mirror of
synced 2024-12-02 09:52:01 +03:00
simplified yaml schema creation
This commit is contained in:
@ -33,8 +33,6 @@ library
, autodocodec-aeson
, base >=4.7 && <5
, bytestring
, containers
, mtl
, safe-coloured-text
, text
, yaml
@ -17,8 +17,6 @@ library:
- autodocodec
- autodocodec-aeson
- bytestring
- containers
- mtl
- safe-coloured-text
- text
- yaml
@ -8,11 +8,8 @@ module Autodocodec.Yaml.Document where
import Autodocodec
import Autodocodec.Aeson
import Control.Monad.State
import Data.ByteString (ByteString)
import Data.List.NonEmpty (NonEmpty (..))
import Data.Set (Set)
import qualified Data.Set as S
import Data.Text (Text)
import qualified Data.Text as T
import qualified Data.Text.Encoding as TE
@ -39,7 +36,7 @@ schemaChunksVia :: ValueCodec input output -> [Chunk]
schemaChunksVia = jsonSchemaChunks . jsonSchemaVia
jsonSchemaChunks :: JSONSchema -> [Chunk]
jsonSchemaChunks = concatMap (\l -> l ++ ["\n"]) . (`evalState` S.empty) . go
jsonSchemaChunks = concatMap (\l -> l ++ ["\n"]) . go
indent :: [[Chunk]] -> [[Chunk]]
indent = map (" " :)
@ -49,16 +46,16 @@ jsonSchemaChunks = concatMap (\l -> l ++ ["\n"]) . (`evalState` S.empty) . go
[] -> [cs] -- Shouldn't happen, but fine if it doesn't
(l : ls) -> (cs ++ l) : indent ls
go :: JSONSchema -> State (Set Text) [[Chunk]]
go :: JSONSchema -> [[Chunk]]
go = \case
AnySchema -> pure [[fore yellow "<any>"]]
NullSchema -> pure [[fore yellow "null"]]
BoolSchema -> pure [[fore yellow "<boolean>"]]
StringSchema -> pure [[fore yellow "<string>"]]
NumberSchema -> pure [[fore yellow "<number>"]]
AnySchema -> [[fore yellow "<any>"]]
NullSchema -> [[fore yellow "null"]]
BoolSchema -> [[fore yellow "<boolean>"]]
StringSchema -> [[fore yellow "<string>"]]
NumberSchema -> [[fore yellow "<number>"]]
ArraySchema s ->
let addListMarker = addInFrontOfFirstInList ["- "]
in addListMarker <$> go s
in addListMarker $ go s
ObjectSchema s ->
let requirementComment = \case
Required -> fore red "required"
@ -66,34 +63,31 @@ jsonSchemaChunks = concatMap (\l -> l ++ ["\n"]) . (`evalState` S.empty) . go
mDefaultValue = \case
Required -> Nothing
Optional mdv -> fst <$> mdv
keySchemaFor k (kr, ks, mdoc) = do
keySchemaChunks <- go ks
let docToLines :: Text -> [[Chunk]]
keySchemaFor k (kr, ks, mdoc) =
let keySchemaChunks = go ks
docToLines :: Text -> [[Chunk]]
docToLines doc = map (\line -> [chunk "# ", chunk line]) (T.lines doc)
defaultValueLine = case mDefaultValue kr of
Nothing -> []
Just defaultValue -> [[chunk "# default: ", fore magenta $ chunk defaultValue]]
let prefixLines = ["# ", requirementComment kr] : defaultValueLine ++ maybe [] docToLines mdoc
pure $ addInFrontOfFirstInList [fore white $ chunk k, ":", " "] (prefixLines ++ keySchemaChunks)
prefixLines = ["# ", requirementComment kr] : defaultValueLine ++ maybe [] docToLines mdoc
in addInFrontOfFirstInList [fore white $ chunk k, ":", " "] (prefixLines ++ keySchemaChunks)
in if null s
then pure [["<object>"]]
else concat <$> mapM (uncurry keySchemaFor) s
ValueSchema v -> pure [[chunk $ T.strip $ TE.decodeUtf8With TE.lenientDecode (Yaml.encode v)]]
then [["<object>"]]
else concatMap (uncurry keySchemaFor) s
ValueSchema v -> [[chunk $ T.strip $ TE.decodeUtf8With TE.lenientDecode (Yaml.encode v)]]
ChoiceSchema s ->
let addListAround = \case
s_ :| [] -> do
chunks <- go s_
pure $ addInFrontOfFirstInList ["[ "] chunks ++ [["]"]]
(s_ :| rest) -> do
chunks <- go s_
restChunks <- mapM go rest
pure $
concat $
addInFrontOfFirstInList ["[ "] chunks :
map (addInFrontOfFirstInList [", "]) restChunks
++ [[["]"]]]
s_ :| [] -> addInFrontOfFirstInList ["[ "] (go s_) ++ [["]"]]
(s_ :| rest) ->
let chunks = go s_
restChunks = map go rest
in concat $
addInFrontOfFirstInList ["[ "] chunks :
map (addInFrontOfFirstInList [", "]) restChunks
++ [[["]"]]]
in addListAround s
DefaultSchema shownValue _ s -> ([chunk "# default: ", fore magenta $ chunk shownValue] :) <$> go s
CommentSchema comment s -> ([chunk $ "# " <> comment] :) <$> go s
RefSchema name -> pure [[fore cyan $ chunk $ "ref: " <> name]]
WithDefSchema name s -> ([fore cyan $ chunk $ "def: " <> name] :) <$> go s
DefaultSchema shownValue _ s -> [chunk "# default: ", fore magenta $ chunk shownValue] : go s
CommentSchema comment s -> [chunk $ "# " <> comment] : go s
RefSchema name -> [[fore cyan $ chunk $ "ref: " <> name]]
WithDefSchema name s -> [fore cyan $ chunk $ "def: " <> name] : go s
Reference in New Issue
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