mirror of
synced 2025-01-07 10:56:34 +03:00
simplified the way default values work
This commit is contained in:
@ -52,9 +52,6 @@ data JSONSchema
ObjectSchema ![(Text, (KeyRequirement, JSONSchema, Maybe Text))]
| ValueSchema !JSON.Value
| ChoiceSchema !(NonEmpty JSONSchema)
| DefaultSchema
!JSON.Value -- Machine-readible version of the default value
| CommentSchema !Text !JSONSchema
| RefSchema !Text
| WithDefSchema !(Map Text JSONSchema) !JSONSchema
@ -99,7 +96,6 @@ validateAccordingTo val schema = (`evalState` M.empty) $ go val schema
_ -> pure False
ValueSchema v -> pure $ v == value
ChoiceSchema ss -> or <$> mapM (go value) ss
DefaultSchema _ s -> go value s
CommentSchema _ s -> go value s
RefSchema name -> do
mSchema <- gets (M.lookup name)
@ -128,7 +124,7 @@ instance Validity JSONSchema where
data KeyRequirement
= Required
| Optional (Maybe (Text, JSON.Value)) -- Default value, human readable and machine readible
| Optional (Maybe JSON.Value) -- Default value
deriving (Show, Eq, Generic)
instance Validity KeyRequirement
@ -179,7 +175,6 @@ instance ToJSON JSONSchema where
val :: JSON.Value
val = (JSON.toJSON :: [JSON.Value] -> JSON.Value) svals
in [("anyOf", val)]
DefaultSchema value s -> ("default", value) : go s
CommentSchema comment s -> ("$comment" JSON..= comment) : go s
RefSchema name -> ["$ref" JSON..= (defsPrefix <> name :: Text)]
WithDefSchema defs s -> ("$defs" JSON..= defs) : go s
@ -189,11 +184,9 @@ instance FromJSON JSONSchema where
mt <- o JSON..:? "type"
mc <- o JSON..:? "$comment"
let commentFunc = maybe id CommentSchema mc
let mDefault = HM.lookup "default" o
let defaultFunc = maybe id DefaultSchema mDefault
mdefs <- o JSON..:? "$defs"
let defsFunc = maybe id WithDefSchema mdefs
fmap (commentFunc . defaultFunc . defsFunc) $ case mt :: Maybe Text of
fmap (commentFunc . defsFunc) $ case mt :: Maybe Text of
Just "null" -> pure NullSchema
Just "boolean" -> pure BoolSchema
Just "string" -> pure StringSchema
@ -293,9 +286,9 @@ jsonSchemaVia = (`evalState` S.empty) . go
OptionalKeyCodec k c mdoc -> do
s <- go c
pure [(k, (Optional Nothing, s, mdoc))]
OptionalKeyWithDefaultCodec k c hr mr mdoc -> do
OptionalKeyWithDefaultCodec k c mr mdoc -> do
s <- go c
pure [(k, (Optional (Just (hr, toJSONVia c mr)), s, mdoc))]
pure [(k, (Optional (Just (toJSONVia c mr)), s, mdoc))]
MapCodec _ _ c -> goObject c
PureCodec _ -> pure []
ApCodec oc1 oc2 -> liftA2 (++) (goObject oc1) (goObject oc2)
@ -74,7 +74,7 @@ parseContextVia = flip go
OptionalKeyCodec k c _ -> do
let mValueAtKey = HM.lookup k (value :: JSON.Object)
forM mValueAtKey $ \valueAtKey -> go (valueAtKey :: JSON.Value) c
OptionalKeyWithDefaultCodec k c _ defaultValue _ -> do
OptionalKeyWithDefaultCodec k c defaultValue _ -> do
let mValueAtKey = HM.lookup k (value :: JSON.Object)
case mValueAtKey of
Nothing -> pure defaultValue
@ -49,6 +49,6 @@ toContextVia = flip go
OptionalKeyCodec k c _ -> case (a :: Maybe _) of
Nothing -> mempty
Just b -> k JSON..= go b c
OptionalKeyWithDefaultCodec k c _ _ mdoc -> go (Just a) (OptionalKeyCodec k c mdoc)
OptionalKeyWithDefaultCodec k c _ mdoc -> go (Just a) (OptionalKeyCodec k c mdoc)
PureCodec _ -> error "Cannot toJSON a pure object codec."
ApCodec oc1 oc2 -> go a oc1 <> go a oc2
@ -85,9 +85,6 @@ instance GenValid JSONSchema where
ChoiceSchema ss -> case ss of
s :| [] -> [s]
_ -> ChoiceSchema <$> shrinkValid ss
DefaultSchema mr s -> (s :) $ do
(mr', s') <- shrinkValid (mr, s)
pure $ DefaultSchema mr' s'
CommentSchema k s -> (s :) $ do
(k', s') <- shrinkValid (k, s)
pure $ CommentSchema k' s'
@ -111,9 +108,6 @@ instance GenValid JSONSchema where
pure $
ChoiceSchema $
choice1 :| (choice2 : rest),
(a, b) <- genSplit (n -1)
DefaultSchema <$> resize a genValid <*> resize b genValid,
(a, b) <- genSplit (n -1)
(CommentSchema <$> resize a genValid <*> resize b genValid) `suchThat` isValid,
@ -19,7 +19,7 @@
, [33m<string>[m
[37moptional-with-default[m: # [34moptional[m
# default: [35m"foobar"[m
# default: [35mfoobar[m
# an optional text with a default
[37mfruit[m: # [31mrequired[m
@ -65,14 +65,14 @@ jsonSchemaChunks = concatMap (\l -> l ++ ["\n"]) . go
Optional _ -> fore blue "optional"
mDefaultValue = \case
Required -> Nothing
Optional mdv -> fst <$> mdv
Optional mdv -> mdv
keySchemaFor k (kr, ks, mdoc) =
let keySchemaChunks = go ks
docToLines :: Text -> [[Chunk]]
docToLines doc = map (\line -> [chunk "# ", chunk line]) (T.lines doc)
defaultValueLine = case mDefaultValue kr of
Nothing -> []
Just defaultValue -> [[chunk "# default: ", fore magenta $ chunk defaultValue]]
Just defaultValue -> [[chunk "# default: ", fore magenta $ jsonValueChunk defaultValue]]
prefixLines = ["# ", requirementComment kr] : defaultValueLine ++ maybe [] docToLines mdoc
in addInFrontOfFirstInList [fore white $ chunk k, ":", " "] (prefixLines ++ keySchemaChunks)
in if null s
@ -90,7 +90,6 @@ jsonSchemaChunks = concatMap (\l -> l ++ ["\n"]) . go
map (addInFrontOfFirstInList [", "]) restChunks
++ [[["]"]]]
in addListAround s
DefaultSchema v s -> [chunk "# default: ", fore magenta $ jsonValueChunk v] : go s
CommentSchema comment s -> [chunk $ "# " <> comment] : go s
RefSchema name -> [[fore cyan $ chunk $ "ref: " <> name]]
WithDefSchema defs s -> concatMap (\(name, s') -> [fore cyan $ chunk $ "def: " <> name] : go s') (M.toList defs) ++ go s
@ -161,8 +161,6 @@ data Codec context input output where
Text ->
-- | Codec for the value
ValueCodec value value ->
-- | Human-readible version of the default value
Text ->
-- | Default value
value ->
-- | Documentation
@ -245,7 +243,7 @@ showCodecABit = ($ "") . (`evalState` S.empty) . go 0
pure $ showParen (d > 10) $ showString "ReferenceCodec " . showsPrec d name . showString " " . s
RequiredKeyCodec k c mdoc -> (\s -> showParen (d > 10) $ showString "RequiredKeyCodec " . showsPrec d k . showString " " . showsPrec d mdoc . showString " " . s) <$> go 11 c
OptionalKeyCodec k c mdoc -> (\s -> showParen (d > 10) $ showString "OptionalKeyCodec " . showsPrec d k . showString " " . showsPrec d mdoc . showString " " . s) <$> go 11 c
OptionalKeyWithDefaultCodec k c shownDefault _ mdoc -> (\s -> showParen (d > 10) $ showString "OptionalKeyWithDefaultCodec " . showsPrec d k . showString " " . s . showString " " . showsPrec d shownDefault . showString " " . showsPrec d mdoc) <$> go 11 c
OptionalKeyWithDefaultCodec k c _ mdoc -> (\s -> showParen (d > 10) $ showString "OptionalKeyWithDefaultCodec " . showsPrec d k . showString " " . s . showString " " . showsPrec d mdoc) <$> go 11 c
PureCodec _ -> pure $ showString "PureCodec"
ApCodec oc1 oc2 -> (\s1 s2 -> showParen (d > 10) $ showString "ApCodec " . s1 . showString " " . s2) <$> go 11 oc1 <*> go 11 oc2
@ -464,7 +462,6 @@ optionalFieldWith' key c = OptionalKeyCodec key c Nothing
-- The shown version of the default value will appear in the documentation.
optionalFieldWithDefaultWith ::
Show output =>
-- | Key
Text ->
-- | Codec for the value
@ -474,11 +471,10 @@ optionalFieldWithDefaultWith ::
-- | Documentation
Text ->
ObjectCodec output output
optionalFieldWithDefaultWith key c defaultValue doc = OptionalKeyWithDefaultCodec key c (T.pack (show defaultValue)) defaultValue (Just doc)
optionalFieldWithDefaultWith key c defaultValue doc = OptionalKeyWithDefaultCodec key c defaultValue (Just doc)
-- | Like 'optionalFieldWithDefaultWith', but without documentation.
optionalFieldWithDefaultWith' ::
Show output =>
-- | Key
Text ->
-- | Codec for the value
@ -486,7 +482,7 @@ optionalFieldWithDefaultWith' ::
-- | Default value
output ->
ObjectCodec output output
optionalFieldWithDefaultWith' key c defaultValue = OptionalKeyWithDefaultCodec key c (T.pack (show defaultValue)) defaultValue Nothing
optionalFieldWithDefaultWith' key c defaultValue = OptionalKeyWithDefaultCodec key c defaultValue Nothing
-- | An optional, or null, field
Reference in New Issue
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