recursive codecs can have a finite schema.
@ -78,9 +74,8 @@ showCodecABit = ($ "") . (`evalState` S.empty) . go 0
ArrayCodec name c -> (\s -> showParen (d > 10) $ showString "ArrayCodec " . showsPrec d name . showString " " . s) <$> go 11 c
ObjectCodec name oc -> (\s -> showParen (d > 10) $ showString "ObjectCodec " . showsPrec d name . showString " " . s) <$> goObject 11 oc
EqCodec value c -> (\s -> showParen (d > 10) $ showString "EqCodec " . showsPrec d value . showString " " . s) <$> go 11 c
BimapCodec _ _ c -> (\s -> showParen (d > 10) $ showString "BimapCodec " . s) <$> go 11 c
MapCodec _ _ c -> (\s -> showParen (d > 10) $ showString "MapCodec " . s) <$> go 11 c
EitherCodec c1 c2 -> (\s1 s2 -> showParen (d > 10) $ showString "EitherCodec " . s1 . showString " " . s2) <$> go 11 c1 <*> go 11 c2
ExtraParserCodec _ _ c -> (\s -> showParen (d > 10) $ showString "ExtraParserCodec " . s) <$> go 11 c
CommentCodec comment c -> (\s -> showParen (d > 10) $ showString "CommentCodec " . showsPrec d comment . showString " " . s) <$> go 11 c
ReferenceCodec name c -> do
alreadySeen <- gets (S.member name)
@ -100,13 +95,13 @@ showCodecABit = ($ "") . (`evalState` S.empty) . go 0
ApObjectCodec oc1 oc2 -> (\s1 s2 -> showParen (d > 10) $ showString "KeyCodec " . s1 . showString " " . s2) <$> goObject 11 oc1 <*> goObject 11 oc2
fmapCodec :: (oldOutput -> newOutput) -> Codec input oldOutput -> Codec input newOutput
fmapCodec f = BimapCodec f id
fmapCodec f = MapCodec (Right . f) id
comapCodec :: (newInput -> oldInput) -> Codec oldInput output -> Codec newInput output
comapCodec g = BimapCodec id g
comapCodec g = MapCodec Right g
bimapCodec :: (oldOutput -> newOutput) -> (newInput -> oldInput) -> Codec oldInput oldOutput -> Codec newInput newOutput
bimapCodec = BimapCodec
bimapCodec f g = MapCodec (Right . f) g
eitherCodec :: Codec input1 output1 -> Codec input2 output2 -> Codec (Either input1 input2) (Either output1 output2)
eitherCodec = EitherCodec
@ -173,7 +168,7 @@ textCodec :: Codec Text Text
textCodec = StringCodec
stringCodec :: Codec String String
stringCodec = BimapCodec T.unpack T.pack StringCodec
stringCodec = bimapCodec T.unpack T.pack StringCodec
scientificCodec :: Codec Scientific Scientific
scientificCodec = NumberCodec
@ -182,7 +177,7 @@ object :: Text -> ObjectCodec value value -> Codec value value
object name = ObjectCodec (Just name)
boundedIntegerCodec :: (Integral i, Bounded i) => Codec i i
boundedIntegerCodec = ExtraParserCodec go fromIntegral NumberCodec
boundedIntegerCodec = MapCodec go fromIntegral NumberCodec
go s = case Scientific.toBoundedInteger s of
Nothing -> Left $ "Number too big: " <> show s
@ -200,7 +195,7 @@ matchChoiceCodec ::
(newInput -> Maybe input, Codec input output) ->
Codec newInput output
matchChoiceCodec (f1, c1) (f2, c2) =
BimapCodec f g $
bimapCodec f g $
eitherCodec c1 c2
f = \case
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