Support disjoint unions

This commit is contained in:
Tom Sydney Kerckhove 2021-12-23 14:35:35 +01:00
parent d269215812
commit 45a112f16e
66 changed files with 740 additions and 180 deletions

View File

@ -28,6 +28,7 @@ import Data.Maybe
import qualified Data.OpenApi as OpenAPI
import qualified Data.Swagger as Swagger
import Data.Text (Text)
import Data.Word
import GHC.Generics (Generic)
import Test.QuickCheck
@ -341,3 +342,75 @@ instance HasCodec LegacyObject where
requiredField "oldest" "oldest key"
.= legacyObjectWithHistory
data Ainur
= Valar !Text !Text
| Maiar !Text
deriving stock (Show, Eq, Generic)
( FromJSON,
via (Autodocodec Ainur)
instance Validity Ainur
instance NFData Ainur
instance GenValid Ainur where
genValid = genValidStructurallyWithoutExtraChecking
shrinkValid = shrinkValidStructurallyWithoutExtraFiltering
instance HasCodec Ainur where
codec =
dimapCodec f g $
( object "Valar" $
<$> requiredField "domain" "Domain which the Valar rules over" .= fst
<*> requiredField "name" "Name of the Valar" .= snd
(object "Maiar" $ requiredField "name" "Name of the Maiar")
f = \case
Left (domain, name) -> Valar domain name
Right name -> Maiar name
g = \case
Valar domain name -> Left (domain, name)
Maiar name -> Right name
data War
= WorldWar !Word8
| OtherWar !Text
deriving stock (Show, Eq, Generic)
( FromJSON,
via (Autodocodec War)
instance Validity War
instance NFData War
instance GenValid War where
genValid = genValidStructurallyWithoutExtraChecking
shrinkValid = shrinkValidStructurallyWithoutExtraFiltering
instance HasCodec War where
codec =
dimapCodec f g $
(codec :: JSONCodec Word8)
(codec :: JSONCodec Text)
f = \case
Left w -> WorldWar w
Right t -> OtherWar t
g = \case
WorldWar w -> Left w
OtherWar t -> Right t

View File

@ -75,20 +75,23 @@ spec = do
jsonSchemaSpec @VeryComment "very-comment"
jsonSchemaSpec @LegacyValue "legacy-value"
jsonSchemaSpec @LegacyObject "legacy-object"
jsonSchemaSpec @Ainur "ainur"
jsonSchemaSpec @War "war"
describe "JSONSchema" $ do
genValidSpec @JSONSchema
it "roundtrips through json and back" $
forAllValid $ \jsonSchema ->
-- We use the reencode version to survive the ordering change through map
let encoded = JSON.encode (jsonSchema :: JSONSchema)
encodedCtx = unwords ["encoded: ", show encoded]
in context encodedCtx $ case JSON.eitherDecode encoded of
Left err -> expectationFailure err
Right decoded ->
let decodedCtx = unwords ["decoded: ", show decoded]
in context decodedCtx $
let encodedAgain = JSON.encode (decoded :: JSONSchema)
in encodedAgain `shouldBe` encoded
xdescribe "does not hold because this property does not hold for Scientific values like -7.85483897507979979e17" $
it "roundtrips through json and back" $
forAllValid $ \jsonSchema ->
-- We use the reencode version to survive the ordering change through map
let encoded = JSON.encode (jsonSchema :: JSONSchema)
encodedCtx = unwords ["encoded: ", show encoded]
in context encodedCtx $ case JSON.eitherDecode encoded of
Left err -> expectationFailure err
Right decoded ->
let decodedCtx = unwords ["decoded: ", show decoded]
in context decodedCtx $
let encodedAgain = JSON.encode (decoded :: JSONSchema)
in encodedAgain `shouldBe` encoded
describe "ObjectSchema" $ do
genValidSpec @ObjectSchema
it "roundtrips through object and back" $
@ -115,9 +118,10 @@ instance GenValid JSONSchema where
ArraySchema s -> AnySchema : s : (ArraySchema <$> shrinkValid s)
ObjectSchema os -> AnySchema : (ObjectSchema <$> shrinkValid os)
ValueSchema v -> AnySchema : (ValueSchema <$> shrinkValid v)
ChoiceSchema ss -> case ss of
s :| [] -> [s]
_ -> ChoiceSchema <$> shrinkValid ss
AnyOfSchema ss -> case ss of
s :| _ -> s : filter isValid (AnyOfSchema <$> shrinkValid ss)
OneOfSchema ss -> case ss of
s :| _ -> s : filter isValid (OneOfSchema <$> shrinkValid ss)
CommentSchema k s -> (s :) $ do
(k', s') <- shrinkValid (k, s)
pure $ CommentSchema k' s'
@ -141,7 +145,15 @@ instance GenValid JSONSchema where
choice2 <- resize b genValid
rest <- resize c genValid
pure $
ChoiceSchema $
AnyOfSchema $
choice1 :| (choice2 : rest),
(a, b, c) <- genSplit3 (n -1)
choice1 <- resize a genValid
choice2 <- resize b genValid
rest <- resize c genValid
pure $
OneOfSchema $
choice1 :| (choice2 : rest),
(a, b) <- genSplit (n -1)
@ -155,7 +167,8 @@ instance GenValid JSONSchema where
instance GenValid ObjectSchema where
shrinkValid os = case os of
ObjectAnySchema -> []
ObjectChoiceSchema ne@(s :| _) -> s : (ObjectChoiceSchema <$> shrinkValid ne)
ObjectAnyOfSchema ne@(s :| _) -> s : (ObjectAnyOfSchema <$> shrinkValid ne)
ObjectOneOfSchema ne@(s :| _) -> s : (ObjectOneOfSchema <$> shrinkValid ne)
ObjectAllOfSchema ne@(s :| _) -> s : (ObjectAllOfSchema <$> shrinkValid ne)
_ -> shrinkValidStructurallyWithoutExtraFiltering os
genValid = oneof [pure ObjectAnySchema, go]
@ -163,7 +176,8 @@ instance GenValid ObjectSchema where
go =
[ ObjectKeySchema <$> genValid <*> genValid <*> genValid <*> genValid,
ObjectChoiceSchema <$> genValid,
ObjectAnyOfSchema <$> genValid,
ObjectOneOfSchema <$> genValid,
ObjectAllOfSchema <$> genValid

View File

@ -92,6 +92,8 @@ spec = do
aesonCodecSpec @VeryComment
aesonCodecSpec @LegacyValue
aesonCodecSpec @LegacyObject
aesonCodecSpec @Ainur
aesonCodecSpec @War
aesonCodecErrorSpec :: forall a. (Show a, Eq a, Typeable a, GenValid a, HasCodec a) => FilePath -> LB.ByteString -> Spec
aesonCodecErrorSpec filePath encoded =

View File

@ -80,6 +80,8 @@ spec = do
openAPISchemaSpec @VeryComment "very-comment"
openAPISchemaSpec @LegacyValue "legacy-value"
openAPISchemaSpec @LegacyObject "legacy-object"
openAPISchemaSpec @Ainur "ainur"
openAPISchemaSpec @War "war"
openAPISchemaSpec :: forall a. (Show a, Typeable a, GenValid a, HasCodec a) => FilePath -> Spec
openAPISchemaSpec filePath =

View File

@ -68,6 +68,8 @@ spec = do
showCodecSpec @VeryComment "very-comment"
showCodecSpec @LegacyValue "legacy-value"
showCodecSpec @LegacyObject "legacy-object"
showCodecSpec @Ainur "ainur"
showCodecSpec @War "war"
showCodecSpec :: forall a. (Typeable a, GenValid a, HasCodec a) => FilePath -> Spec
showCodecSpec filePath =

View File

@ -80,6 +80,8 @@ spec = do
swaggerSchemaSpec @VeryComment "very-comment"
swaggerSchemaSpec @LegacyValue "legacy-value"
swaggerSchemaSpec @LegacyObject "legacy-object"
swaggerSchemaSpec @Ainur "ainur"
swaggerSchemaSpec @War "war"
swaggerSchemaSpec :: forall a. (Show a, Typeable a, GenValid a, HasCodec a) => FilePath -> Spec
swaggerSchemaSpec filePath =

View File

@ -72,6 +72,8 @@ spec = do
yamlSchemaSpec @VeryComment "very-comment"
yamlSchemaSpec @LegacyValue "legacy-value"
yamlSchemaSpec @LegacyObject "legacy-object"
yamlSchemaSpec @Ainur "ainur"
yamlSchemaSpec @War "war"
yamlSchemaSpec :: forall a. (Typeable a, GenValid a, HasCodec a) => FilePath -> Spec
yamlSchemaSpec filePath = do

View File

@ -73,6 +73,8 @@ spec = do
yamlCodecSpec @VeryComment
yamlCodecSpec @LegacyValue
yamlCodecSpec @LegacyObject
yamlCodecSpec @Ainur
yamlCodecSpec @War
yamlCodecSpec :: forall a. (Show a, Eq a, Typeable a, GenValid a, ToJSON a, FromJSON a, HasCodec a) => Spec
yamlCodecSpec = describe (nameOf @a) $ do

View File

@ -1,3 +1,4 @@
Error in $:
Previous branch failure: Error in $: parsing HashMap ~Text failed, expected Object, but encountered Array
parsing HashMap ~Text failed, expected Object, but encountered Array
Both branches of a disjoint union failed:
Left: Error in $: parsing HashMap ~Text failed, expected Object, but encountered Array
Right: Error in $: parsing HashMap ~Text failed, expected Object, but encountered Array

View File

@ -0,0 +1,35 @@
"anyOf": [
"$comment": "Valar",
"required": [
"type": "object",
"properties": {
"domain": {
"$comment": "Domain which the Valar rules over",
"type": "string"
"name": {
"$comment": "Name of the Valar",
"type": "string"
"$comment": "Maiar",
"required": [
"type": "object",
"properties": {
"name": {
"$comment": "Name of the Maiar",
"type": "string"

View File

@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
"anyOf": [
"oneOf": [
"required": [

View File

@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
"anyOf": [
"oneOf": [
"required": [
@ -7,7 +7,7 @@
"type": "object",
"properties": {
"Left": {
"anyOf": [
"oneOf": [
"required": [

View File

@ -0,0 +1,12 @@
"oneOf": [
"maximum": 255,
"minimum": 0,
"type": "number"
"type": "string"

View File

@ -0,0 +1,52 @@
"components": {
"schemas": {
"Ainur": {
"anyOf": [
"$ref": "#/components/schemas/Valar"
"$ref": "#/components/schemas/Maiar"
"additionalProperties": true
"Valar": {
"required": [
"type": "object",
"properties": {
"domain": {
"type": "string",
"description": "Domain which the Valar rules over"
"name": {
"type": "string",
"description": "Name of the Valar"
"Maiar": {
"required": [
"type": "object",
"properties": {
"name": {
"type": "string",
"description": "Name of the Maiar"
"openapi": "3.0.0",
"info": {
"version": "",
"title": ""
"paths": {}

View File

@ -2,7 +2,7 @@
"components": {
"schemas": {
"(Either Bool Text)": {
"anyOf": [
"oneOf": [
"required": [
@ -25,8 +25,7 @@
"additionalProperties": true

View File

@ -2,7 +2,7 @@
"components": {
"schemas": {
"(Either (Either Bool Scientific) Text)": {
"anyOf": [
"oneOf": [
"required": [
@ -10,7 +10,7 @@
"type": "object",
"properties": {
"Left": {
"anyOf": [
"oneOf": [
"required": [
@ -33,8 +33,7 @@
"additionalProperties": true
@ -49,8 +48,7 @@
"additionalProperties": true

View File

@ -0,0 +1,24 @@
"components": {
"schemas": {
"War": {
"oneOf": [
"maximum": 255,
"minimum": 0,
"type": "number"
"type": "string"
"openapi": "3.0.0",
"info": {
"version": "",
"title": ""
"paths": {}

View File

@ -0,0 +1 @@
BimapCodec _ _ (EitherCodec PossiblyJointUnion (ObjectOfCodec (Just "Valar") (ApCodec (BimapCodec _ _ (RequiredKeyCodec "domain" (Just "Domain which the Valar rules over") (StringCodec Nothing))) (BimapCodec _ _ (RequiredKeyCodec "name" (Just "Name of the Valar") (StringCodec Nothing))))) (ObjectOfCodec (Just "Maiar") (RequiredKeyCodec "name" (Just "Name of the Maiar") (StringCodec Nothing))))

View File

@ -1 +1 @@
EitherCodec (ObjectOfCodec Nothing (RequiredKeyCodec "Left" Nothing (BoolCodec Nothing))) (ObjectOfCodec Nothing (RequiredKeyCodec "Right" Nothing (StringCodec Nothing)))
EitherCodec DisjointUnion (ObjectOfCodec Nothing (RequiredKeyCodec "Left" Nothing (BoolCodec Nothing))) (ObjectOfCodec Nothing (RequiredKeyCodec "Right" Nothing (StringCodec Nothing)))

View File

@ -1 +1 @@
EitherCodec (ObjectOfCodec Nothing (RequiredKeyCodec "Left" Nothing (EitherCodec (ObjectOfCodec Nothing (RequiredKeyCodec "Left" Nothing (BoolCodec Nothing))) (ObjectOfCodec Nothing (RequiredKeyCodec "Right" Nothing (NumberCodec Nothing Nothing)))))) (ObjectOfCodec Nothing (RequiredKeyCodec "Right" Nothing (StringCodec Nothing)))
EitherCodec DisjointUnion (ObjectOfCodec Nothing (RequiredKeyCodec "Left" Nothing (EitherCodec DisjointUnion (ObjectOfCodec Nothing (RequiredKeyCodec "Left" Nothing (BoolCodec Nothing))) (ObjectOfCodec Nothing (RequiredKeyCodec "Right" Nothing (NumberCodec Nothing Nothing)))))) (ObjectOfCodec Nothing (RequiredKeyCodec "Right" Nothing (StringCodec Nothing)))

View File

@ -1 +1 @@
ObjectOfCodec (Just "Example") (ApCodec (ApCodec (ApCodec (ApCodec (ApCodec (ApCodec (ApCodec (ApCodec (BimapCodec _ _ (RequiredKeyCodec "text" (Just "a text") (StringCodec Nothing))) (BimapCodec _ _ (RequiredKeyCodec "bool" (Just "a bool") (BoolCodec Nothing)))) (BimapCodec _ _ (RequiredKeyCodec "maybe" (Just "a maybe text") (BimapCodec _ _ (EitherCodec NullCodec (StringCodec Nothing)))))) (BimapCodec _ _ (OptionalKeyCodec "optional" (Just "an optional text") (StringCodec Nothing)))) (BimapCodec _ _ (OptionalKeyCodec "optional-or-null" (Just "an optional-or-null text") (BimapCodec _ _ (EitherCodec NullCodec (StringCodec Nothing)))))) (BimapCodec _ _ (OptionalKeyWithDefaultCodec "optional-with-default" (StringCodec Nothing) _ (Just "an optional text with a default")))) (BimapCodec _ _ (OptionalKeyWithOmittedDefaultCodec "optional-with-null-default" (BimapCodec _ _ (ArrayOfCodec Nothing (StringCodec Nothing))) _ (Just "an optional list of texts with a default empty list where the empty list would be omitted")))) (BimapCodec _ _ (OptionalKeyWithOmittedDefaultCodec "single-or-list" (BimapCodec _ _ (EitherCodec (StringCodec Nothing) (BimapCodec _ _ (ArrayOfCodec Nothing (StringCodec Nothing))))) _ (Just "an optional list that can also be specified as a single element")))) (BimapCodec _ _ (RequiredKeyCodec "fruit" (Just "fruit!!") (BimapCodec _ _ (EitherCodec (BimapCodec _ _ (EqCodec "Apple" (StringCodec Nothing))) (BimapCodec _ _ (EitherCodec (BimapCodec _ _ (EqCodec "Orange" (StringCodec Nothing))) (BimapCodec _ _ (EitherCodec (BimapCodec _ _ (EqCodec "Banana" (StringCodec Nothing))) (BimapCodec _ _ (EqCodec "Melon" (StringCodec Nothing))))))))))))
ObjectOfCodec (Just "Example") (ApCodec (ApCodec (ApCodec (ApCodec (ApCodec (ApCodec (ApCodec (ApCodec (BimapCodec _ _ (RequiredKeyCodec "text" (Just "a text") (StringCodec Nothing))) (BimapCodec _ _ (RequiredKeyCodec "bool" (Just "a bool") (BoolCodec Nothing)))) (BimapCodec _ _ (RequiredKeyCodec "maybe" (Just "a maybe text") (BimapCodec _ _ (EitherCodec PossiblyJointUnion NullCodec (StringCodec Nothing)))))) (BimapCodec _ _ (OptionalKeyCodec "optional" (Just "an optional text") (StringCodec Nothing)))) (BimapCodec _ _ (OptionalKeyCodec "optional-or-null" (Just "an optional-or-null text") (BimapCodec _ _ (EitherCodec PossiblyJointUnion NullCodec (StringCodec Nothing)))))) (BimapCodec _ _ (OptionalKeyWithDefaultCodec "optional-with-default" (StringCodec Nothing) _ (Just "an optional text with a default")))) (BimapCodec _ _ (OptionalKeyWithOmittedDefaultCodec "optional-with-null-default" (BimapCodec _ _ (ArrayOfCodec Nothing (StringCodec Nothing))) _ (Just "an optional list of texts with a default empty list where the empty list would be omitted")))) (BimapCodec _ _ (OptionalKeyWithOmittedDefaultCodec "single-or-list" (BimapCodec _ _ (EitherCodec PossiblyJointUnion (StringCodec Nothing) (BimapCodec _ _ (ArrayOfCodec Nothing (StringCodec Nothing))))) _ (Just "an optional list that can also be specified as a single element")))) (BimapCodec _ _ (RequiredKeyCodec "fruit" (Just "fruit!!") (BimapCodec _ _ (EitherCodec PossiblyJointUnion (BimapCodec _ _ (EqCodec "Apple" (StringCodec Nothing))) (BimapCodec _ _ (EitherCodec PossiblyJointUnion (BimapCodec _ _ (EqCodec "Orange" (StringCodec Nothing))) (BimapCodec _ _ (EitherCodec PossiblyJointUnion (BimapCodec _ _ (EqCodec "Banana" (StringCodec Nothing))) (BimapCodec _ _ (EqCodec "Melon" (StringCodec Nothing))))))))))))

View File

@ -1 +1 @@
BimapCodec _ _ (EitherCodec (BimapCodec _ _ (EqCodec "Apple" (StringCodec Nothing))) (BimapCodec _ _ (EitherCodec (BimapCodec _ _ (EqCodec "Orange" (StringCodec Nothing))) (BimapCodec _ _ (EitherCodec (BimapCodec _ _ (EqCodec "Banana" (StringCodec Nothing))) (BimapCodec _ _ (EqCodec "Melon" (StringCodec Nothing))))))))
BimapCodec _ _ (EitherCodec PossiblyJointUnion (BimapCodec _ _ (EqCodec "Apple" (StringCodec Nothing))) (BimapCodec _ _ (EitherCodec PossiblyJointUnion (BimapCodec _ _ (EqCodec "Orange" (StringCodec Nothing))) (BimapCodec _ _ (EitherCodec PossiblyJointUnion (BimapCodec _ _ (EqCodec "Banana" (StringCodec Nothing))) (BimapCodec _ _ (EqCodec "Melon" (StringCodec Nothing))))))))

View File

@ -1 +1 @@
ObjectOfCodec (Just "LegacyObject") (ApCodec (ApCodec (ApCodec (BimapCodec _ _ (EitherCodec (RequiredKeyCodec "1" (Just "text 1") (StringCodec Nothing)) (RequiredKeyCodec "1old" (Just "text 1") (StringCodec Nothing)))) (BimapCodec _ _ (EitherCodec (RequiredKeyCodec "2" (Just "text 2") (StringCodec Nothing)) (RequiredKeyCodec "2old" (Just "text 2") (StringCodec Nothing))))) (BimapCodec _ _ (EitherCodec (RequiredKeyCodec "3" (Just "text 3") (StringCodec Nothing)) (RequiredKeyCodec "3old" (Just "text 3") (StringCodec Nothing))))) (BimapCodec _ _ (EitherCodec (RequiredKeyCodec "newest" (Just "newest key") (StringCodec Nothing)) (BimapCodec _ _ (EitherCodec (RequiredKeyCodec "newer" (Just "newer key") (StringCodec Nothing)) (BimapCodec _ _ (EitherCodec (RequiredKeyCodec "new" (Just "new key") (StringCodec Nothing)) (BimapCodec _ _ (EitherCodec (RequiredKeyCodec "old" (Just "old key") (StringCodec Nothing)) (BimapCodec _ _ (EitherCodec (RequiredKeyCodec "older" (Just "older key") (StringCodec Nothing)) (RequiredKeyCodec "oldest" (Just "oldest key") (StringCodec Nothing)))))))))))))
ObjectOfCodec (Just "LegacyObject") (ApCodec (ApCodec (ApCodec (BimapCodec _ _ (EitherCodec PossiblyJointUnion (RequiredKeyCodec "1" (Just "text 1") (StringCodec Nothing)) (RequiredKeyCodec "1old" (Just "text 1") (StringCodec Nothing)))) (BimapCodec _ _ (EitherCodec PossiblyJointUnion (RequiredKeyCodec "2" (Just "text 2") (StringCodec Nothing)) (RequiredKeyCodec "2old" (Just "text 2") (StringCodec Nothing))))) (BimapCodec _ _ (EitherCodec PossiblyJointUnion (RequiredKeyCodec "3" (Just "text 3") (StringCodec Nothing)) (RequiredKeyCodec "3old" (Just "text 3") (StringCodec Nothing))))) (BimapCodec _ _ (EitherCodec PossiblyJointUnion (RequiredKeyCodec "newest" (Just "newest key") (StringCodec Nothing)) (BimapCodec _ _ (EitherCodec PossiblyJointUnion (RequiredKeyCodec "newer" (Just "newer key") (StringCodec Nothing)) (BimapCodec _ _ (EitherCodec PossiblyJointUnion (RequiredKeyCodec "new" (Just "new key") (StringCodec Nothing)) (BimapCodec _ _ (EitherCodec PossiblyJointUnion (RequiredKeyCodec "old" (Just "old key") (StringCodec Nothing)) (BimapCodec _ _ (EitherCodec PossiblyJointUnion (RequiredKeyCodec "older" (Just "older key") (StringCodec Nothing)) (RequiredKeyCodec "oldest" (Just "oldest key") (StringCodec Nothing)))))))))))))

View File

@ -1 +1 @@
BimapCodec _ _ (EitherCodec (ObjectOfCodec (Just "LegacyValue") (ApCodec (ApCodec (BimapCodec _ _ (RequiredKeyCodec "1" (Just "text 1") (StringCodec Nothing))) (BimapCodec _ _ (RequiredKeyCodec "2" (Just "text 2") (StringCodec Nothing)))) (BimapCodec _ _ (RequiredKeyCodec "3" (Just "text 3") (StringCodec Nothing))))) (ObjectOfCodec (Just "LegacyValue") (ApCodec (ApCodec (BimapCodec _ _ (RequiredKeyCodec "1old" (Just "text 1") (StringCodec Nothing))) (BimapCodec _ _ (RequiredKeyCodec "2old" (Just "text 2") (StringCodec Nothing)))) (BimapCodec _ _ (RequiredKeyCodec "3old" (Just "text 3") (StringCodec Nothing))))))
BimapCodec _ _ (EitherCodec PossiblyJointUnion (ObjectOfCodec (Just "LegacyValue") (ApCodec (ApCodec (BimapCodec _ _ (RequiredKeyCodec "1" (Just "text 1") (StringCodec Nothing))) (BimapCodec _ _ (RequiredKeyCodec "2" (Just "text 2") (StringCodec Nothing)))) (BimapCodec _ _ (RequiredKeyCodec "3" (Just "text 3") (StringCodec Nothing))))) (ObjectOfCodec (Just "LegacyValue") (ApCodec (ApCodec (BimapCodec _ _ (RequiredKeyCodec "1old" (Just "text 1") (StringCodec Nothing))) (BimapCodec _ _ (RequiredKeyCodec "2old" (Just "text 2") (StringCodec Nothing)))) (BimapCodec _ _ (RequiredKeyCodec "3old" (Just "text 3") (StringCodec Nothing))))))

View File

@ -1 +1 @@
BimapCodec _ _ (EitherCodec NullCodec (StringCodec Nothing))
BimapCodec _ _ (EitherCodec PossiblyJointUnion NullCodec (StringCodec Nothing))

View File

@ -1 +1 @@
BimapCodec _ _ (EitherCodec (BimapCodec _ _ (EqCodec "LT" (StringCodec Nothing))) (BimapCodec _ _ (EitherCodec (BimapCodec _ _ (EqCodec "EQ" (StringCodec Nothing))) (BimapCodec _ _ (EqCodec "GT" (StringCodec Nothing))))))
BimapCodec _ _ (EitherCodec PossiblyJointUnion (BimapCodec _ _ (EqCodec "LT" (StringCodec Nothing))) (BimapCodec _ _ (EitherCodec PossiblyJointUnion (BimapCodec _ _ (EqCodec "EQ" (StringCodec Nothing))) (BimapCodec _ _ (EqCodec "GT" (StringCodec Nothing))))))

View File

@ -1 +1 @@
ReferenceCodec "recursive" (BimapCodec _ _ (EitherCodec (CommentCodec "base case" (BimapCodec _ _ (NumberCodec Nothing (Just (NumberBounds {numberBoundsLower = -9.223372036854775808e18, numberBoundsUpper = 9.223372036854775807e18}))))) (ObjectOfCodec (Just "Recurse") (RequiredKeyCodec "recurse" (Just "recursive case") (ReferenceCodec "recursive")))))
ReferenceCodec "recursive" (BimapCodec _ _ (EitherCodec PossiblyJointUnion (CommentCodec "base case" (BimapCodec _ _ (NumberCodec Nothing (Just (NumberBounds {numberBoundsLower = -9.223372036854775808e18, numberBoundsUpper = 9.223372036854775807e18}))))) (ObjectOfCodec (Just "Recurse") (RequiredKeyCodec "recurse" (Just "recursive case") (ReferenceCodec "recursive")))))

View File

@ -0,0 +1 @@
BimapCodec _ _ (EitherCodec DisjointUnion (BimapCodec _ _ (NumberCodec Nothing (Just (NumberBounds {numberBoundsLower = 0.0, numberBoundsUpper = 255.0})))) (StringCodec Nothing))

View File

@ -0,0 +1,25 @@
"swagger": "2.0",
"info": {
"version": "",
"title": ""
"definitions": {
"Ainur": {
"required": [
"type": "object",
"properties": {
"domain": {
"type": "string",
"description": "Domain which the Valar rules over"
"name": {
"type": "string",
"description": "Name of the Valar"

View File

@ -0,0 +1,10 @@
"swagger": "2.0",
"info": {
"version": "",
"title": ""
"definitions": {
"War": {}

View File

@ -0,0 +1,13 @@
# any of
[ # Valar
domain: # required
# Domain which the Valar rules over
name: # required
# Name of the Valar
, # Maiar
name: # required
# Name of the Maiar

View File

@ -1,3 +1,4 @@
# one of
[ Left: # required
, Right: # required

View File

@ -1,4 +1,6 @@
# one of
[ Left: # required
# one of
[ Left: # required
, Right: # required

View File

@ -7,6 +7,7 @@
maybe: # required
# a maybe text
# any of
[ null
, <string>
@ -15,6 +16,7 @@
optional-or-null: # optional
# an optional-or-null text
# any of
[ null
, <string>
@ -29,11 +31,13 @@
single-or-list: # optional
# default: []
# an optional list that can also be specified as a single element
# any of
[ <string>
, - <string>
fruit: # required
# fruit!!
# any of
[ Apple
, Orange
, Banana

View File

@ -1,3 +1,4 @@
# any of
[ Apple
, Orange
, Banana

View File

@ -1,4 +1,5 @@
# LegacyObject
# any of
[ 1: # required
# text 1
@ -6,6 +7,7 @@
# text 1
# any of
[ 2: # required
# text 2
@ -13,6 +15,7 @@
# text 2
# any of
[ 3: # required
# text 3
@ -20,6 +23,7 @@
# text 3
# any of
[ newest: # required
# newest key

View File

@ -1,3 +1,4 @@
# any of
[ # LegacyValue
1: # required
# text 1

View File

@ -1,3 +1,4 @@
# any of
[ null
, <string>

View File

@ -1,3 +1,4 @@
# any of
[ LT
, EQ
, GT

View File

@ -1,4 +1,5 @@
def: recursive
# any of
[ # base case
<number> # between -9223372036854775808 and 9223372036854775807
, # Recurse

View File

@ -0,0 +1,4 @@
# one of
[ <number> # between 0 and 255
, <string>

View File

@ -1,5 +1,11 @@
# Changelog
## [] - 2021-12-23
### Added
* `disjointEitherCodec` now no longer generates `additionalProperties = true` and uses `oneOf` instead of `anyOf`.
## [] - 2021-11-19
First release.

View File

@ -1,11 +1,11 @@
cabal-version: 1.12
-- This file has been generated from package.yaml by hpack version 0.34.4.
-- This file has been generated from package.yaml by hpack version 0.34.5.
-- see:
name: autodocodec-openapi3
synopsis: Autodocodec interpreters for openapi3
@ -37,6 +37,7 @@ library
, autodocodec
, base >=4.7 && <5
, insert-ordered-containers
, lens
, openapi3
, scientific
, text

View File

@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
name: autodocodec-openapi3
github: "NorfairKing/autodocodec"
license: MIT
author: "Tom Sydney Kerckhove"
@ -20,6 +20,7 @@ library:
- aeson
- autodocodec
- insert-ordered-containers
- scientific
- lens
- openapi3
- scientific
- text

View File

@ -10,6 +10,7 @@
module Autodocodec.OpenAPI.Schema where
import Autodocodec
import Control.Lens (Lens', (&), (?~), (^.))
import Control.Monad
import qualified Data.HashMap.Strict.InsOrd as InsOrdHashMap
import Data.OpenApi as OpenAPI
@ -86,10 +87,10 @@ declareNamedSchemaVia c' Proxy = go c'
ObjectOfCodec mname oc -> do
ss <- goObject oc
pure $ NamedSchema mname $ combineObjectSchemas ss
EitherCodec c1 c2 -> do
EitherCodec u c1 c2 -> do
ns1 <- go c1
ns2 <- go c2
combineSchemasOr ns1 ns2
combineSchemasOr u ns1 ns2
CommentCodec t c -> do
NamedSchema mName s <- go c
pure $ NamedSchema mName $ addDoc t s
@ -137,11 +138,12 @@ declareNamedSchemaVia c' Proxy = go c'
OptionalKeyWithOmittedDefaultCodec key vs defaultValue mDoc -> goObject (OptionalKeyWithDefaultCodec key vs defaultValue mDoc)
PureCodec _ -> pure []
EitherCodec oc1 oc2 -> do
EitherCodec u oc1 oc2 -> do
s1s <- goObject oc1
s2s <- goObject oc2
(: []) . _namedSchemaSchema
<$> combineSchemasOr
(NamedSchema Nothing (combineObjectSchemas s1s))
(NamedSchema Nothing (combineObjectSchemas s2s))
ApCodec oc1 oc2 -> do
@ -160,19 +162,28 @@ declareNamedSchemaVia c' Proxy = go c'
combineObjectSchemas :: [Schema] -> Schema
combineObjectSchemas = mconcat
combineSchemasOr :: NamedSchema -> NamedSchema -> Declare (Definitions Schema) NamedSchema
combineSchemasOr ns1 ns2 = do
combineSchemasOr :: Union -> NamedSchema -> NamedSchema -> Declare (Definitions Schema) NamedSchema
combineSchemasOr u ns1 ns2 = do
let s1 = _namedSchemaSchema ns1
let s2 = _namedSchemaSchema ns2
s1Ref <- fmap _namedSchemaSchema <$> declareSpecificNamedSchemaRef ns1
s2Ref <- fmap _namedSchemaSchema <$> declareSpecificNamedSchemaRef ns2
let prototype = mempty {_schemaAdditionalProperties = Just $ AdditionalPropertiesAllowed True}
let orLens :: Lens' Schema (Maybe [Referenced Schema])
orLens = case u of
PossiblyJointUnion -> anyOf
DisjointUnion -> oneOf
let prototype =
{ _schemaAdditionalProperties = case u of
PossiblyJointUnion -> Just $ AdditionalPropertiesAllowed True
DisjointUnion -> Nothing
pure $
NamedSchema Nothing $ case (_schemaAnyOf s1, _schemaAnyOf s2) of
(Just s1s, Just s2s) -> prototype {_schemaAnyOf = Just $ s1s ++ s2s}
(Just s1s, Nothing) -> prototype {_schemaAnyOf = Just $ s1s ++ [s2Ref]}
(Nothing, Just s2s) -> prototype {_schemaAnyOf = Just $ s1Ref : s2s}
(Nothing, Nothing) -> prototype {_schemaAnyOf = Just [s1Ref, s2Ref]}
NamedSchema Nothing $ case (s1 ^. orLens, s2 ^. orLens) of
(Just s1s, Just s2s) -> prototype & orLens ?~ (s1s ++ s2s)
(Just s1s, Nothing) -> prototype & orLens ?~ (s1s ++ [s2Ref])
(Nothing, Just s2s) -> prototype & orLens ?~ (s1Ref : s2s)
(Nothing, Nothing) -> prototype & orLens ?~ [s1Ref, s2Ref]
declareSpecificNamedSchemaRef :: OpenAPI.NamedSchema -> Declare (Definitions Schema) (Referenced NamedSchema)
declareSpecificNamedSchemaRef namedSchema =

View File

@ -1,5 +1,15 @@
# Changelog
## [] - 2021-12-21
### Added
* Support for `autodocodec-`.
### Changed
* `ChoiceSchema` has been split into `OneOfSchema` and `AnyOfSchema`
## [] - 2021-11-19
First release.

View File

@ -1,11 +1,11 @@
cabal-version: 1.12
-- This file has been generated from package.yaml by hpack version 0.34.4.
-- This file has been generated from package.yaml by hpack version 0.34.5.
-- see:
name: autodocodec-schema
synopsis: Autodocodec interpreters for JSON Schema
@ -32,7 +32,7 @@ library
, autodocodec
, autodocodec >=
, base >=4.7 && <5
, containers
, mtl

View File

@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
name: autodocodec-schema
github: "NorfairKing/autodocodec"
license: MIT
author: "Tom Sydney Kerckhove"
@ -18,7 +18,7 @@ library:
source-dirs: src
- aeson
- autodocodec
- autodocodec >=
- containers
- mtl
- text

View File

@ -48,7 +48,8 @@ data JSONSchema
| -- | This needs to be a list because keys should stay in their original ordering.
ObjectSchema ObjectSchema
| ValueSchema !JSON.Value
| ChoiceSchema !(NonEmpty JSONSchema)
| AnyOfSchema !(NonEmpty JSONSchema)
| OneOfSchema !(NonEmpty JSONSchema)
| CommentSchema !Text !JSONSchema
| RefSchema !Text
| WithDefSchema !(Map Text JSONSchema) !JSONSchema
@ -62,7 +63,8 @@ instance Validity JSONSchema where
CommentSchema _ (CommentSchema _ _) -> False
_ -> True,
case js of
ChoiceSchema cs -> declare "there are 2 of more choices" $ length cs >= 2
AnyOfSchema cs -> declare "there are 2 of more choices" $ length cs >= 2
OneOfSchema cs -> declare "there are 2 of more choices" $ length cs >= 2
_ -> valid
@ -90,12 +92,18 @@ instance ToJSON JSONSchema where
case toJSON os of
JSON.Object o -> HM.toList o
_ -> [] -- Should not happen.
ChoiceSchema jcs ->
AnyOfSchema jcs ->
let svals :: [JSON.Value]
svals = map (JSON.object . go) (NE.toList jcs)
val :: JSON.Value
val = (JSON.toJSON :: [JSON.Value] -> JSON.Value) svals
in [("anyOf", val)]
OneOfSchema jcs ->
let svals :: [JSON.Value]
svals = map (JSON.object . go) (NE.toList jcs)
val :: JSON.Value
val = (JSON.toJSON :: [JSON.Value] -> JSON.Value) svals
in [("oneOf", val)]
(CommentSchema outerComment (CommentSchema innerComment s)) ->
go (CommentSchema (outerComment <> "\n" <> innerComment) s)
CommentSchema comment s -> ("$comment" JSON..= comment) : go s
@ -133,25 +141,30 @@ instance FromJSON JSONSchema where
Nothing -> do
mAny <- o JSON..:? "anyOf"
case mAny of
Just anies -> pure $ ChoiceSchema anies
Just anies -> pure $ AnyOfSchema anies
Nothing -> do
let mConst = HM.lookup "const" o
case mConst of
Just constant -> pure $ ValueSchema constant
mOne <- o JSON..:? "oneOf"
case mOne of
Just ones -> pure $ OneOfSchema ones
Nothing -> do
mRef <- o JSON..:? "$ref"
pure $ case mRef of
Just ref -> case T.stripPrefix defsPrefix ref of
Just name -> RefSchema name
Nothing -> AnySchema
Nothing -> AnySchema
let mConst = HM.lookup "const" o
case mConst of
Just constant -> pure $ ValueSchema constant
Nothing -> do
mRef <- o JSON..:? "$ref"
pure $ case mRef of
Just ref -> case T.stripPrefix defsPrefix ref of
Just name -> RefSchema name
Nothing -> AnySchema
Nothing -> AnySchema
t -> fail $ "unknown schema type:" <> show t
data ObjectSchema
= ObjectKeySchema Text KeyRequirement JSONSchema (Maybe Text)
= ObjectKeySchema !Text !KeyRequirement !JSONSchema !(Maybe Text)
| ObjectAnySchema -- For 'pure'
| ObjectChoiceSchema (NonEmpty ObjectSchema)
| ObjectAllOfSchema (NonEmpty ObjectSchema)
| ObjectAnyOfSchema !(NonEmpty ObjectSchema)
| ObjectOneOfSchema !(NonEmpty ObjectSchema)
| ObjectAllOfSchema !(NonEmpty ObjectSchema)
deriving (Show, Eq, Generic)
instance Validity ObjectSchema
@ -171,26 +184,32 @@ instance FromJSON ObjectSchema where
Nothing -> do
mAnyOf <- o JSON..:? "anyOf"
case mAnyOf of
Just ao -> do
ne <- parseJSON ao
ObjectChoiceSchema <$> mapM go ne
Just anies -> do
ne <- parseJSON anies
ObjectAnyOfSchema <$> mapM go ne
Nothing -> do
props <- o JSON..:? "properties" JSON..!= HM.empty
reqs <- o JSON..:? "required" JSON..!= []
let keySchemaFor k v = do
ks <- parseJSON v
let (mDoc, ks') = case ks of
CommentSchema doc ks'' -> (Just doc, ks'')
_ -> (Nothing, ks)
pure $
if k `elem` reqs
then ObjectKeySchema k Required ks' mDoc
else ObjectKeySchema k (Optional Nothing) ks' mDoc
keySchemas <- mapM (uncurry keySchemaFor) (HM.toList props)
pure $ case NE.nonEmpty keySchemas of
Nothing -> ObjectAnySchema
Just (el :| []) -> el
Just ne -> ObjectAllOfSchema ne
mOneOf <- o JSON..:? "oneOf"
case mOneOf of
Just ones -> do
ne <- parseJSON ones
ObjectOneOfSchema <$> mapM go ne
Nothing -> do
props <- o JSON..:? "properties" JSON..!= HM.empty
reqs <- o JSON..:? "required" JSON..!= []
let keySchemaFor k v = do
ks <- parseJSON v
let (mDoc, ks') = case ks of
CommentSchema doc ks'' -> (Just doc, ks'')
_ -> (Nothing, ks)
pure $
if k `elem` reqs
then ObjectKeySchema k Required ks' mDoc
else ObjectKeySchema k (Optional Nothing) ks' mDoc
keySchemas <- mapM (uncurry keySchemaFor) (HM.toList props)
pure $ case NE.nonEmpty keySchemas of
Nothing -> ObjectAnySchema
Just (el :| []) -> el
Just ne -> ObjectAllOfSchema ne
instance ToJSON ObjectSchema where
toJSON = JSON.object . (("type" JSON..= ("object" :: Text)) :) . go
@ -202,7 +221,8 @@ instance ToJSON ObjectSchema where
let (propVal, req) = keySchemaToPieces (k, kr, ks, mDoc)
in -- TODO deal with the default value somehow.
concat [["properties" JSON..= JSON.object [k JSON..= propVal]], ["required" JSON..= [k] | req]]
ObjectChoiceSchema ne -> ["anyOf" JSON..= toJSON ne]
ObjectAnyOfSchema ne -> ["anyOf" JSON..= toJSON ne]
ObjectOneOfSchema ne -> ["oneOf" JSON..= toJSON ne]
ObjectAllOfSchema ne ->
case mapM parseAndObjectKeySchema (NE.toList ne) of
Nothing -> ["allOf" JSON..= toJSON ne]
@ -239,7 +259,8 @@ validateAccordingTo val schema = (`evalState` M.empty) $ go val schema
Optional _ -> pure True
Just value' -> go value' ks
ObjectAllOfSchema ne -> and <$> mapM (goObject obj) ne
ObjectChoiceSchema ne -> or <$> mapM (goObject obj) ne
ObjectAnyOfSchema ne -> or <$> mapM (goObject obj) ne
ObjectOneOfSchema ne -> (== 1) . length . NE.filter id <$> mapM (goObject obj) ne
go :: JSON.Value -> JSONSchema -> State (Map Text JSONSchema) Bool
go value = \case
@ -266,7 +287,8 @@ validateAccordingTo val schema = (`evalState` M.empty) $ go val schema
JSON.Object obj -> goObject obj os
_ -> pure False
ValueSchema v -> pure $ v == value
ChoiceSchema ss -> or <$> mapM (go value) ss
AnyOfSchema ss -> or <$> mapM (go value) ss
OneOfSchema ss -> (== 1) . length . NE.filter id <$> mapM (go value) ss
CommentSchema _ s -> go value s
RefSchema name -> do
mSchema <- gets (M.lookup name)
@ -279,7 +301,7 @@ validateAccordingTo val schema = (`evalState` M.empty) $ go val schema
data KeyRequirement
= Required
| Optional (Maybe JSON.Value) -- Default value
| Optional !(Maybe JSON.Value) -- Default value
deriving (Show, Eq, Generic)
instance Validity KeyRequirement
@ -306,10 +328,12 @@ jsonSchemaVia = (`evalState` S.empty) . go
MapCodec c -> MapSchema <$> go c
ValueCodec -> pure AnySchema
EqCodec value c -> pure $ ValueSchema (toJSONVia c value)
EitherCodec c1 c2 -> do
EitherCodec u c1 c2 -> do
s1 <- go c1
s2 <- go c2
pure $ ChoiceSchema (goChoice (s1 :| [s2]))
pure $ case u of
DisjointUnion -> OneOfSchema (goOneOf (s1 :| [s2]))
PossiblyJointUnion -> AnyOfSchema (goAnyOf (s1 :| [s2]))
BimapCodec _ _ c -> go c
CommentCodec t c -> CommentSchema t <$> go c
ReferenceCodec name c -> do
@ -321,14 +345,23 @@ jsonSchemaVia = (`evalState` S.empty) . go
s <- go c
pure $ WithDefSchema (M.singleton name s) (RefSchema name)
goChoice :: NonEmpty JSONSchema -> NonEmpty JSONSchema
goChoice (s :| rest) = case NE.nonEmpty rest of
goAnyOf :: NonEmpty JSONSchema -> NonEmpty JSONSchema
goAnyOf (s :| rest) = case NE.nonEmpty rest of
Nothing -> goSingle s
Just ne -> goSingle s <> goChoice ne
Just ne -> goSingle s <> goAnyOf ne
goSingle :: JSONSchema -> NonEmpty JSONSchema
goSingle = \case
ChoiceSchema ss -> goChoice ss
AnyOfSchema ss -> goAnyOf ss
s' -> s' :| []
goOneOf :: NonEmpty JSONSchema -> NonEmpty JSONSchema
goOneOf (s :| rest) = case NE.nonEmpty rest of
Nothing -> goSingle s
Just ne -> goSingle s <> goOneOf ne
goSingle :: JSONSchema -> NonEmpty JSONSchema
goSingle = \case
OneOfSchema ss -> goOneOf ss
s' -> s' :| []
goObject :: ObjectCodec input output -> State (Set Text) ObjectSchema
@ -344,24 +377,36 @@ jsonSchemaVia = (`evalState` S.empty) . go
pure $ ObjectKeySchema k (Optional (Just (toJSONVia c mr))) s mdoc
OptionalKeyWithOmittedDefaultCodec k c defaultValue mDoc -> goObject (OptionalKeyWithDefaultCodec k c defaultValue mDoc)
BimapCodec _ _ c -> goObject c
EitherCodec oc1 oc2 -> do
EitherCodec u oc1 oc2 -> do
os1 <- goObject oc1
os2 <- goObject oc2
pure $ ObjectChoiceSchema (goObjectChoice (os1 :| [os2]))
pure $ case u of
DisjointUnion -> ObjectOneOfSchema (goObjectOneOf (os1 :| [os2]))
PossiblyJointUnion -> ObjectAnyOfSchema (goObjectAnyOf (os1 :| [os2]))
PureCodec _ -> pure ObjectAnySchema
ApCodec oc1 oc2 -> do
os1 <- goObject oc1
os2 <- goObject oc2
pure $ ObjectAllOfSchema (goObjectAllOf (os1 :| [os2]))
goObjectChoice :: NonEmpty ObjectSchema -> NonEmpty ObjectSchema
goObjectChoice (s :| rest) = case NE.nonEmpty rest of
goObjectAnyOf :: NonEmpty ObjectSchema -> NonEmpty ObjectSchema
goObjectAnyOf (s :| rest) = case NE.nonEmpty rest of
Nothing -> goSingle s
Just ne -> goSingle s <> goObjectChoice ne
Just ne -> goSingle s <> goObjectAnyOf ne
goSingle :: ObjectSchema -> NonEmpty ObjectSchema
goSingle = \case
ObjectChoiceSchema ss -> goObjectChoice ss
ObjectAnyOfSchema ss -> goObjectAnyOf ss
s' -> s' :| []
goObjectOneOf :: NonEmpty ObjectSchema -> NonEmpty ObjectSchema
goObjectOneOf (s :| rest) = case NE.nonEmpty rest of
Nothing -> goSingle s
Just ne -> goSingle s <> goObjectOneOf ne
goSingle :: ObjectSchema -> NonEmpty ObjectSchema
goSingle = \case
ObjectOneOfSchema ss -> goObjectOneOf ss
s' -> s' :| []
goObjectAllOf :: NonEmpty ObjectSchema -> NonEmpty ObjectSchema

View File

@ -1,5 +1,11 @@
# Changelog
## [] - 2021-11-19
### Added
* `disjointEitherCodec` now does not generate `additionalProperties = true`.
## [] - 2021-11-19
First release.

View File

@ -1,11 +1,11 @@
cabal-version: 1.12
-- This file has been generated from package.yaml by hpack version 0.34.4.
-- This file has been generated from package.yaml by hpack version 0.34.5.
-- see:
name: autodocodec-swagger2
synopsis: Autodocodec interpreters for swagger2
@ -34,7 +34,7 @@ library
, autodocodec
, autodocodec >=
, base >=4.7 && <5
, insert-ordered-containers
, scientific

View File

@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
name: autodocodec-swagger2
github: "NorfairKing/autodocodec"
license: MIT
author: "Tom Sydney Kerckhove"
@ -18,7 +18,7 @@ library:
source-dirs: src
- aeson
- autodocodec
- autodocodec >=
- insert-ordered-containers
- scientific
- swagger2

View File

@ -104,12 +104,12 @@ declareNamedSchemaVia c' Proxy = go c'
{ _schemaParamSchema = mempty {_paramSchemaEnum = Just [toJSONVia valCodec val]}
BimapCodec _ _ c -> go c
EitherCodec c1 c2 -> do
EitherCodec u c1 c2 -> do
ns1 <- go c1
let s1 = _namedSchemaSchema ns1
ns2 <- go c2
let s2 = _namedSchemaSchema ns2
pure $ NamedSchema Nothing $ combineSchemaOr s1 s2
pure $ NamedSchema Nothing $ combineSchemaOr u s1 s2
CommentCodec t c -> do
NamedSchema mName s <- go c
pure $ NamedSchema mName $ addDoc t s
@ -160,10 +160,10 @@ declareNamedSchemaVia c' Proxy = go c'
OptionalKeyWithOmittedDefaultCodec key vs defaultValue mDoc -> goObject (OptionalKeyWithDefaultCodec key vs defaultValue mDoc)
PureCodec _ -> pure []
EitherCodec oc1 oc2 -> do
EitherCodec u oc1 oc2 -> do
ss1 <- goObject oc1
ss2 <- goObject oc2
pure [combineSchemaOr (combineObjectSchemas ss1) (combineObjectSchemas ss2)]
pure [combineSchemaOr u (combineObjectSchemas ss1) (combineObjectSchemas ss2)]
ApCodec oc1 oc2 -> do
ss1 <- goObject oc1
ss2 <- goObject oc2
@ -180,8 +180,8 @@ declareNamedSchemaVia c' Proxy = go c'
combineObjectSchemas :: [Schema] -> Schema
combineObjectSchemas = mconcat
combineSchemaOr :: Schema -> Schema -> Schema
combineSchemaOr s1 s2 =
combineSchemaOr :: Union -> Schema -> Schema -> Schema
combineSchemaOr u s1 s2 =
let ps1 = _schemaParamSchema s1
ps2 = _schemaParamSchema s2
-- Swagger 2 doesn't support sum types so we have to work around that here.
@ -195,7 +195,9 @@ declareNamedSchemaVia c' Proxy = go c'
-- the schema: one which lets any value through.
overApproximation =
{ _schemaAdditionalProperties = Just $ AdditionalPropertiesAllowed True
{ _schemaAdditionalProperties = case u of
PossiblyJointUnion -> Just $ AdditionalPropertiesAllowed True
DisjointUnion -> Nothing
in case (,) <$> _paramSchemaEnum ps1 <*> _paramSchemaEnum ps2 of
(Just (es1, es2)) ->

View File

@ -1,5 +1,11 @@
# Changelog
## [] - 2021-12-23
### Changed
* Support for `autodocodec-schema >=` with comments for `anyOf` and `oneOf`.
## [] - 2021-11-19
First release.

View File

@ -1,11 +1,11 @@
cabal-version: 1.12
-- This file has been generated from package.yaml by hpack version 0.34.4.
-- This file has been generated from package.yaml by hpack version 0.34.5.
-- see:
name: autodocodec-yaml
synopsis: Autodocodec interpreters for yaml
@ -35,7 +35,7 @@ library
, autodocodec-schema
, autodocodec-schema >=
, base >=4.7 && <5
, bytestring
, containers

View File

@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
name: autodocodec-yaml
github: "NorfairKing/autodocodec"
license: MIT
author: "Tom Sydney Kerckhove"
@ -18,7 +18,7 @@ library:
source-dirs: src
- autodocodec
- autodocodec-schema
- autodocodec-schema >=
- bytestring
- containers
- path

View File

@ -42,7 +42,7 @@ toYamlVia = flip go
ValueCodec -> yamlValue (a :: JSON.Value)
EqCodec value c -> go value c
BimapCodec _ g c -> go (g a) c
EitherCodec c1 c2 -> case (a :: Either _ _) of
EitherCodec _ c1 c2 -> case (a :: Either _ _) of
Left a1 -> go a1 c1
Right a2 -> go a2 c2
CommentCodec _ c -> go a c
@ -60,7 +60,7 @@ toYamlVia = flip go
then []
else goObject a (OptionalKeyWithDefaultCodec k c defaultValue mDoc)
BimapCodec _ g c -> goObject (g a) c
EitherCodec c1 c2 -> case (a :: Either _ _) of
EitherCodec _ c1 c2 -> case (a :: Either _ _) of
Left a1 -> goObject a1 c1
Right a2 -> goObject a2 c2
PureCodec _ -> []

View File

@ -63,6 +63,20 @@ jsonSchemaChunks = concatMap (\l -> l ++ ["\n"]) . go
docToLines :: Text -> [[Chunk]]
docToLines doc = map (\line -> [chunk "# ", chunk line]) (T.lines doc)
choiceChunks :: NonEmpty [[Chunk]] -> [[Chunk]]
choiceChunks = \case
chunks :| [] -> addInFrontOfFirstInList ["[ "] chunks ++ [["]"]]
(chunks :| restChunks) ->
concat $
addInFrontOfFirstInList ["[ "] chunks :
map (addInFrontOfFirstInList [", "]) restChunks ++ [[["]"]]]
anyOfChunks :: NonEmpty [[Chunk]] -> [[Chunk]]
anyOfChunks = (["# ", fore green "any of"] :) . choiceChunks
oneOfChunks :: NonEmpty [[Chunk]] -> [[Chunk]]
oneOfChunks = (["# ", fore green "one of"] :) . choiceChunks
go :: JSONSchema -> [[Chunk]]
go = \case
AnySchema -> [[fore yellow "<any>"]]
@ -90,20 +104,13 @@ jsonSchemaChunks = concatMap (\l -> l ++ ["\n"]) . go
addInFrontOfFirstInList [fore white "<key>", ": "] $ [] : go s
ObjectSchema os -> goObject os
ValueSchema v -> [[jsonValueChunk v]]
ChoiceSchema ne -> choiceChunks $ go ne
AnyOfSchema ne -> anyOfChunks $ go ne
OneOfSchema ne -> oneOfChunks $ go ne
CommentSchema comment s -> docToLines comment ++ go s
RefSchema name -> [[fore cyan $ chunk $ "ref: " <> name]]
WithDefSchema defs (RefSchema _) -> concatMap (\(name, s') -> [fore cyan $ chunk $ "def: " <> name] : go s') (M.toList defs)
WithDefSchema defs s -> concatMap (\(name, s') -> [fore cyan $ chunk $ "def: " <> name] : go s') (M.toList defs) ++ go s
choiceChunks :: NonEmpty [[Chunk]] -> [[Chunk]]
choiceChunks = \case
chunks :| [] -> addInFrontOfFirstInList ["[ "] chunks ++ [["]"]]
(chunks :| restChunks) ->
concat $
addInFrontOfFirstInList ["[ "] chunks :
map (addInFrontOfFirstInList [", "]) restChunks ++ [[["]"]]]
goObject :: ObjectSchema -> [[Chunk]]
goObject = \case
ObjectAnySchema -> [["<object>"]]
@ -121,4 +128,5 @@ jsonSchemaChunks = concatMap (\l -> l ++ ["\n"]) . go
prefixLines = ["# ", requirementComment kr] : defaultValueLine ++ maybe [] docToLines mdoc
in addInFrontOfFirstInList [fore white $ chunk k, ": "] (prefixLines ++ keySchemaChunks)
ObjectAllOfSchema ne -> concatMap goObject $ NE.toList ne
ObjectChoiceSchema ne -> choiceChunks $ goObject ne
ObjectAnyOfSchema ne -> anyOfChunks $ goObject ne
ObjectOneOfSchema ne -> oneOfChunks $ goObject ne

View File

@ -1,5 +1,15 @@
# Changelog
## [] - 2021-12-23
### Changed
* `EitherCodec` now takes a `Union` to specify whether the union is disjoint or not.
### Added
* `disjointEitherCodec` and `possiblyJointEitherCodec`.
## [] - 2021-11-19
First release.

View File

@ -1,11 +1,11 @@
cabal-version: 1.12
-- This file has been generated from package.yaml by hpack version 0.34.4.
-- This file has been generated from package.yaml by hpack version 0.34.5.
-- see:
name: autodocodec
synopsis: Self-documenting encoder and decoder

View File

@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
name: autodocodec
github: "NorfairKing/autodocodec"
license: MIT
author: "Tom Sydney Kerckhove"

View File

@ -57,25 +57,32 @@ module Autodocodec
-- ** Writing your own value codecs.
-- *** Primitive codecs
-- *** Integral codecs
-- *** Literal value codecs
-- *** Enums
-- *** Sum type codecs
-- *** Mapping
@ -83,10 +90,13 @@ module Autodocodec
-- *** Enums
-- *** Composing codecs
-- *** Alternative parsing
@ -96,6 +106,10 @@ module Autodocodec
-- *** Adding documentation to a codec
-- * Bare codec
Codec (..),

View File

@ -88,12 +88,26 @@ parseJSONContextVia codec_ context_ =
case f old of
Left err -> fail err
Right new -> pure new
EitherCodec c1 c2 ->
EitherCodec u c1 c2 ->
let leftParser = (\v -> Left <$> go v c1)
rightParser = Right <$> go value c2
in case parseEither leftParser value of
Right l -> pure l
Left err -> prependFailure (" Previous branch failure: " <> err <> "\n") rightParser
rightParser = (\v -> Right <$> go v c2)
in case u of
PossiblyJointUnion ->
case parseEither leftParser value of
Right l -> pure l
Left err -> prependFailure (" Previous branch failure: " <> err <> "\n") (rightParser value)
DisjointUnion ->
case (parseEither leftParser value, parseEither rightParser value) of
(Left _, Right r) -> pure r
(Right l, Left _) -> pure l
(Right _, Right _) -> fail "Both branches of a disjoint union succeeded."
(Left lErr, Left rErr) ->
fail $
[ "Both branches of a disjoint union failed: ",
unwords ["Left: ", lErr],
unwords ["Right: ", rErr]
CommentCodec _ c -> go value c
ReferenceCodec _ c -> go value c
RequiredKeyCodec k c _ -> do

View File

@ -41,7 +41,7 @@ toJSONVia = flip go
ValueCodec -> (a :: JSON.Value)
EqCodec value c -> go value c
BimapCodec _ g c -> go (g a) c
EitherCodec c1 c2 -> case (a :: Either _ _) of
EitherCodec _ c1 c2 -> case (a :: Either _ _) of
Left a1 -> go a1 c1
Right a2 -> go a2 c2
CommentCodec _ c -> go a c
@ -60,7 +60,7 @@ toJSONVia = flip go
else goObject a (OptionalKeyWithDefaultCodec k c defaultValue mdoc)
BimapCodec _ g c -> goObject (g a) c
PureCodec _ -> mempty
EitherCodec c1 c2 -> case (a :: Either _ _) of
EitherCodec _ c1 c2 -> case (a :: Either _ _) of
Left a1 -> goObject a1 c1
Right a2 -> goObject a2 c2
ApCodec oc1 oc2 -> goObject a oc1 <> goObject a oc2
@ -86,7 +86,7 @@ toEncodingVia = flip go
ValueCodec -> JSON.value (a :: JSON.Value)
EqCodec value c -> go value c
BimapCodec _ g c -> go (g a) c
EitherCodec c1 c2 -> case (a :: Either _ _) of
EitherCodec _ c1 c2 -> case (a :: Either _ _) of
Left a1 -> go a1 c1
Right a2 -> go a2 c2
CommentCodec _ c -> go a c
@ -104,7 +104,7 @@ toEncodingVia = flip go
else goObject a (OptionalKeyWithDefaultCodec k c defaultValue mdoc)
PureCodec _ -> mempty :: JSON.Series
BimapCodec _ g c -> goObject (g a) c
EitherCodec c1 c2 -> case (a :: Either _ _) of
EitherCodec _ c1 c2 -> case (a :: Either _ _) of
Left a1 -> goObject a1 c1
Right a2 -> goObject a2 c2
ApCodec oc1 oc2 -> goObject a oc1 <> goObject a oc2

View File

@ -103,7 +103,7 @@ instance HasCodec a => HasCodec (Maybe a) where
instance (HasCodec l, HasCodec r) => HasCodec (Either l r) where
codec =
(ObjectOfCodec Nothing (requiredField' "Left"))
(ObjectOfCodec Nothing (requiredField' "Right"))

View File

@ -33,9 +33,10 @@ import qualified Data.Vector as V
import GHC.Generics (Generic)
-- $setup
-- >>> import Autodocodec.Aeson (toJSONVia, toJSONViaCodec, parseJSONVia)
-- >>> import Autodocodec.Class (HasCodec(codec))
-- >>> import Autodocodec.Aeson (toJSONVia, toJSONViaCodec, parseJSONVia, parseJSONViaCodec)
-- >>> import Autodocodec.Class (HasCodec(codec), requiredField)
-- >>> import qualified Data.Aeson as JSON
-- >>> import qualified Data.HashMap.Strict as HM
-- >>> import Data.Aeson (Value(..))
-- >>> import qualified Data.Vector as Vector
-- >>> import Data.Int
@ -159,6 +160,8 @@ data Codec context input output where
-- In particular, you should prefer using it for values rather than objects,
-- because those docs are easier to generate.
EitherCodec ::
-- | What type of union we encode and decode
!Union ->
-- | Codec for the 'Left' side
(Codec context input1 output1) ->
-- | Codec for the 'Right' side
@ -257,6 +260,7 @@ data NumberBounds = NumberBounds
instance Validity NumberBounds
-- | Check if a number falls within given 'NumberBounds'.
checkNumberBounds :: NumberBounds -> Scientific -> Either String Scientific
checkNumberBounds NumberBounds {..} s =
if numberBoundsLower <= s
@ -266,6 +270,16 @@ checkNumberBounds NumberBounds {..} s =
else Left $ unwords ["Number", show s, "is bigger than the upper bound", show numberBoundsUpper]
else Left $ unwords ["Number", show s, "is smaller than the lower bound", show numberBoundsUpper]
-- | What type of union the encoding uses
data Union
= -- | Not disjoint, see 'possiblyJointEitherCodec'.
| -- | Disjoint, see 'disjointEitherCodec'.
deriving (Show, Eq, Generic)
instance Validity Union
-- | A codec within the 'JSON.Value' context.
-- An 'ValueCodec' can be used to turn a Haskell value into a 'JSON.Value' or to parse a 'JSON.Value' into a haskell value.
@ -316,7 +330,7 @@ showCodecABit = ($ "") . (`evalState` S.empty) . go 0
HashMapCodec c -> (\s -> showParen (d > 10) $ showString "HashMapCodec" . s) <$> go 11 c
EqCodec value c -> (\s -> showParen (d > 10) $ showString "EqCodec " . showsPrec 11 value . showString " " . s) <$> go 11 c
BimapCodec _ _ c -> (\s -> showParen (d > 10) $ showString "BimapCodec _ _ " . s) <$> go 11 c
EitherCodec c1 c2 -> (\s1 s2 -> showParen (d > 10) $ showString "EitherCodec " . s1 . showString " " . s2) <$> go 11 c1 <*> go 11 c2
EitherCodec u c1 c2 -> (\s1 s2 -> showParen (d > 10) $ showString "EitherCodec " . showsPrec 11 u . showString " " . s1 . showString " " . s2) <$> go 11 c1 <*> go 11 c2
CommentCodec comment c -> (\s -> showParen (d > 10) $ showString "CommentCodec " . showsPrec 11 comment . showString " " . s) <$> go 11 c
ReferenceCodec name c -> do
alreadySeen <- gets (S.member name)
@ -438,7 +452,11 @@ instance Applicative (ObjectCodec input) where
-- >>> toJSONVia (maybeCodec codec) (Nothing :: Maybe Char)
-- Null
maybeCodec :: ValueCodec input output -> ValueCodec (Maybe input) (Maybe output)
maybeCodec = dimapCodec f g . EitherCodec nullCodec
maybeCodec =
-- We must use 'possiblyJointEitherCodec' here, otherwise a codec for (Maybe
-- (Maybe Text)) will fail to parse.
dimapCodec f g
. possiblyJointEitherCodec nullCodec
f = \case
Left () -> Nothing
@ -449,19 +467,113 @@ maybeCodec = dimapCodec f g . EitherCodec nullCodec
-- | Forward-compatible version of 'EitherCodec'
-- > eitherCodec = EitherCodec
-- > eitherCodec = EitherCodec PossiblyJointUnion
-- === 'HasCodec' instance for sum types
-- The 'eitherCodec' can be used to implement 'HasCodec' instances for newtypes.
-- To write a 'HasCodec' instance for sum types, you will need to decide whether encoding is disjoint or not.
-- The default, so also the implementation of this function, is 'possiblyJointEitherCodec', but you may want to use 'disjointEitherCodec' instead.
-- Ask yourself: Can the encoding of a 'Left' value be decoded as 'Right' value (or vice versa)?
-- @Yes ->@ use 'possiblyJointEitherCodec'.
-- @No ->@ use 'disjointEitherCodec'.
-- === Example usage
-- >>> let c = eitherCodec codec codec :: JSONCodec (Either Int String)
-- >>> toJSONVia c (Left 5)
-- Number 5.0
-- >>> toJSONVia c (Right "hello")
-- String "hello"
-- >>> JSON.parseMaybe (parseJSONVia c) (String "world") :: Maybe (Either Int String)
-- Just (Right "world")
eitherCodec ::
-- |
Codec context input1 output1 ->
-- |
Codec context input2 output2 ->
-- |
Codec context (Either input1 input2) (Either output1 output2)
eitherCodec = possiblyJointEitherCodec
-- | Forward-compatible version of 'EitherCodec PossiblyJointUnion'
-- > possiblyJointEitherCodec = EitherCodec PossiblyJointUnion
-- === 'HasCodec' instance for sum types with an encoding that is not disjoint.
-- The 'eitherCodec' can be used to implement 'HasCodec' instances for sum types.
-- If you just have two codecs that you want to try in order, while parsing, you can do this:
-- >>> data War = WorldWar Word8 | OtherWar Text
-- >>> :{
-- data Ainur
-- = Valar Text Text
-- | Maiar Text
-- deriving (Show, Eq)
-- :}
-- >>> :{
-- instance HasCodec Ainur where
-- codec =
-- dimapCodec f g $
-- possiblyJointEitherCodec
-- (object "Valar" $
-- (,)
-- <$> requiredField "domain" "Domain which the Valar rules over" .= fst
-- <*> requiredField "name" "Name of the Valar" .= snd)
-- (object "Maiar" $ requiredField "name" "Name of the Maiar")
-- where
-- f = \case
-- Left (domain, name) -> Valar domain name
-- Right name -> Maiar name
-- g = \case
-- Valar domain name -> Left (domain, name)
-- Maiar name -> Right name
-- :}
-- Note that this encoding is indeed not disjoint, because a @Valar@ object can
-- parse as a @Maiar@ value.
-- >>> toJSONViaCodec (Valar "Stars" "Varda")
-- Object (fromList [("domain",String "Stars"),("name",String "Varda")])
-- >>> toJSONViaCodec (Maiar "Sauron")
-- Object (fromList [("name",String "Sauron")])
-- >>> JSON.parseMaybe parseJSONViaCodec (Object (HM.fromList [("name",String "Olorin")])) :: Maybe Ainur
-- Just (Maiar "Olorin")
-- === WARNING
-- The order of the codecs in a 'possiblyJointEitherCodec' matters.
-- In the above example, decoding works as expected because the @Valar@ case is parsed first.
-- If the @Maiar@ case were first in the 'possiblyJointEitherCodec', then
-- @Valar@ could never be parsed.
possiblyJointEitherCodec ::
-- |
Codec context input1 output1 ->
-- |
Codec context input2 output2 ->
-- |
Codec context (Either input1 input2) (Either output1 output2)
possiblyJointEitherCodec = EitherCodec PossiblyJointUnion
-- | Forward-compatible version of 'EitherCodec DisjointUnion'
-- > disjointEitherCodec = EitherCodec DisjointUnion
-- === 'HasCodec' instance for sum types with an encoding that is definitely disjoint.
-- The 'eitherCodec' can be used to implement 'HasCodec' instances sum types
-- for which the encoding is definitely disjoint.
-- >>> data War = WorldWar Word8 | OtherWar Text deriving (Show, Eq)
-- >>> :{
-- instance HasCodec War where
-- codec =
-- dimapCodec f g $
-- eitherCodec
-- disjointEitherCodec
-- (codec :: JSONCodec Word8)
-- (codec :: JSONCodec Text)
-- where
@ -473,22 +585,46 @@ maybeCodec = dimapCodec f g . EitherCodec nullCodec
-- OtherWar t -> Right t
-- :}
-- Note that this incoding is indeed disjoint because an encoded 'String' can
-- never be parsed as an 'Word8' and vice versa.
-- >>> toJSONViaCodec (WorldWar 2)
-- Number 2.0
-- >>> toJSONViaCodec (OtherWar "OnDrugs")
-- String "OnDrugs"
-- >>> JSON.parseMaybe parseJSONViaCodec (String "of the roses") :: Maybe War
-- Just (OtherWar "of the roses")
-- === WARNING
-- If it turns out that the encoding of a value is not disjoint, decoding may
-- fail and documentation may be wrong.
-- >>> let c = disjointEitherCodec (codec :: JSONCodec Int) (codec :: JSONCodec Int)
-- >>> JSON.parseMaybe (parseJSONVia c) (Number 5) :: Maybe (Either Int Int)
-- Nothing
-- Encoding still works as expected, however:
-- >>> toJSONVia c (Left 5)
-- Number 5.0
-- >>> toJSONVia c (Right 6)
-- Number 6.0
-- === Example usage
-- >>> toJSONVia (eitherCodec (codec :: JSONCodec Int) (codec :: JSONCodec String)) (Left 5)
-- >>> toJSONVia (disjointEitherCodec (codec :: JSONCodec Int) (codec :: JSONCodec String)) (Left 5)
-- Number 5.0
-- >>> toJSONVia (eitherCodec (codec :: JSONCodec Int) (codec :: JSONCodec String)) (Right "hello")
-- >>> toJSONVia (disjointEitherCodec (codec :: JSONCodec Int) (codec :: JSONCodec String)) (Right "hello")
-- String "hello"
eitherCodec ::
disjointEitherCodec ::
-- |
Codec context input1 output1 ->
-- |
Codec context input2 output2 ->
-- |
Codec context (Either input1 input2) (Either output1 output2)
eitherCodec = EitherCodec
disjointEitherCodec = EitherCodec DisjointUnion
-- | Map a codec's input and output types.